2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 4教案 广州版Free talk 引入课题。如询问What day is it today? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today? 我把答案按日记的格式写在黑班上。并提醒学生这是英语日记的格式,和汉语格式一样。然后接着问 Whats the date of Womens Day? Whats the date of Chinese Tree Planting Day?再引入课题。我让学生自学书第84页Unit 4 的9个单词,然后检查。检查方式:1.每组叫一个学生读一个单词,读对后领读该单词两次。2.每组叫一个同学领读所有的单词,每个读两次。3.我讲解每个 单词根据发音记单词的方法。4.抽查孩子记忆单词的效果。(笔头听写或口头听写)然后要学生讲述植树的步骤。他们用汉语讲,我用英语解释。把植树的四个步骤写在黑板上。1.dig holes2.put the young trees into the holes3.fill the holes with earth4.water the trees用各种方法让学生记住上面几个步骤,(图片,连线,一次擦一个,要求逐一背下来)并抽背,每组一人。让学生不看书说用英语出种树的步骤。(每组一人)打开课本,读书,划重点短语和句子。我边领读,边讲解背诵的技巧。学生领读。(4个人)第二课时(重组教材,巩固植树的步骤)1.复习植树的步骤和上课时学得新单词。2.练习:书第17页给种树的步骤编号。3.读书第20页,Fun with language 第二部分的文章,并根据文章的描述在方框内画图和写句子(关于种果树的步骤和果树的生长的文章)。4.完成拓展读与写第14页的阅读。关于日记的文章5.成绩优秀的孩子背Unit 4, 或者第二十页的文章。第三课时。(重组教材,拓展怎样种其它植物和写观察日记)1.复习种树的步骤.2.听写种树的步骤.3.自己学习Unit 4第85页的其它单词,并抽查,象第一课时学单词一样。4.看图片,并粘贴图片。完成书第19页第一部分的内容。并熟读这些短语。5.我们描述种向日葵的步骤。提示,先要发芽。鼓励学生用英语描述出来;接着把发了牙的种子种在花盆里,再每天浇水。6.练习第四个步骤,学着写观察日记。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 5(1)教案 广州版一、学生分析六年级的学生对英文学习具有一定的听说.阅读.表达能力及自学能力,而且通过平常的课堂操练,能较好地与同学进行合作性学习。在Unit 4中,学生已经学习了如何用过去时写日记,了解种树的各种步骤。对Unit 5 Saving the Broken Tree已有初步了解.二、教学内容分析Unit 5 Saving the Broken Tree该课时是Unit 5的第一课时。在Unit 4中,学生已经学习了如何用过去时写日记,了解种树的各种步骤。本课生词量不大,拼读较易,所以对学生学习难度不大,本课中,可通过创设情景.阅读及自学等活动,便能让学生继续学习如何熟练地运用过去时来记录已发生的事情。三、教学目标:1.知识目标:四会单词 :by, sad, try, save 三会单词: crash into, broken能基本掌握本课新出现的动词过去式,并能运用于日常交际中。继续掌握种树的步骤。2.语言技能目标: 达成目标:1)能掌握课文生词及短语2) 能记住重点句子的意思及结构: I waswhen I saw. Lets try to save .发展目标:1) 能看图说出本课发生的故事.2) 能口头续写课文. 3.情感态度:乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极主动地参加老师所组织的课堂活动。 增强环保意识。 4.学习策略:通过自学,小组合作学习,共同完成学习任务。 四、教学策略1)Unit 5 单词较少,知识较易,因此可利用自学的形式完成,通过自学课文提高学生自学能力.2)在教学中抓住本课动作性较强的特点,配以图片及活动来教学可帮助学生加深对课文的记忆。3)通过讲故事的方式培养学生的自信心,表达能力及创造力。 unit 5是在此基础上继续学习以日记的形式的文章,巩固DIARY的知识,并渗透环保教育。五、教学重、难点重点:单词.短语的学习。难点:理解并记住以下句子: I waswhen I saw.Lets try to save 六、教学媒体:图片七、教学过程(一)Warming up(热身准备):1.唱歌: The tree in the park说明:通过唱英文歌曲,营造学习英语的氛围,使学生尽快进入学习状态。2.请一位同学读动词短语四大组同学比赛做动作. Dig a hole/Put the young tree into the hole/fill the hole with earth/carry water andwater the tree.说明: 让学生复习植树步骤的词组,为新课做准备.(二)Presentation and practice(呈现和操练):1.请同学们阅读课文,把动词短语与图进行配对.全班核对后, 在小组中边读词组边做动作. Planted a tree.Watered the tree.The car crashed into the tree.The tree was broken.Saved the tree.Planted the tree again. 说明:让学生初步了解课文主要内容.2. 请同学们再次阅读课文,小组讨论,把动词短语的序号填入表格,全班核对. (教师在黑板上完整板书)Last yearLast night February 11th 参教答案:Last yearLast night February 11th Planted a tree.Watered the tree.Car crashed into The tree was broken.Saved the tree.Planted the tree again.说明:让学生进一步了解课文主要内容.3. 请同学们第三次阅读课文,划出不理解的单词或句子,同学帮助解答并学习,教师补充.(如有提出下列问题,才加以适当的展开)1)单词by the road:把一辆红色纸车停放在黑板简图中不同的地点,让学生找出正确方位.2)单词crash into;broken;sad让学生用玩具车演示情景.让学生理解并跟读句子:crashed into. was broken.学生理解后,顺势表达自己的情感,引出sad及句子:T:I was sad when I saw this. (出示sad的表情图)Were you sad when you saw this?3)单词save和句子Lets try to save themT: Oh, the man was hurt. The doctor is ing. Lets try to save him.说明: 划出不理解的单词或句子,同学帮助解答,教师补充.让学生自己解决课文的重难点,提高学生的主动性.4.看课件,请同学根据故事,口头回答问题:1)What was the weather like yesterday? 2)What did the children do?3)What did they do every day?4)What did crash the tree last night?5)What did they want to do on Feb.11th?6) What did they do on Feb.11th?7)Were they happy when they saw the broken tree?说明:整体理解课文内容,检查学生是否真正理解课文.5. Read the dialogue Read after the tapeThe whole class read again. Read in group.6. 看表格或6幅连环图复述故事或表演故事.(注意: 1)时间顺序及故事发生顺序2)一般过去是动词的变化)说明:训练学生的表达和记忆能力7. What have you learned just now ?(小结所学的内容) 1)故事发生顺序-表格 2)单词记忆 crash into by sad try save broken 3)根据板书总结动词过去式ed的发音规则.8. How to write a diary ?(让学生归纳说)说明:归纳小结 (三)Development: 1. write an ending for the story and draw a picture. 先口头互相交流(小组讨论),然后请同学出来讲故事(可一人讲一句,接力讲,可完整讲,评出最好的故事结尾.)说明:培养学生的创造力.2.如能力较强的班,可让学生 阅读下列文章,提出问题. Save The EarthThis is the earth. The green part is land. The blue part is sea .The white part is clouds. Our earth is very beautiful and interesting. There are rivers , streams, seas, and lakes. There are hills and mountains. There are woods, jungles and forests.(森林) There are many countries and cities. Many people live in them. Do you think the earth is very wonderful?Many years ago, the earth was very clean. But now, there is much pollution(污染) on the earth. There is air pollution. Land pollution and water pollution. Water is very important for us. We cant live without water. There isnt much water on the earth. We must to save it. People are cutting down the forests, We must remember(记住) :“no tree means no living things.”Many wild animals, birds, and insects lose their homes. People are killing animals for their food and their skins. Its very cruel(残忍的). People are polluting the land, the water and the air .People must stop doing this. We must save the earth. 说明:增加与课文内容有关的课外知识,拓展思维,并培养环保意识.(四)布置作业:1.听录音, 熟读单词课文,记忆单词的拼写形式,能看图说出本课短语。 2.完成活动手册U5两篇阅读内容3. 选做: 看表格或图进行背诵. 板书(可二选一)1) Unit 5 Saving the Broken TreeSun. Feb.11th planted crashed try to save watered broken move grow grew cut down dig dug dig out put fulled watered单词 crash into by sad try save broken2) Unit 5 Saving the Broken TreeLast yearLast night February 11th Planted a tree.Watered the tree.Car crashed into The tree was broken.Saved the tree.Planted the tree again.单词 crash into by sad try save broken

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