2019-2020学年三年级英语下册 Module 2 综合测试试题 外研版.doc

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2019-2020学年三年级英语下册 Module 2 综合测试试题 外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 2测试卷( 时间:40分钟满分:100分 )扫一扫 听录音听力部分( 30分 )一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。( 10分 )( B )1.A.tigerB.lionC.elephant( A )2.A.monkeyB.pandaC.dog( C )3.A.shortB.bigC.tall( A )4.A.thinB.fatC.big( B )5.A.tallB.smallC.short二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( 10分 )( C )1.A.Whats this?B.Whats that?C.What are they?( A )2.A.Its a tiger.B.Its a monkey.C.Its a lion.( B )3.A.Theyre pandas.B.Theyre elephants.C.Theyre cats.( A )4.A.This man is tall and thin.B.This man is fat and short.C.This man is tall and fat.( C )5.A.That monkey is small and fat.B.That monkey is short and thin.C.That monkey is small and thin.三、听录音,给下列图片排序。( 10分 )笔试部分( 70分 )四、连线。( 10分 )五、从方框中选择对应的答语填入横线上。( 10分 )1.What are they?D2.Whats your favourite colour?E3.Hello,boys and girls.B4.Whats this?A5.Whats your favourite letter?CA.Its an elephant.B.Hello,Ms Smart.C.Its “C”.D.Theyre lions.E.Its yellow.六、单项选择。( 20分 )( B )1.Whats this?A.Thank you.B.Its a tiger.C.Theyre pandas.( A )2.What are they?A.Theyre elephants.B.Its a lion.C.Its red.( B )3.Whats that?Its elephant.A.aB.anC./( C )4.This monkey is small thin.A.theB.orC.and( C )5.Look, theyre .A.a pandaB.pandaC.pandas七、情景反应。( 20分 )( B )1.如果你想问“那个是什么”,你可以说:A.Whats this?B.Whats that?C.Whats your name?( C )2.如果你想问“他们是什么”,你可以说:A.Whats that?B.Whats this?C.What are they?( B )3.公园里有许多大象,你可以说:A.Its an elephant.B.Theyre elephants.C.This is an elephant.( A )4.当别人指着一只老虎问你这是什么,你可以说:A.Its a tiger.B.Its a lion.C.Theyre tigers.( C )5.马路对面来了一个高高瘦瘦的男人,你可以说:A.That man is tall and fat.B.That man is short and thin.C.That man is tall and thin.八、阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F )。( 10分 )In the zooLook,there are some animals in the zoo.The monkey is small and thin.The panda is fat.The elephant is tall and big.The bird is small.How about the baby monkey?It is short!( F )1.The monkey is big and fat.( T )2.The panda is fat.( T )3.The elephant is tall and big.( F )4.The bird is big.( F )5.The baby monkey is tall.

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