2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson35-36教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson35-36教案 人教新起点2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson35-36教案 人教新起点Lesson 35教学目标:1.情感目标:(1)能够通过观察、比较活动,提高学生敏锐的观察力。 (2)积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,逐步培养良好的语言表达能力和创新的精神。2.知识目标:能够读懂理解故事。3.3. 能力目标:能够通过故事的学习,提高朗读、理解的能力和积极参与故事教学重点:配图故事的阅读理解。教学难点:初步复述表演故事。教具准备:挂图 录音机教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. the words in Unit 6.Look at the picture. What can you see in the pictures?Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Does Bill can answer the questions?Listen to the tape again. Teach the new words.Read the text by themselves. Then ask them to do the exercise.Can you help Bill?Act out the story.Read and spell: serve, cut, wok, oil, put, wash, stir-fry, crack, bowl, pepperS1: I can see a teacher and a student Bill.Listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions.Listen to the tape again. And look for the new words. Listen to the teacher. Learn to say the new words.Read the text. And use word box fill in the blank.Discuss with them partner.Act out the story.Lesson 36教学目标:1.情感目标:(1)能够通过观察、比较活动,提高学生敏锐的观察力。 (2)积极运用所学知识进行表达和交流,逐步培养良好的语言表达能力。2.2. 知识目标:对本单元所学的生词和主句型进行综合全面的复习、检测。3.3. 能力目标:能够运用所学的词汇和句型,向他人简单介绍菜肴的过程。教学重点:对本单元所学的生词和主句型进行综合全面的复习、检测。教学难点:A项听力活动。教具准备:卡片 录音机 磁带教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. out some cards. Ask them to read and spell these words in Unit 6.Do the actions and ask them what it is?Look at this three passages.Read the sentences one by one.Listen to the tape. Do the exercise.Read the text again.Play a guessing game.What are they going to make?Look at the picture and ask them circle the correct pictures.Writer some sentences.Read and spell these words in Unit 6.Look at the teacher and say out the words.Read the sentences one by one.Listen, read and number.Read the text and do the exercise.Play a game.They are going to makeLook at the picture and circle the correct pictures. Writer some sentences.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 lesson36教案 人教新起点一、教学目标: 1、对本单元所学生词和主要句型进行全面的复习检测。 2、听懂并复述有关描绘烹饪过程的功能句。二、教学重点: 本单元生词和主句型的综合运用。三、教学难点: 本课A项的听力活动。四、教学过程: 1. Review all the new word and sentences in this Unit. 2. Part A Listen, read and number I. Read the three short passages first and get the main ideas. II. Listen to the tap carefully and number the three recipes. Then listen again to check your answer. III. Group work Each group can choose a recipe from the three. And each member of the group can remember one of the steps. Then, lets make our dish together. (Speak out their steps in order.) 3. Part B Guessing game I. One student can choose a dish secretly from Part B. II. Guess what the dish is, by asking him some questions to gain the main information. Such questions as: What do you need to make your dish? Do you need meat (rice, cucumber, tomatoes)? How do you make it? Boil? Stir-fry? 4. Part C Read and circle I. Think about the question: “What do you need to make stir-fried chicken and vegetables?” Then circle the pictures.II. Read the passage and check your answer. 5. Part D Writing practiceI. Answer the following three questions: Whats your favorite dish? What do you need to make it? How do you make it? Describe the process of cooking.II. Write down the contents while you describe. 6. Homework五、课后小结:

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