2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版(一起)Teaching Aims:New words: his her bag coatExpression: This is -. That is -.Able to use “this” and “that” correctly.Teaching Importance: New words, expression and text.Teaching Difficulty:区别运用this that.Teaching Aids: tape radio cardsTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Warmup:a. Greeting b. (cards) Revision: birdThis is my bird. treeThis is my tree. hatThis is my hat.(板书This is my)Step 2 Presentations:1. (Card) T: Look, whats this? -教bag: a. T带读 b.开火车读 c.书板书 d.指板书练This is my bag.(card)T: And look, whats this?教coat: a. T带读 b. T读大声, Ss读小声, T读小声, Ss读大声练读. c.书板书. d.指板书练This is my coat.2.指板书巩固:a. T读单词bag coat, Ss将句子说完: This is my bagcoat. b. T: Now, practise in pairs. (同桌拿自己的实物互练:This is my-.)3.T指名起来展示练习结果,S1:This is my-. T: Oh, this is her/his -. 教 her his : a. T 带读 b.2个接2个开火车. c. T强调her 指女性的她的, his 指男性的他的, 同时板书sheher hehisd.指板书练This is her/his coat/bag.4.(T指一生书包):That is her bag. (板书That)刚才老师为什么用that而不用this呢? 复习:this这指较近的东西,that那指较远的东西. T说句子汉语,指名说英语句子,其余学生跟说.Step 3 Text1.听录音,跟读. 2.听录音,跟读,并指名翻译. 3.跟老师读. 4.跟小老师读.Homework: 1.抄her his coat bag 各2遍 2.听读背11页2题课文.第二课时Teaching Aims:New words: their clown复习This/That is her/his -.熟练准确运用 this 和 that 做简单的介绍。进一步培养孩子们对英语的兴趣。Teaching Importance: New words and textTeaching Difficulty:能熟读课文.Teaching Aids: tape radio cardsTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Warm-up:Greeting Revision: her his coat bagThis/That is her/his coat/bag.Game:老师在课前收集几个学生的书包,请一名学生上台分发这些书包,同时运用上: This is her/his bag.Step 2 Presentations:1.(等学生找到书包的主人后)T: Oh, their school bags are beautiful.教their: A.教读、拼读。 B.横排开一列火车,竖排两列(两个接两个)C.分组拼写,在一起背着拼写,老师板书。强调their表示他们的, 因此后面的名词要用复数.T: Yesterday, I watched a programmer about a clown. (card)教clown: a. T带读.b.开大火车一人读升调,一人读降调 c.分组读,一组读升调,一组读降调.Step 3: Texta.听录音,跟读. b.跟老师读。 c.请小老师带读,读一句,指名翻译一句。 d.分角色朗读.Homework:听读背第10页课文.附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版(一起)TitleNSE Book 2 Module 3 Unit1Aims感知认识bag、coat、nurse、dress、driver、bus等单词。能够运用his、her、their来谈论物品的所属关系。能简单的运用英语表示物品的所属关系。Focus his与her的区分与运用。 谈论物品的所属关系。Aids录音机,单词卡片TeachingProgressTeachers Activity一、Warming up and revision二、Leading inTeaching the students that we use the possessive adjective hiswhen we are referring to an object that belongs to a male.三、Listening and reading1. Play the tape.2. Replay3. Replay4. Write the words“his、her、their”on the board and give some examples.5.Show the pictures of nurse、driver、bus、dress四、Further Activities(part3)Move around the class,pick up objects and sayThis is her school bagor This is his bookand so on.五、HomeworkDo the activity book in page 11.Students ActivitySing a song.Listen to the teacherListen to the tape.Open their books,listen and point。Girls listen and point,boys check the answer. Then change.Say the sentences in pare 2 or more.5. Read the pictures loudlyPractice the sentences in pairs.Re-preparationFeedBack


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