2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module6 Unit1(2)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module6 Unit1(2)教案 外研版一、教材分析: This is my school.这课主要是学习怎样来介绍自己的学校,教师,老师.(This is my school.This is my classroom.This is my English teacher).和当不知道某物是什么的时候怎样用英语来询问及回答(Whats this? Whats that? Its a.).二、教学目标: 1. 让学生掌握单词 (听,说,读,写): this school pupil classroom English teacher that 2. 区分this和that. 3. 学会使用句型: This is. Whats this? Whats that? Its a.三、教学重点: Whats this? Whats that? Its a.三、教 具: 录音机 磁带 卡片四、教学过程: 1.师生问候: T:Good morning ,boys and girls! S:Good morning ,teacher! T:How are you? S:Im fine,thank you.And you? T:Im fine,too.Thank you. 2.热身环节: Lets sing a song:The little finger。 学生边唱边出示相应的手势,目的是为了复习数字。 3.复 习: 听指令,做动作。 Stand up。Sit down。 Point to the. 4.导入 给学生展示一些图片: Show a picture T:Look!What is this? S:. T:Thats me.I am a pupil. Follow me:pupil, p-u-p-i-l,pupil.(板书) S:pupil, p-u-p-i-l,pupil. T:You can seeI am a -引导学生自己说出这句话. 叫几个学生站起来做介绍:“I am a pupil.” T:Lets look at this picture. Shes very beautiful. This is my teacher. This is my English teacher. Now I am an English teacher. T:Follow me:teacher,t-e-a-c-h-e-r,teacher.(板书) S:teacher,t-e-a-c-h-e-r,teacher. T:English teacher S:English teacher 教师指着学校询问学生: Whats this?由此引出单词school. T:Follow me:school,s-c-h-o-o-l,school. S:school,s-c-h-o-o-l,school. T:school,school.This is my school.(板书) This is my school.I can see many classrooms. 教师指着教室询问学生: Whats this?由此引出单词classroom. This is my classroom. Follow me:classroom classroom my classroom. S:classroom classroom my classroom. T:This is my classroom. S:This is my classroom. 强调this的发音,注意听学生的发音. T:Spell this. S:t-h-i-s,this. 在教室里有许多的东西,请学生上讲台并且闭上眼睛,用手摸一摸,并且猜一猜这是什么? T:Whats this? S:desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. T:Its a desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. S:Its a desk/chair/window/blackboard/door. Its a.(板书) 这时教师把一只小鸟的图片贴在教室后面的黑板上,问学生: T:Whatthat?(板书) S:bird. T:Its a bird.(强调that的发音) S:that T:Spell that. S:t-h-a-t, that 这时教师指着教室后门问学生: T:Whatthat? S:Its a door. 让学生区分this与that的区别. S:this指近处的;that指远处的. T:Lets chant. Whats this? Whats this? desk desk Its a desk. Whats this? Whats this? chair chair Its a chair. Whats that? Whats that? window window Its a window. Whats that? Whats that? door door Its a door.五、同桌练习: Whats this? Whats that? Its a.六、课文教学: 听磁带,朗读课文. 全班齐朗读课文. 分角色朗读.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Module6 unit1教案 外研版Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words and the expressionsAbility aim: Train them to ask and answer whats this ? Its a .learn to introduce someone /something to the others.Ideological aim: Improve the students appreciation.Main points: New words, new pattern .Introduce someone /something to others.Difficult points: Whats this ? Its a This is my The pronunciation of the words “this”Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder , projector. Teaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Are you ready for our English class?S:Yes .T: Morning, everyone.S: Morning, sunny.T: How are you today?S: Im fine ,thank you, and you?T: Very well, thanks. Sit down, please.S: Thank you.T: Youre wele.Step Two: Representation T: Lets sing a song. Please clap your hands, do actions, please.Ss: (sing together happily)T: wonderful! Now I have a picture , Lets ask and answer , ok ?T: look, how many dogs? Lets count , ok? (学生跟着老师一起数 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve.)T: Very good .How many cats? Ss: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.T: look at our classroom, how many boys? How many girls? S1: twenty boys . S2 : Twenty five girls.T: Ok, How many teachers? S3: One. T: ask and answer the question again.Ss: Ok. ( ask and answer again.)Step Three: New courseA. New words,drillsT: How many desks ? How many chairs? Do you know desk, chair?(指向桌子和椅子,引起孩子们的注意。)Ss: desk, chair (follow the teacher)T: This is a desk. This is a chair.(适时的指向教师自己的桌子,椅子)Look , this is my desk. This is my chair. Whats this?S1: Its a desk. S2: Its a chair. (practice more times then Show another picture point to it) T: Whats this?( 多读this ,注意纠正this 发音,可全班轮读一次) S3: Its a pen. (practice one by one) S4:Its a pencil. ( practice one by one)(教师走到学生中间,随意拿一些文具用品进行问答bag/book.,贴近生活实际,学生会非常的有兴趣,创造了和协自然的课堂气氛。)T: What s this ? S1: Its a bag. T: Yes ,this is a bag.(启发拥有此书包的同学介绍说)S3 : this is my bag.S2: Its a box. T: Yes ,this is a box. (启发拥有此盒子的同学介绍说)S3:This is my box. (学生每回答一个问题后,教师适时介绍This is a bag. This is a box先为介绍东西打基础)T: wonderful! Look at our classroom.(手势帮助学生理解classroom 的意思,然后轮读几遍,男生女生读,各小组读) Whats this ? Ss: Its a classroom. (启发学生自己试着去介绍这是我的教室,培养学生主动张嘴大胆说英语的勇气与自信心。S2: This is my classroom.Ss: This is myclassroom.T: Great! Who can?S3: This is my classroom.( Teacher can call many pupils to practice , let more pupils to speak or one by one)Ss: This is my classroom.b. Listen, say and do actions T: All of you are the best .Now look at the projector .when I point to a word please speak it quickly.Ss: desk chair pen pencil bag box door window school (多重复几次,加深印象,对door window school 多读几次) T: look at the door/window /school. Whats this ?S3: Its a door. ( let them ask first then answer, practice team by team) S4: Whats this ? Its a window ( practice boys and girls ) S5: Whats this ? Its a school. ( say together ) T: Who can e here to introduce?S2 : This is my school. S3 : This is my window . This is my door. (指向窗和门将语言学习与生活实际相结合,创造了轻松愉悦的学习氛围,使孩子们很自然地将注意力集中到英语课堂上。)T: Lets play again .who can e here?Ss: I can I canSs: I can. ( speak and do actions together)T: Lets say together . Whats this ? Its a school. This is a school.Ss: Whats this ? Its a school. This is my school.T: You are so smart! (要求每说一幅图力争说出三句话,培养了学生由词到句,由句到段的基础培养)T: (point to a bird ) Whats this ? Its a bird. This is a bird.S1: Whats this ? Its a bird . This is a bird.(point to the door)S2: Whats this ? Its a door. This is a door.(point to the window)S3: Whats this ? Its a window .This is a window.S4.S5Ss: ( talk about all the pictures.)(According to the training, all of them can ask and answer very quickly. They feel very happy and confident because they can speak very fluntely and loudly.)T: Ok, lets have a rest. Listen and say a chant.( show the projector ,listen to the recorder and clap their hands.)T: Lets clap our hands and speak .( 对于低年级的孩子课中间适当的律动会让孩子们提高注意力为下面的学习作好准备)B. ask and answerT: Lets play a game . e to the front to find word s you know.(培养学生指读,认读单词的能力)(put the small blackboard on ,many words on it : pen, book bag desk chair what is classroom door window teacher this)Ss: I can I can.(call more students to point and read, if you get the words put them on your teams desk. )T: Lets count how many words do you get ? Team 1, Team 2.(展开小组比赛培养了学生的竞争意识,既练习了数数又为下面的对话做了铺垫)Ss: ( count follow the teacher.)T: use the words you got just now to make a dialogue like Whats this ? Its a This is a .Ss: (all of them are talking about it carefully and happily)T: ( give them five minutes to discuss how to ask and how to answer.)T: Who can e to the front to act?S:vI can I can. (find four or five groups to act out)T: Answer my questions together ok? Ss: Ok.T: Talk about the other things. (use the things in the classroom )老师可帮助与提醒,学生以培养他们的口语交际能力C.listen and Learn the textT: Well done! You can do it very well ,You are so wonderful! And no w listen to the tape , please point and follow. Open your books. Lets listen (Play the tape and ask)Ss: (read and point carefully)T: Now listen again and repeat sentence by sentence.Ss: (Follow the tape.)T: Practice the text in groups two minutes.Ss: (Practice the text in groups and act it in front. Then all class read together)Step Four: sing a song we have learnt(listen to the tape .)T: sing the song together, do action with me .Ss: ( follow the teachers and do actions with fingers)(动听的旋律合着节拍,孩子们脸上定会洋溢着开心与幸福的微笑)Step Five: Sum up.T: Today we learnt to ask Whats this ? Its a and this is a /my. Step Six: Homework. T: So todays homework. Point and read words you know then read the text, please.

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