2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 6(1)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 6(1)教案 闽教版一、教学目的与要求:1.词汇:medicine2.句型:You must stay in bed. You must drink a lot of water.3.功能:描述生病时应注意的事项。4.情感:学会爱惜自己的身体。二、教具准备:1.单词卡片 headache toothache fever cold medicine2.词组卡片 stay in bed go to school drink a lot of water have a fever some medicine3.录音机,磁带三、教学步骤和方法建议:(一)Lead-in Greetingsing a song:An apple 歌曲所蕴含的意义是教育学生要爱惜自己的身体。多吃健康食品。生病的时候必须及时 go to see a doctor(二)揭示课题Review 卡片复习:headache toothache fever cold 游戏:一呼一应每组两学生,教师出示卡片 cold toothache headache fever 单词卡片中的一张,请全班同学看卡片造句,如:you have a cold.台上同学必须马上做出相应的动作,并读出句子。(三)Presentation and practice1.情景表演教师扮演医生T:Whats wrong with you?S: I have a T: Open your mouth you and say, Ah.(如果学生不明白,教师可以用手势和动作帮助学生明白并表演出来)S: AhT: You cant go to school. You must stay in bed. Ill give you some medicine.2.教授句子You must stay in bed/drink a lot of water.Ill give you some medicine.出示卡片 stay in bed drink a lot of water 等,操练熟悉后,请学生用must 造句。如: You must stay in bed. You must drink a lot of water. You must have a lot of fruit. You must have a lot of vegetables. You must have some medicine. 3.课文教学Listen to the tape and then answer the questions Q: Whats wrong with Ben? Can he go to school? Will he go to hospital? Who will take him to hospital?T: Bens mother took him to hospital. Lets find out what hospital in the hospital.(四)Consolidation完成课本第26页中的Look and say.再次播放录音,学生跟读。(五)Homework1.完成课本第28页的自我评价。2.完成练习册3.续写片段:Kate has cold. She附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 6教案 闽教版Lesson 6I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly:medicineTo demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:You must stay in bed.You must drink a lot of water.II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cardsIII.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewGreeting and sing a song “ An Apple”Review some words: headache, toothache, fever, cold.Step 2 Learn to sayMedicine-some medicine:Ill give you some medicine.You must have some medicine.You must stay in bed/drink a lot of water.Make some sentences: You must have a lot of fruit/ vegetables.Step 3 Practice Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher Divide the Ss into two groups to act out the two dialogs Ask two Ss to act out the dialogs for some times .According to the dialog, answer questions:Whats wrong with Ben? Can he go to school?Will he go to hospital? Who will take him to hospital?Step 4 Look and say Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point to the pictures.Listen to the tape again & repeat.Step 5 Listen and circle the right answer.Learn to write on Page28.Step 6 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of this Lesson .

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