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2019-2020年一年级英语下学期期终复习卷一、 看中文,说单词滑滑梯 秋千 气球 球 自行车 洋娃娃 芋艿 月饼 叶子 蛋糕 豆 月亮 二、 朗读下列单词swing silde ball bicycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moon balloon 三、朗读下列句子,对话a) Go to the silde.b) Pick up the doll.c) He has got a ball.d) She has got a doll.e) What has he got?f) What has she got?g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.i) -Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?-I have got a ball. It is red.-Lets play togther.-All right.备注:请保存试卷,贴在书目录上。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语专项练习一、根据图片或单词,在字母框内圈出正确的内容 10%1bagbegfatg2smingsingl3ffefathern4sthinthann5thortshort二、根据所给的图片,圈出正确的单词 30 %1nosemouth2noseear3rulerrubber4bookpencil5eareye6pencilrubber7morningafternoon8rulerbag9eyeear10bookpencil三、圈出意义上不属于同一类的词 30%1) rubberpencilface2) morningmouthafternoon3) ear ruler nose4) book eye pencil5) Kitty Alice Eddie6) dancereadbook7) fat sing tall8) mother father mouth9) draw short thin10)grandfather grandmother Eddie四、根据数字,圈出图片的数量 15%1six 2eight3four4seven5three五、根据图片内容,勾出正确的句子 16%1( )What can you do? I can draw.( )What can she do? She can dance.2( )Whos she? Shes my grandmother.( )Whos she? Shes my mother.3( )This is my friend. Shes thin.( )This is my friend. Hes fat.4( )Tall girl, Short girl, I can see.( )Tall boy, Short boy, I can see.5( )I can draw a flower.( )I can draw flowers.6( )How many books? One.( )How many pencils? One.7( )I can see three rabbits.( )I can see two rubbers.8( )Four rulers.( )Five rulers.

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