2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 8(5)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 8(5)教案 苏教牛津版教 学内 容3B Unit 8 Im hungry 共 几 课 时4课 型新 授第 几 课 时1教 学目 标知识与能力1.能熟练运用日常交际用语Im hungry. What would you like? A hot dog? Sounds good.2.能听懂,会说表示食物的单词some bread, a sandwich , some rice, a pie ,a bar of chocolate.过程与方法采用合作交流的形式,以小组为单位展开交流。运用语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。情感与态度使得学生学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教 学重 难点 能熟练运用日常交际用语Im hungry. What would you like? A hot dog? Sounds good.教学难点: 学生对于some 的正确理解和运用。教 学资 源磁带及录音机 准备与本课有关的食物和饮料极其相关图片。预 习设 计预习第八单元单词:a hot dog a sandwich a pie some rice a bar of chocolate 听读10遍,能基本读出预习第八单元课文:图一、二的对话,了解句意:Im hungry. What would you like ? Sounds good . 学程预设导学策略调整反思A. 复习导入(5分钟)S: OK. But how?T: By bus.S: Lets go.S: Its a cake.S: Apples/orangesSs: Hello, Miss Guo.Ss: Great! But how?Ss: Ok, lets go.(Act)S1: Yes, please.S2:No,thank you.S: Yes, please.4、Ask students to work in pairs like this.B.作探究 (20分钟 )S: An egg?S: Here you are.Repeat this with several students.2 Ask students to work in pairs like this:A: Id like a B: Here you are.A: Thank you. S: Id like a S: Thank you. S: Yes. S: Id like a5.sk students to make a dialogue like this: S1: Im hungry. S2: What would you like? S1: Id like a S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you.S:巧克力。S: Yes.make a dialogue S: Yes, please.Sounds good.8.sk students to make a dialogue like this.A: Im hungry. What would you like? Some rice?B: Sounds good.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.C.融会贯通 (10分钟)1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2.Do a model with S1. (Provide two situations :at home/at the supermarket) T: S1, Lets go to the supermarket. S1: All right. (May I e in?)(e in, please.) Im hungry. What would you like? A hot dog?Sounds good. Here you are.Thank you.3.Ask students to work in pairs like this.D.检测反思(3分钟)补充单词:h_t d_g _s_ndw_ch _p_ _ _some r_ce _ch_col_te _1.出示一张超市的投影T: Lets go to the supermarket.2.投影逐个显示超市中各种各样的食物和水果T: Look ,whats that? T: Whats in the bag?3、师生对话T: Hello, Ss.T: Shall we go to the supermarket?T: By bus.T: A hamburger?(to S1)T: An egg? (to S2)T:A glass of juice?T: No, Id like a hamburger.T: Thank you.出示:Id like 并教学3 T: What would you like?T: Here you are.出示:What would you like?并教学4 T: (to S1)Im hungry. (acting)Id like a hamburger.Are you hungry?T: What would you like?出示:hungry Im hungry. 并教学6、T: Id like a hot dog.(Point to it.) Show a hot dog to the students. hot dogT: (Let S1 to taste it) Guess, whats this?T: Do you like it?同样的方法教学pie, sandwich并板书7 T: (to S1) What would you like? A pie?T: Sounds good.板书:rice Show some rice. 教学“some rice”并板书。Listen to the tape and read after the tape.先独立完成,再集体校对读单词附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 8(6)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容3BUnit8 Im hungry共 几 课 时4课 型新 授第 几 课 时2教学目标知识与能力1.能熟练运用日常交际用语Im thirsty. What about? 2.能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks过程与方法采用合作交流的形式和对方进行交流。利用小组合作的形式展开对话。情感与态度通过本课学习培养学生与人交往,合作精神。教学重难点教学重点:能熟练运用日常交际用语Im thirsty. What about? 能听懂,会说表示单词a carton of milk soft drinks教学难点:学生对于soft drinks的正确理解和运用。教学资源1.磁带及录音机。2.准备与本课有关的食物和饮料极其相关图片。3.让学生各自带杯子。预习设计预习第八单元单词:a carton of milk soft drinks 听读录音,能基本读出预习第八单元课文,了解句意: Im thirsty. What about? 学程预设导学策略调整反思A.复习导入(4分钟)S: Great.S: Id like a hot dog.S: Thank you.(Work in pairs.)B.合作探究(20分钟)如学生回答Yes 老师就往学生的杯子里倒些橘子汁。S: Id like a glass of juice.S: Thank you.(work in pairs)2S: Im thirsty.S1: Yes, please.S1: No, Id like aWork in pairs like this.S1: What about?S2: Yes./No. Id like(当学生要喝什么时教师就倒些给学生)S1: No.S: Yes, Id like a soft drink.4 Make a dialogue like this. S: Great.S: What about some juice?S: Here you are. Work in pairsC.融会贯通(10分钟)a 师生谈论图片b 听录音,跟读课文两遍 c 分角色朗读d 编对话,并进行表演师生先做示范T: Lets go to the supermarket. S: Great.T: Im hungry.S: What about a sandwich? T: Sounds good.S: Here you are.T: Thank you.S: Im thirsty.T: What would you like? A glass of juice?T: Id like a soft drink.(Work in groups)D.检测反思(5分钟)完成补充习题相应练习。T: Lets go to the supermarket.T:Im hungry.What would you like?T: Here you are. (教师吃下热狗做出很渴的表情)T:Im thirsty(喝些水)Im OK now. Are you thirsty? A glass of juice?板书:thirstyIm thirsty. 用表情和动作辅助教学。T:Im thirsty. What would you like?T: Here you are.T: S1, what about a glass of juice?T: What about a cup of tea?板书:What about? 并教学how them a soft drink.T(让一学生尝) Is this orange juice?T: This is a soft drink.板书:a soft drink.教学(向学生说明soft drink是指不含酒精的饮料。)T: Do you like a soft drink?T: Lets go to the supermarket.T: Im thirsty.T: No, Id like a soft drink.T: Thank you.Play a game.Show the picture of Page 48同法教学a carton of milk 教师任意指出图中的饮料和食物,让学生看图说出英文单词。看哪个学生反应最快,给予奖励。出示挂图:A 部分3、4副图先独立完成,再集体校对F.业布置(1分钟)抄写cake hot dog pie ,每个3遍,中文一遍,默写一遍熟读图三,图四对话,并背出自编一个小对话

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