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2019-2020年三年级英语复习习题精选一 单词分类。onesmallthreeduckbustenlongtaxibigrabbitmouseshort二 听音圈词。a. small three blueb. tall big funnyc. school short sod. eyes yellow long听力内容为:a. three b. tall c. school d. long三 看图说话 ABC四 Read, guess and draw. (读, 猜, 画)AIm very tall.Ive got a small head.But Ive got a long neck.Ive got short legs and a small tail.What am I?BIve got a long body.Ive got a small head.Ive got no feet, no arms and no hands,What am I?第二课时习题精选一 Listen and choose二 Yes or No?三 Look and say (Use: short, long)第三课时习题精选1 Listen and number.2 Read and match.3 Read , choose and write.返回页首习题精选第四课时习题精选Listen and choose (根据听到的内容,选择正确的图。)1、2、3、【听力内容】1) I am tall than Tom. 2) I have a short pencil. 3) My mother gives me a small apple.第五课时习题精选1 Talk about the 2 pictures , use the following words (用下面提供的词, 试着描述一下这两个动物园)big small long short tall shortgiraffe deer eyes tail nose earseg. Look! There is a tall giraffe. It has small eyes and a long tail.2 Measure and say (量一量, 说一说)第六课时习题精选1 Read and write (读字母,组成你学过的单词)o t r h s: _ c d v: _ l g n o: _a l t l: _ a c n: _ d r e e: _2 Look , read and match.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语复习练习三年级(一)一、1. apple 2. dog 3. egg 4. bag 5. elephant二、1. China 2. Canada 3. America 4. Australia三、AAA, say “OK”. CCC, look and see. DDD, make a “D”. EEE, drink some tea.四、1. ABC, look and see.2. GHJ, fly a kite.3. EFG, have a seat.4. CDE, draw a tree.5. ABCDE, read after me.三年级(二)一、1. hamburger 2. hot dog 3. snake 4. tiger 5. peach 6. orange 7. taxi 8. ice-cream二、1. Do you like pears? Yes, I do.2. What about oranges? Oh, I like them very much.3. Can I have some tea? Certainly.4. Have some fruits. Thank you very much.5. Have some more? No, thanks.三、1. JJJ, jump, jump, jump. 2. LLL, la, la, la. 3. NNN, no, no, no. 4. MMM, meow, meow, meow. 5. LMN, raise your leg.四、1. Im Mike. Im twelve. 2. I have thirteen kites 3. I can see seventeen birds.4. Jump ten times. 5. Bounce nine times.三年级(三)一、1. Hello! Im Mike. This is my bike.2. Hi! Im Wu Yifan. This is my chair.3. Sarah, is this your walkman? Yes, it is.4. Look! Miss White is playing the violin.二、1. Colour the bus green.2. Colour the taxi red.3. Colour the jeep blue.4. Colour your umbrella purple.5. Colour the bag yellow.6. Colour pencil-case pink.三、1. Where is the bag? Its on the desk.2. Where is the ball? Its under the chair.3. Where is the toy car? Its in the toy box.4. Look at the ruler. Its under the book.四、1. Where is my bike? Its in the toy box.2. My walkman is here.3. Look at the zebra. Its black and white.4. Where is my umbrella? Its under the chair.5. Where is my plane? Its the desk.

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