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2019-2020年三年级英语上学期复习试卷一、圈出你所听到的单词。(10分)1、elephant ruler 6、monkey elephant2、pear peach 7、 cat zebra3、blue brown 8、mango apple4、rubber telephone 9、pencil box ball pen 5、pen pencil 10、tiger table二、听一听,在你所听到的句子前面的括号里打“”。(10分)1、()go to bed ( )go to school2、()This is Mr Green. ( )This is Mr Black.3、()Good morning. ( )Good afternoon.4、()get up ( )go home5、()Its orange. ( )This is an orange.三、连线。把中文句子与相应的英文句子连起来。(15分)这是我的父亲。 How are you?见到你很高兴。 Whats your name?起床。 This is my father.你好吗? Get up.你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you.四、根据情景,从第II栏中选出与第I栏相对应的答句,把序号写在题前的括号里。(15分) I II ( )How are you? 1、Nice to meet you, too.( )Whats your name? 2、Good morning.( )Good morning. 3、Not bad, thank you.( )Go to school now. 4、OK.( )Nice to meet you. 5、Im Yang Ling.五、根据情景选择相应的句子,将序号写在题前的括号里。(36分)( )1、开学了,老师叫刘涛在班级自我介绍,他应该说:A. Im Liu Tao. B. This is Liu Tao.( )2、你想问刘涛身体好不好,你应该说:A. How are you? B. Fine, thank you.( )3、夜深了,妈妈叫你去睡觉应该说: AGo to bed now. B. Go home now.( )4、询问别人的名字时,你说:AIm Helen. B. Whats your name?( )5、当你向别人介绍自己的父亲时,你说:A. This is my brother. B. This in my father.( )6、老师给你介绍一位新同学,你应该说: A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you.( )7、晚上临睡觉前,要对父母说:A. Good night. B. See you.( )8、你听到王斌身体不好的消息时应该说: AIm Li Ming. B. Im sorry.( )9、早上遇到老师,可以说: AGood morning. B. Good afternoon.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上学期期中测试题听力部分I. 听音,选择你听到的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. A. rock B. fork C. walk D. bike( ) 2. A. hard B. have C.hair D. hand( ) 3. A. fish B. ship C.ill D. his( ) 4. A. zoo B. bus C. drum D. jump( ) 5. A. cake B. lake C. make D. snakeII. 听音,选择你听到的句子。(每小题3分,共15分)( ) 1. A.Can I listen to CDs? B. Can I listen to music? C. Can I read my book? ( ) 2. A.It can fly. B. It can run. C. It can swim.( ) 3. A.We use a knife. B. We use a fork. C. We use chopsticks.( ) 4. A. She is making a cake. B. She is making a plane. C. She is making a kite.( ) 5. A.Can you run fast? B. Can you jump far? C. Can you swim fast? III. 听音,选择正确的单词写在横线上。(每小题1分,共5分) jump winner far friends puddleSam and Amy are good_. Amy can jump_. But Sam cant _ far. Amy is the _. Sam can swim in the_.笔试部分IV. 找出类别不同的单词。(每小题2分,共10分)( ) 1. A. dumpling B. hamburger C. noodle D. spider( ) 2. A. plane B. ship C.car D. fast( ) 3. A.watching B. kite C. swimming D. riding( ) 4. A. e B. go C. idea D. jump( ) 5. A. chips B. fork C. knife D. chopsticksV. 单项选择。(每小题2分,共20分)( ) 1. A: What are you doing? B: We are making_cake.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. Please _quiet! Your father is working.A. is B. am C.be D.are( ) 3. Its hard_English people to use chopsticks.A. with B. to C. of D. for( ) 4. Do you use chopsticks_England?A. from B. in C. for D. to( ) 5. A: What are these? B: _ _ ducks.A. Those are B. These are C. They are D. It is( ) 6. These ducks_very naughty.A. is B. am C. are D. /( ) 7. Can I have_ice cream? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 8. This is _ sweater. A. Sam B. sam C. sams D.Sams( ) 9. A: Can you run fast? B: Yes, _ _ . A. you can B. I can C. he can D. it can( ) 10.English people use a knife _ fork. A. but B. and C.too D./VI. 英汉互译。(每小题2分,共10分)1. 制作蛋糕_ 2. 跳得远_3. 使用筷子_ 4. run fast _5. Amys shorts _VII. 连词组句。(每小题2分,共10分)1. eating/ am/ hamburgers/ I/ chips/ and_2. are/ football/ we/ playing_3. trousers/ Amys/ are/ these_4. fly/ cant/ this/ bird_5. please/ can/ have/ I/ drink/ a_VIII. 读一读下面的句子,根据你的理解选词填空。(每小题2分,共10分) can cant1. Its ten oclock. You _ play with your puter game. Its too late.2. We are Chinese people. We _ use chopsticks.3. My grandma and grandpa are sleeping. I _ sing and dance in the room.4. Im ill at home. I _ drink some water.5. Look, its a plane. It _ fly.IX. 阅读短文,判断对错。(每小题2分,共10分) This is Amys family. Amy is doing her homework. Her mother is making a cake. Her father is making a plane. Her grandma is watching TV. Her grandpa is listening to music. The dog is running after a cat.( ) 1. Amy is sleeping in bed.( ) 2. Her mother is watching TV.( ) 3. Her father is making a cake.( ) 4. Her grandma is watching TV.( ) 5. The cat is running.

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