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第二十一课时九年级Units 1314.单项填空。(C)1.The top of this mountain is 4,000 meters above the sea _ Amethod Btext Clevel Ddegree (B)2.You should always be _ to those who once gave you selfless help.Ahelpful BthankfulCharmful Dcareful(A)3.As time _,Robert realized that he had lost much valuable time at school. Awent by Bturned offCset out Dcame in (B)4.Laura is rich and she affords _ a house with a big garden.Abuy Bto buyCbuying Dbuys (D)5.How much is the ticket to Central Park?A oneway ticket _ $40,and you can pay another $20 for a roundtrip.Atakes Bpays Cspends Dcosts(D)6.Youd better not eat too much salt.Its bad for your health. _ ANot at allB.Youre wele CIm thirsty nowDThanks for your advice(D)7.I remember _ the money to you,but Im not sure about it.Yes,you have done it.Areturn B.returnedCto return Dreturning (D)8.So far,they _ six countries of the Europe.Awill visit Bare visiting Cvisited Dhave visited (A)9.You will be able to see something _ you climb onto those rocks.Aif BthoughCuntil Dunless(A)10.Do you know _? Yes.Sharks may disappear if we dont take action to protect them. Athat sharks are in dangerBwhy sharks are in danger Cwhen sharks are in dangerDwhether sharks are in danger.完形填空。I used to live in my grandmas home during my childhood.It was a happy time in my life,just like a sweet _11_So far,I still _12_ the beautiful views there.There was a date tree in the yard.Each time my fellows(伙伴) and I walked past the old tree,we couldnt help looking _13_ at it to make sure if the fruits were ripe.Sometimes I would try to have a bite,but always _14_ for the unpleasant taste.When autumn arrived,heavy fragrance(香气) could be smelt near the date tree.At this time the happiest thing for us was to _15_ dates.We climbed up the tree excitedly,_16_ the tree with great force.Then the date rain poured down,covering the ground like a red carpet.Suddenly,the rain _17_My fellows and I jumped off the tree and ran.We went back home joyously with our _18_ full of tasty dates.The old tree later would see its yellow leaves fall down one after _19_ in the ing winter.It stood quietly.But it wouldnt feel _20_ because of my silent pany.I recall and recall,and then burst out laughing with tears in my eyes.(A)11.A.dream Bstory Cbook Ddiary(A)12.A.remember Bforget Cthink Dcatch(B)13.A.around Bup Cdown Dthrough(D)14.A.thanked Badmired Crefused Dregretted(C)15.A.take Beat Cpick Dsell(D)16.A.biting Bcutting Cknocking Dshaking(B)17.A.began Bstopped Ccame Ddropped(C)18.A.mouths Bshoes Cpockets Deyes(A)19.A.another Bone Cother Dothers(B)20.A.alone Blonely Cangry Dscared.阅读理解。第一节根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。Here are some simple and easy habits that can help you to live an ecofriendly city life.Dont waste paper.Paper is made from wood.If you waste too much paper,lots of trees have to be cut down.Trees can make the air clean.We should try to make the best use of paper.Recycle.It is easy for you to recycle something used in your life,like bottles and cars.After being recycled and dealt with in factories,these things can be reused.Save energy.Turn off the lights and television when you leave home.According to a report,each UK family wastes about 37 a year just by leaving their lights on.Dont waste the electricity.Energy is very important to us.Save and reuse water.When you have a bath,brush your teeth or wash your hands,please dont let the water run all the time.Try to reuse the water as much as possible.Avoid the environmental pollution.You can do many things to stop the environmental pollution.You can ride a bike to school.In this way,you can reduce the air pollution.Besides,you should not litter in public.(T)21.Paper is made from wood and we shouldnt waste paper.(F)22.All the things used in peoples life can be recycled.(F)23.Each UK family wastes about 37 pounds a year.(T)24.People can live an ecofriendly life by reusing water.(T)25.In order to protect environment,people can choose to ride a bike.第二节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Have you ever recycled? To recycle is to take rubbish and make it into something new.Recycling is good for our planet because it makes litter into something that we can use again.Recycling also helps to clean up the litter that makes our streets look dirty.All kinds of things can be recycled.The most mon materials like glass, plastic, paper, metals, cloth are all recyclable.Sometimes these products are broken down to make the same kinds of products.An example of this type of recycling is using paper to make more paper.Garbage can also be broken down to make pletely new items as well!Some items, like glass, can be recycled forever! We can use glass items, then break them down and use them again and again.Aluminum(铝) cans are one of the most successful recycled metals.They can be recycled again and again and nearly 60% of all cans have been recycled.The average family of four can produce nearly 2,000 pounds of garbage each year.As time goes on, we have fewer places to put all of this garbage in.Recycling is one way to limit the amount of garbage we need to put into the land.The next time you toss a can or a bottle into the dustbin, look to see if there is a recycling triangle on the label.It is the international sign for recycling.It means that the item you are going to throw in the dustbin could be recycled.(C)26.To recycle is to _Aclean up the dirty things on the streetBfind a land to put into the garbageCmake new things out of litterDfind something useful in the rubbish(C)27.Which of the following is NOT true in this passage?APlastic, metals, cloth and paper can be recycled.BRubbish can also be used to make pletely new items.CAll things can be recycled forever.DSome things can be recycled forever.(B)28.The underlined word “toss” in the passage means “_”Atake out Bthrow away Cgive up Dfind out(D)29.The purpose of the passage is mainly to_Aintroduce more recyclable materialsBsuggest a new way to change and keep garbageCwarn people the importance of recyclingDlet people know how to recycle(A)30.Which is the best title of the passage?AThe Recycling TriangleBSome New Ways to Limit PlasticCThe Three RsReduce,Reuse and RecycleDThe Importance of Protecting the Environment.根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。31Im not satisfied with the service here.I want to talk to the manager(manage)32I never take wooden chopsticks when I buy takeaway food.(wood)33Riding a bike has many advantagesIt is cheap and good for the environment.(advantage)34Sometimes I feel nervous when I make munication with strangers.(municate)Take it easy,please.35Im really thankful for what my parents have done for me.(thank).将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。36The little boy made_a_mess in the living room just now.(弄得一团糟)37Be_responsible_for the decision you make,since you arent a child any more.(对负责任)38Its time to set_out,_or we may miss the train.(启程)39Students are_thirsty_for knowledge because it will give them wings to fly.(对渴望)40This is a room with enough natural light.Please turn_off the light.(关掉).书面表达。How to Keep Our City Clean提示:良好的城市环境卫生是一个城市文明和社会进步的重要标志,改善人居环境,提高生活质量,更是我们广大市民共同的愿望和应尽的责任。它不仅需要广大市民的大力支持,还需要以实际行动自觉予以维护。请以“How to Keep Our City Clean” 为题,写一篇英语短文。要求:1语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;2文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。How to Keep Our City CleanOur city used to be a green city.But now,some pollution gets to the environment,and our city bees dirty.Protecting the environment is being very necessary.But how to keep our city green?Firstly,we should pollute the environment less.We shouldnt throw rubbish away here and there.And we should separate the waste before we throw them into the waste bin.Secondly,its better to plant more trees so that we can make the air cleaner.When you look at these green things,dont you feel better?All in all,if everyone makes a contribution to building the green city,our city will be greener.

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