2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起)一、教学目标:1.知识目标:能认读数字1319,能熟练听说读写thirteen, fourteen, fifteen;掌握十几的发音特点。能熟练运用句型How manyare there? There are2.能力目标:通过听、说、读、写的技能训练,使学生能熟练谈论数量,提高用英语获取数字信息的能力。3.情感目标: 在谈论数字的活动中培养学生对事物统计, 事物管理的兴趣和意识。4.学习策略:通过听、说、读、写的技能训练,使学生感知、实践、合作完成任务,获得语言学习的乐趣和自信。二、教学重点:数字1319的认读,特别是thirteen, fifteen的正确认读和拼写。How many are there?句型的提问和回答。三、教学难点:运用句型How manyare there? 询问数量,并能用There are作相应回答。四、教学过程:Step1 热身复习(课前)随动画跳舞。1.数字游戏:师生、生生小组进行10的补数游戏。师对学生数数反映游戏进行评比加分,交待评比方式,T: Great! All of you can get a fruit. This pear is for Group A. This peach is for Group B. Lets see who will be the winner. OK? 2.猜果筐:师拿出一个大果筐做沉重的样子,T: Look! This is a big basket. I have many fruits for you. Guess, whats in it? 诱导学生猜水果名。然后教师跟学生开个玩笑,打开果筐一看,There is nothing in it. I forgot the fruits. Lets try again! 这回教师在筐子里放进一个苹果,并将苹果奖给猜对的学生。再让学生猜How many apples are there? 3.导入:学生猜数量后,教师给学生看果筐已空,引出今天的教学情景:I havent got enough fruits for you. Now lets go to the fruit farm to pick fruits. OK!Step 2 创设情景导入新课课件呈现Sam和Amy到果园摘果的情景动画。T: What can you see? Step 3 新知教学 1.thirteen There are thirteen peaches.呈现和操练呈现:教师表演创设情境: So many fruits. But my favorite fruit are peaches. Ill pick peaches.教师拿出一个果篮,做摘果子的动作,边做边数:One, two, threeHow many peaches will I pick? 继续表演引导学生猜,教师做到摘了13个果子的动作后,停住,让学生猜数,公布出I will pick thirteen peaches. 出示13 peaches 的教学图片。操练:单词教学要学生注意看老师的口型,注意th的发音,注意重音在teen。集体操练,分男女练,个别检查。书空单词。教师指着13 peaches 的教学图片, T: How many peaches are there? 操练There are thirteen peaches.小组操练,个别检查。 2.fourteen呈现和操练呈现:教师在13 peaches 的教学图片上再画上一颗桃,T: Now how many peaches are there? 引出fourteen。操练:单词卡片呈现14个香蕉,学生说。教师口拼four让学生拼出完整单词。让“小老师”带读。引导学生表达完整There are fourteen peaches/ bananas.3.fifteen呈现和操练呈现:在评比树上摘一颗桃放进14 peaches 的教学图片内,T: Now how many peaches are there? 引出fifteenfifteen peaches. 操练:单词卡片呈现15个苹果,学生说。教师口拼fif让学生拼出完整单词。引导学生表达完整There are fifteen peaches/ apples.操练:集体分组操练个别检查。4.十几teen归纳发音。巩固认读thirteenfourteenfifteen , 让学生归纳出“teen”发音。教师带学生做play the piano的动作,模范琴音“teen, teen”,课件给出thirteennineteen, 让学生自己根据规律读出单词。5.游戏巩固词句。快读单词卡:将1319单词卡打乱顺序让学生快速认读,进行小组评比。猜数字thirteen时,渗透跨文化教育Thirteen is an unlucky number in the western country.Guessing game: 课件分组快速闪过不同数量的bananas,dogs, girls, teddy bears, T: How many are there? 让学生观察计数,用There are回答。核对答案后给对的小组加水果。6. How many? 呈现和操练呈现How many?课件呈现一组apples 师问:Who can ask? 请学生说出:How many apples are there? 接着出示句型卡:How many peaches are there? 操练。操练:机械操练:集体分组替换操练:教师持图片sweets, T-shirts , monkeys,拿实物pencils替换peaches操练句型。引领学生自己make a new question替换How manyare there?综合操练小组对话:课件在一个画面里给出五种不同数量的物品,四人小组进行计数练习并填写进统计表:Look, there are so many things here. Take out your paper. Talk about how manyand write down the numbers.抢答竞赛:请学生代表两名上台,其他学生问How many.? 台上抢答。7.课文呈现和学习呈现:课件出现课文果园,小朋友Sam and Amy. T: Listen, what are they talking about? How many peaches are there on the tree?第一遍听音复述,第二边听音跟读。Step 4 综合运用 T: Im very happy in the fruit farm. 指学生评比所得的水果,Weve got so many fruits.再拿出教具果篮,拿出桃子,They are for my friend, Lingling. Lingling, Where are you?让一名学生扮演玲玲,回应:Im here. 示范对话: T: Hello, Lingling. L: Hi, Ms Qin. T: They are for you. L: Thank you. I like peaches. T: Do you like animals? L: Yes, I do. T: Lets go to the zoo. OK? L: OK! T: Look at the pandas. How many pandas are there? L: There are two pandas. L: Look at the tigers? How many tigers are there? T: There are three tigers. T: Woo, monkeys! How many monkeys are there? L: Lets count them. One, two There are 15 monkeys. T: Ah! They are very naughty. L: I like monkeys. Oh, Im hungry.T: Im hungry, too. Lets go home.TL: Goodbye, monkeys! 情景对话:课件分别给出At the zoo/In the supermarket两个场景。T: Where is it? Its your free time. You can choose one place to go with your friends in group of four. Please use how many对话展示,生生互评。Step 5 总结教师引导学生回顾本课学习内容,T: What have we learn today?并对照板书加深印象。让学生数数个组评比所得的水果。对学生上课表现,作出表扬鼓励。Homework: Talk about your house. Using: How many are there? There are 与学生拍手告别。五、板书设计: Module 5 Unit 2 How many peaches are there? There are thirteen peaches.评比树、水果篮评比树、水果篮 thirteen peaches教学图片fifteen peaches教学图片fourteen peaches教学图片附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1 He works hard.教案 外研版(一起)一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标 The students can describe a persons personality and talk about ones performance at school. 认读单词:work, hard, speak. 初步认读句子:Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isnt. His work is good. Im happy with that. Thank you.2、情感态度目标通过学生的自我评价,以及互相评价,给每一位学生找到自己的优点,树立其自信心,提高学习热情和主动性。二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握新单词,了解新句型,在此基础上理解课文内容。并能简单的利用句型和学过的形容词描述他人在学校的表现。 难点:be动词及其否定形式的灵活运用;第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。三、课前准备Module1的有关形容词的单词卡片,本课单词卡片,VCD。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1 Have the students say a poem on page5.2 TPR: The teacher do some actions, and then the students say the words. (nice, clever, shy, quiet, loud, naughty, good, bad, helpful, happy, sad)3 Free talk:T: Whats like?S1: Hes very.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T: All of you have your advantages, however, someone is a bit naughty. How about Daming? Is Daming naughty in class? Lets watch the video.2. Play the vcd. And then have the students answer the question.板书问题: Is Daming naugty in class?根据学生回答板书答案: No, he isnt.Practise the key sentences in different ways.3. The teacher plays the VCD again. And have the students answer another question: Is Daming lazy in class?板书新单词:lazy. The students guess the meaning of “lazy”4. T: Is Daming lazy in class?Ss: No, he isnt. 引导学生说:He works hard. 强调第三人称单数主语后的动词形式。5 T:Daming isnt naughty in class. And he isnt lazy in class. How about his work? (Show the students a paper. 出示一张Daming 100分的试卷)板书: His work is good. (强调work是名词,表示功课)6 Have the students talk about Damings performance in class.T: Is Daming naughty in class?Ss: No, he isnt. He isnt naughty in class.T: Is Daming lazy in class?Ss: No, he isnt. He isnt lazy in class.Ss: His work is good.T: His parents are happy with that.7. Have the students listen to the dialogue and find “am, is, are”One students say the sentences, the other students repeat.8. Have the students repeat and imitate the dialogue. Then read it in different roles.9 Do the exercises in Activity book.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Review the adjective words with the cards. The students can do some actions about the words. Then make a dialogue in groups.先集体复习学过的形容词,然后根据老师给出的文本例子,以小组为单位,编写新歌谣, 上台边做动作边说歌谣。The example:naughty naughty. is naughty. shy shy is shy. clever clever is clever. quiet quiet is quiet. We are good friends. We are good friends.2Game: 记忆力大比拼 男女分为两组。每个人在卡纸上写出自己的两个特点。找五个女生上台,卡纸向全班同学展示3秒钟。女生根据老师出示的形容词卡片来问男生:Is she.? 男生回答:Yes, she is.或者No, she isnt. 然后再找无名男生上台,方法同前。Step 4 SummaryT:Can you talk about Damings performance in class?S1: He isnt naughty in class.S2: He isnt lazy.S3:His work is good.Have the students read the key words and key sentences on blackboard.Step 5 Homeworka) Listen and repeat the dialogue for 5 times.b) Write the new words and sentences for 2 lines.c) Talk about your friend with your parents.Step 6 Blackboard designModule 6 Unit 1 He works hard.lazy Is Daming naughty in class?work hard No, he isnt.work His work is good.

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