八年级英语上册 形容词副词级别变化之比较级讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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八年级英语上册 形容词副词级别变化之比较级讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 形容词副词级别变化之比较级讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 形容词副词级别变化之比较级讲义 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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形容词副词级别变化之比较级 (讲义)比较级概念1. The weather in Nanjing is hot. The weather in Zhengzhou is hot. 郑州的天气不如南京热。The weather in Zhengzhou is not so/as hot as the weather in Nanjing (is).The weather in Zhengzhou is less hot than that in Nanjing. The weather in Nanjing is hotter than that in Zhengzhou.2. Harry Potter is interesting.Alice in the Wonderland is interesting.Harry Potter 不如 Alice in the Wonderland 有趣。Harry Potter is not so/as interesting as Alice in the Wonderland(is).Harry Potter is less interesting than Alice in the Wonderland. Alice in the Wonderland is more interesting than Harry Potter.3. Lindas hair is long. Lilys hair is long.Linda 的头发不如 Lily 的长。Lindas hair is not so/as long as Lilys. Lindas hair is shorter than Lilys.Lilys hair is longer than Lindas.4. Linda runs fast.I run fast.我不如 Linda 跑得快。I dont run so/as fast as Linda (runs/does). I run slower than Linda (runs/does).Linda runs faster than me.5. Zhang Li works very hard. Lucy works very hard.Lucy 不如张丽工作努力。Lucy doesnt work so/as hard as Zhang Li (works/does). Lucy works less hard than Zhang Li (works/does).Zhang Li works harder than Lucy (works/does).比较级:表示两者(人或事物)的比较。比较对象两者且一致判断下列哪些描述属于比较级,在其后括号内打“” 三班学生比我们班学生活泼。()王英是我们班最高的。 ( ) 王英比我们班其他人都高。 ( ) 她的铅笔比我的铅笔长。 ( ) 我和妈妈比爸爸起得早。 ( ) 练一练有时候,骑自行车比开车快。周内,很多孩子比父母起得早。这个问题比那个问题要难很多。比较级用法示两者进行比较时用形容词副词比较级,其结构为“A+ 比较级 + than + B”,表示“A 超过 B”。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Haikou in winter. Lily is more serious than me.Li Hua runs faster than me.Zhang Ming works harder than his brother.表示“A 不如 B”,可以用“A + less (不如)+ 原级 + than+ B”。Lindas hair is not so/as long as mine. Lindas hair is shorter than mine.My sister is not so/as outgoing as me. My sister is less outgoing than me.She speaks English less clearly than her sister. I think math is less easy than English.表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更”时,用句型“Which/Who等 + 动词 + 比较级,A or B?”。Who is taller, Li Ming or Wang Tao? Which one is bigger, the moon or the sun? Who did better, Li Ming or Wang Tao?注意 1:为了避免重复,在从句中常用 that, those 等词来代替前面出现过的名词。其中 those 代替可数名词复数形式,that 代替可数名词单数或不可数名词。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Haikou in winter.= The weather in Beijing is colder than the weather in Haikou in winter. The temperature in Beijing is lower than that in Haikou in winter.= the temperature The students in our class are more outgoing than those of class 3.= the students The population of China is larger than that of America.= the population注意 2:than/as 后面可接名词或代词,若为人称代词时,在口语中多用宾格。Lily is more serious than me/I.John doesnt work as hard as her/she. My sister is taller than me/I.Her sister is more outgoing than her/she. My good friend is as tall as me/I.His friend does as well in math as he/him.比较级构成一般情况下,直接在词尾加-erwarm quiet high few long slow short clear 以字母 e 结尾的,去 e 加-erwide nice late fine large brave 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母,再加-erwet red sad big hot thin 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾,变“y”为“i”,再加-erbusy funny easy dry early hungry 部分双音节词以及多音节词,在词前加 more(更)serious athletic outgoing talented important careful 以动词+ed 或+ing 构成的形容词,在词前加 more(更)bored boring tired tiring interested interesting surprised surprising 以形容词+ly 构成的副词,在词前加 more(更)quickly slowly luckily 不规则变化的形容词副词good & well bad & badly quietly happily easily little far many & much old 练一练根据变化规则写出下列形容词、副词的比较级形式pretty tall lucky difficult expensive able happy much young near white quietly 比较级修饰语few lazy old slim exciting cheap far cool cute dirty Pan Changjiang: 1.6m Zhao Benshan: 1.75m Yao Ming: 2.29mZhao Benshan is taller than Pan Changjiang.Zhao Benshan is a little taller than Pan Changjiang. (高一点)Yao Ming is taller than Pan Changjiang.Yao Ming is much taller than Pan Changjiang. (高得多)I think Harry Potter is interesting.Well, I think Alice in the Wonderland is far more interesting. (远比)Oh, I did badly in my English exam.I did even worse. (甚至)练一练1. 这本书比那本贵的多。(翻译)This book is that one.2. 请更细心一点。(翻译)Please be .3. People are much more richer than before. (改错)Exercises一、选择题()1. Is Taras book more expensive than ?A. hesB. himC. yoursD. his ()2. My hair is shorter than _ .A. my sister B. my sistersC. herD. she ()3. Lesson One is more interesting Lesson Two.A. asB. thanC. likeD. in()4. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works than her.A. hardB. harderC. the hardestD. hardest ()5. No one can sing than her.A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best()6. I like talking with others, but Tina doesnt. She often reads books in the room. So Tina is than I am.A. funnierB. shierC. wilderD. calm()7. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you should eat food and take exercise.A. more; fewB. more; lessC. fewer; moreD. less; more()8. I think you are outgoing than your brother.A. veryB. muchC. moreD. a little()9. Jim is taller than I am.A. veryB. littleC. quiteD. much ()10. Sam is more outgoing than me.A. mostB. moreC. a littleD. little ()11. I think Tony is than Jack.A. seriousB. a little seriousC. very more seriousD. a little more serious ()12. I think Alice is quieter than Tina.A. veryB. moreC. muchD. less ()13. The box is heavier than that one.A. moreB. lots ofC. littleD. much ()14. The volunteer spoke as _ as she could to make thevisitors understand her.A. clearlyB. more clearlyC. most clearlyD. the most clearly()15. Many boy students think math is English.I agree. Im weak in English.A. much difficult thanB. so difficult asC. less difficult thanD. more difficult than ()16. Who is swimming, you or she?She is.A. better atB. better inC. good atD. well in ()17. Who is , Tom or Mike?Tom is.A. thinB. thinnerC. thinerD. more thin ()18. Which scarf is , this one or that one?A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best ()19. This book is that one, but that one.A. as difficult as; expensiveB. more difficult as; as expensiveC. as difficult as; not so expensive asD. as more difficult as; as expensive as()20. Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?Certainly, we can buy one than this, but this.A. a better; better asB. a worse; as good asC. a cheaper; as good asD. a more important; as good as二、用括号内词的适当形式填空21. Her sisters hair is longer than (she).22. I am sure that your bag is smaller than (I).23. This apple is (big) than that one.24. Lesson 5 is (easy) than lesson 8.25. Pop music is (popular) than the classical music.26. Linda is (strong) than me. She plays sports every day.27. He is (good) at math than me.28. Please be a little (early) tomorrow.三、按要求完成句子,每空一词29. 虽然我比刘梅文静,但我们俩都爱运动。 Im than Liu Mei, we like sports.30. Basketball is more popular than football in the USA. (改为同义句) Football is popular as basketball in the USA.31. This bike is cheaper than that one. (改为同义句)That bike as _ as this one.32. Tom is tall. Jim is short. (合并句子) Tom is Jim.33. Jim 比 Tom 友好,因此 Jim 有更多的朋友。Jim is Tom, so Jim has .34. 这个女孩比那个女孩外向一点。This girl is than that one.【参考答案】比较级概念判断下列哪些描述属于比较级,在其后括号内打“” 三班学生比我们班学生活泼。( )王英是我们班最高的。 ( ) 王英比我们班其他人都高。 ( ) 她的铅笔比我的铅笔长。 ( ) 我和妈妈比爸爸起得早。 ( ) 练一练Sometimes, riding a bike is faster than driving a car.On workdays, many children get up earlier than their parents. This question is much more difficult than that one.比较级构成一般情况下,直接在词尾加-erwarmerquieterhigherfewerlongerslowershorterclearer以字母 e 结尾的,去 e 加-erwidernicerlaterfinerlargerbraver重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写该辅音字母,再加-er wetterreddersadderbiggerhotterthinner以“辅音字母 + y”结尾,变“y”为“i”,再加-er busiereasierdrierfunnierearlierhungrier部分双音节词以及多音节词,在词前加 more(更) more seriousmore athleticmore outgoingmore talentedmore important more careful以动词+ed 或+ing 构成的形容词,在词前加 more(更) more boredmore boringmore tiredmore tiring more interested more interesting more surprisedmore surprising以形容词+ly 构成的副词,在词前加 more(更)more quicklymore slowlymore luckily more quietlymore happilymore easily不规则变化的形容词副词betterworsemorelessfarther/furtherolder/elder练一练prettiermore difficult happiermore younger nearer whitermore quietly比较级修饰语tallermore expensive fewerlazier older/elder slimmer more exciting luckierabler cheaperfarther/further coolercuter dirtiermuch more expensive than a little more carefulPeople are much richer than before.Exercises1-5 DBBBC6-10 BDCDC11-15 DCDAC16-20 ABCCC21.hers22.mine23.bigger24.easier25.more popular 26.stronger27.better28.earlier29.Though; quieter; both30.not as31.isnt; cheap32.taller than33.friendlier than; more friends34.a little more outgoing


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