山东省临沂市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第13课时 八年级下册 Units 3-4练习.doc

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第13课时八年级下册 Units 34一、单项填空1(2019原创)I was very _ when I traveled by plane for the first time.Anervous BinterestedCrelaxed Dhappy2(xx江西上饶一模)John was doing his homework _ his sister was listening to music on the radio.Aalthough BbeforeCuntil Dwhile3(2019预测)I saw two movies last week, but _ of them was good.Aboth BneitherCall Dnone4(xx山东青岛市南二模)Before you choose a book, youd better _ the first few pages to know whether it is too easy or too difficult.Alook up Blook forClook through Dlook after5(xx安徽滁州明光二模)Why is the price of the house so high?Well, just a few words cant _ this problem.Arequire BexplainCmention Dinclude6(2019原创)Try to _ the meaning of the new words according to the text before you look them up in your dictionary.Areflect BguessCrepeat Dcreate7(2019原创)Dont always _ yourself with others. Everyone has his own advantages.Apare BrespectCconcern Dremember8(2019预测)Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes, Tony?Sure. Mom will be mad if she sees this _, I think.Amatter BmessCtrouble Ddifficulty9(xx江苏连云港中考)Harry, you should mind your manners. It is _ to push in before others.Sorry, Mom. I wont do it next time.Apolite BrudeCactive Dcareless10(2019预测)Could you please clean the living room?_. Im doing my homework.AOK BSorry, I cantCNo problem DGood idea二、阅读理解A(xx江苏淮安中考)Have you ever considered starting a fitness program? Since exercise can reduce the risk of diseases, improve balance, help lose weight, better sleep habits and even make you confident, you can start a fitness program in the following steps.Test your fitness levelHow many meters can you walk or run in one minute? How much time does it take you to swim 50 meters? What is your heart rate(心率)?The date(数据) of your fitness level can help you know what activities you need.Design your fitness program You may have begun your daily exercise. But a personal plan helps more. First, you should have your fitness goals(目标). For example, what do you want to look like, to be slimmer or quicker? A balanced plan will help you start low, progress slowly, do right activities and even allow you to recover(康复) if you get hurt.Prepare things needed for sports You need something practical, enjoyable and easy to use. It could be a pair of trainers, a volleyball bat or a bicycle. You can also download fitness apps(应用程序) on your mobile phone to measure distances, calories burned or your heart rate.Take actionNow youre ready for action. When you begin, dont always try tough tasks. Listen to your body and reduce exercise time if necessary.Monitor your progress Test your fitness level again six weeks later. If you have achieved your goals, increase exercise time to continue improving.Starting an exercise program is an important decision. By planning carefully and acting step by step, you can have good health.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。11How many steps are mentioned in this passage to start a fitness program?A3. B4. C5. D6.12Youd better test your fitness level first to _.Alose weightBmake you more confidentCreduce your exercise timeDdecide what activities you need13The underlined word “Monitor” in this passage means “_”Awatch Bkeep Ctake Dmake14What should you do if you start a fitness program?AAlways do the same activity.BStart low and progress slowly.CTest your fitness level every week.DTake exercise as much as you can.15This passage is mainly about _.Ahow to start a fitness programBhow to design a fitness programCthe importance of good healthDthe importance of a fitness programB(xx湖北荆门中考)How to build selfconfidenceThese tips could help anyone who is trying to build selfconfidence(自信). Remember to always love yourself and love others as you love yourself. Try not to be so hard on yourself or others.Choose to deal with those who can lift you up. Talk to and hang out with friends and family. Make new friends with those who love you and really care about you. _16_ Choose your friends carefully. Be careful of people who may make you feel bad or unhappy about yourself.Get to know yourself What are your values, your beliefs our morals(道德观), your wants, your needs and your tastes? _17_18_ You cannot be perfect. You can only be the best you can be. No one in this world is perfect, so dont blame(指责) yourself for making a mistake or not being perfect. Also, stop paring yourself to others. _19_Be kind to others and do nice things for them. This will help to build your selfconfidence. _20_ You will realize that by making other people happy, you yourself will also bee happy with your life and yourself.根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。ATell others “I love you”BStop trying to be perfect.CThe better you know yourself, the easier it will be to love yourself.DYou will never be them and they will never be you.E. This is what you can truly do to make people happy.F. They can accept you for who you are and only want the best for you.三、词形转换用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。21Our English teacher taught us some reading _(skill)22My sister won first prize in the school English _(pete)23He is much _(crazy) about basketball than I.24My grandma _(usual) goes for a walk after supper.25Many foreign friends are surprised at the fast _(develop) of China.26Nancy and I _(sweep) the stairs after school was over this afternoon.27He _(throw) the ball to me and I caught it.28Jack had no money with him, so I _(lend) some to him.四、动词应用根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Most of us probably dont like doing chores. And most of us think that 29._(clean) the bathroom or cooking dinner for the family makes us tired. However, the fact is that someone has 30._(do) it. Most of the time, our parents have to do the housework. Is it really fair?Doing housework is really not as bad as it sounds. If we all do our part, it 31._(seem) less annoying. Why should your mother wash your dirty dishes? You are able 32._(take) care of yourself. Doing some chores will show that you are 33._(bee) more and more independent.Some of us may think that we are too busy to do chores. But most parents work all day and are then expected 34._(keep) a clean house! Dividing chores among the whole family will make everyones job much easily.Learning to do housework can provide you with valuable skills for the future. It gives you a sense of responsibility. The next time you see something that 35._(need) to be done at home, do it yourself and show that you can do something.五、书面表达(xx广西贺州中考)假设你是Susan,在家里你的父母总是对你有很多要求,有时你是否感到厌烦?你是怎样解决的?请你根据下列表格提示用英语写一篇短文。父母的要求每天打扫房间;不能玩电脑游戏;晚上10前必须睡觉你的看法虽太严厉,但理解他们你的解决方式与父母多交流;为父母做些家务要求:1.文章必须包括表格中所给提示内容,可以展开思路,自由地适当发挥; 2不能出现真实的校名、人名和其他真实信息; 3词数80词左右。_参考答案一、15 ADBCB610 BABBB二、1115 CDABA1620 FCBDE三、21.skills22petition23.crazier24.usually25development26.swept27.threw28.lent四、29.cleaning30.to do31.seems32.to take33being34.to keep35.needs五、My name is Susan. There are too many rules in my family. I have to clean the room every day. I am not allowed to play puter games in my free time. I cant go out on school nights. I must go to bed by 10 pm. I think my parents are too strict with me. Sometimes I feel bored. But I understand they really love me. I municate with my parents as much as possible sharing my happiness and sadness with them. And I often help them do housework. These are my good ways to get on well with them.


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