2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit5(6)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit5(6)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语3A第五单元 第一教时:A learn to say教学目标:1能学会使用问候语 How are you ?及其四种应答语。2会唱歌曲Hello ! How are you ?教学重点、难点:能学会使用问候语How are you ?及其四种应答语:Fine ,thank you / Fine ,thank you ,And you ? Im fine ,too /Not bad ,thank you /Not so good .教具准备:录音机,卡片,磁带,挂图。教学过程: Step1. Warming up 1.Greetings the Ss: Good morning /afternoon ,class? Glad to see you !2.Revision : Show me your English book ,Show me your rubber , What colour is it?3.Now ,lets sing ,Ok ?(“Hi, Nancy”.“Colour song”)Step2. Presentation A.Lets talk .(1)Lets make a dialogue :T: (show a toy )Look ,This is my friend Peter, He wants to be your friend ,Do you like him ?T:(Toy Peter) Hello ,Im Peter, Nice to meet you .SS:Hello, Peter.Sa : Hello , Peter, Im .Sb: Good morning ,Peter ,Im ,This is my friend .Sc: Nice to meet you ,Peter.T :Nice to meet you ,too .(2) Lets listen to the tape ,please listen carefully, then answer my questions :a. How many kids do you know ?b. What do you remember?c. Who is not so good ?(3)Teach and learn : How are you ?/Fine ,thank you .a. T holds up two fingers (the two fingers are opposed)Finger 1: Hi, How are you ?Finger 2: Fine ,thank you .(Twice times )b. Follow me and practise: Hi, How are you ?Fine ,thank you .c.Practice in pairs .d.check e.Lets sing together .Hello!How are you !(1)Learn to say : Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ?a.Finger1: Hi ,how are you ?Finger 2: Fine ,thank you ,And how are you ?Finger1: Im fine ,too .b.Read after the T.c.Mainpoints:And how are you ?/And you ?Im fine ,too .d.Ss say and do .(2)Learn to say : Not bad a.Please say “How are you ?”to me. Ss: How are you ? Miss T:Not bad (Smiling and swinging your arms )b.Read after the T and do what the T does .c.Please say “Not bad ”loudly .d.Sing:“Hello !How are you ?Not bad ,thank you ,”Step3 Presentation .1. Learn to say : Not so good ,Im sorry .a. T shows the pictures and asks : what is Yang Ling saying about ?Im fine ?Not bad? Not so good ?b. Say :“Not so good .”c. Practice in pairs .Step4 Consolidation .1. Listen to the tape .2. Try to repeat .3. Read after the tape .4. Action .Step5 Homework :Practice the dialogues to your parents .Designing of writing on the blackboard .Unit 5 How are you ? A Learn to say .Fine ,thank you ,And (how are )you ?How are youNot bad .Not so good 教学反思: 本单元的教学内容与孩子们的学校生活很贴近,不管是How are you?及其四种答句,还是八个学习类用品单词pen, book, rubber, pencil, pencil box, ruler, ball pen, pencil sharpener. 本单元非常适合培养孩子活用和乐用英语进行交际,当早晨每个进教室孩子都用英语和我打招呼时,心里美滋滋的,这一习惯是我坚持和孩子用英语交谈的成果。第二课时教学内容:B Look and learn : a pen ,a book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box , a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener.教学目标:1.能听懂会说八个学习用品类单词。2. 会用英语进行交流。教学过程:Step1.Warm up 1. Listen and do : Hands up / down .Books up/down .,etc.2. Whos wearing today ?(复习颜色单词) ,ball pens .(1) Learn to say : pencils a.Read after the T.b. What colour is it ?( e.ga green pencil )c. Contrast : a pencil & pencils .d. Chant (and clap your hands )Pencils ,pencils .Theyre pencils .Whatcolour are they? Oh ,theyre green .(2) Learn“pens ,ball pens” in the same way .(3) Look and guess :What am Isaying ? (师不出声说单词 ,生根据师口形猜单词 )BLearn: books, rulers , rubbers .(1)Read after the T.(2)Check.(3)Draw and guess(师画出半个图形,生猜老师画的是什么)C.Havearest .If you re happy , clap your hands .D. Learn : pencil boxes , pencilsharpeners .(1)Read after the T :a pencil box pencil boxes (2)Lets sing (Tune:Hello ! How are you Lyric :pencilpencil boxes One ,two ,three ,four ,boxes ,)(3)Learn“pencil sharpeners ” in the same way .(4)Check . a.Group work.b.“心灵感应”:Do you know what I am thinking about ?Step2 Consolidation .1. Listen to the tape carefully .2. Try to repeat .3. Point and say(师指图片,生抢答)4. Playa game : Guess : What rein my bag?Step 3 Homework .Go over what welearnt today Step4 Good bye .Sing the song “Goodbye .”and say “See you ”Designing of writing on the blackboard .教学调整 板书:a pen ,a book ,a rubber ,a pencil ,a pencil box , a ruler , a ball pen , a pencil sharpener.教学反思: 本单元的教学要注重尽量使用直观的手段进行教学。八个学习类用品单词就在孩子们的身边,可以用实物作为辅助工具,让学生一目了然。小学阶段所涉及的词汇大都有比较具体的含义,在教学中,教师完全可以运用实物、图片、动作、简笔画或多种多媒体教具等直观手段,让学生直接理解和运用语言。第三课时教学内容:C Look and say .教学目标1.会用学过的句型进行交流。2. 培养学生学英语的兴趣。教学过程:Step 1 Greetings :T: Hello ,boys and girls .How are you ,today ?Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ?T: Me too .Step2 Revision .1. Show me your pencils ,Show me your rubbers .Show me your ball pens 2. Lets talk in English .Hello, Good morning /afternoon .This is How are you ?3. Ask and answer(T&Ss)Get up ,. All right .Go to school now ,. OK .Go home now,.All right ,See you ,Miss .Go to bed now . OK ,Good night .4. Ss make a dialogue .5. Play a game .Guess : Whats in my school bag ? (book s, apples .bananas , a teaching picture) Step3 Presentation .1. T shows the teaching picture and asks .a. How many people in the picture ?b. What are they talking about ?2.Ss discuss :Group A : J3.Check and modify.Group B: J4. Group works .(全班分成四个小组,进行竞赛)Group C:Je.gpicture 1. (T: If you can do it well, Ill give your group one smiling face ) Group C:JMr Brown : Go to school now ,Mike .Mike : All right ,Bye ,Dad .5. Action .Step4 Have a rest.Sing the song “Hello ! How are you?”Step5 Listen andrespond .The T turns on the recorder (课前录制一些问话以便学生回答)板书:How are you ?教学反思: 句型学习反馈效果较好,学生大都能对How are you ?作出正确的应答,并能灵活运用。在交际问答时,说得比较多的是 “Fine ,thank you .”和 “Im sorry.”. “Not bad” 一句运用得比较少第三课时教学内容:C Look and say .教学目标:1.会用学过的句型进行交流。2. 培养学生学英语的兴趣。教学过程:Step 1 Greetings :T: Hello ,boys and girls .How are you ,today ?Ss: Fine ,thank you ,And you ?T: Me too .Step2 Revision .1. Show me your pencils ,Show me your rubbers .Show me your ball pens 2. Lets talk in English .Hello, Good morning /afternoon .This is How are you ?3. Ask and answer(T&Ss)Get up ,. All right .Go to school now ,. OK .Go home now,.All right ,See you ,Miss .Go to bed now . OK ,Good night .4. Ss make a dialogue .5. Play a game .Guess : Whats in my school bag ? (book s, apples .bananas , a teaching picture) Step3 Presentation .1. T shows the teaching picture and asks .a. How many people in the picture ?b. What are they talking about ?2.Ss discuss :Group A : J3.Check and modify.Group B: J4. Group works .(全班分成四个小组,进行竞赛)Group C:Je.gpicture 1. (T: If you can do it well, Ill give your group one smiling face ) Group C:JMr Brown : Go to school now ,Mike .Mike : All right ,Bye ,Dad .5. Action .Step4 Have a rest.Sing the song “Hello ! How are you?”Step5 Listen andrespond .The T turns on the recorder (课前录制一些问话以便学生回答)板书:How are you ?教学反思: 句型学习反馈效果较好,学生大都能对How are you ?作出正确的应答,并能灵活运用。在交际问答时,说得比较多的是 “Fine ,thank you .”和 “Im sorry.”. “Not bad” 一句运用得比较少第四课时教学内容: D Fun house1. Listen and circle .2. Guess and say.教学目标: 1.继续学习新单词和新句型。2.学会用英语进行交流。教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Sing the songs . “ Good morning.” “ Hello!How are you ?”2. Greetings .How are you ?Fine ,thank you ,And you ?Im fine ,too .3. Listen and do .Lets fly .Lets jump.4. Free talk . How are you today? Fine /Not bad /Not so good .Step 2 . Presentation .1. Play a game: Bingo.Guess: What are they?(猜图片,猜对者高呼Bingo,以示胜利)2. Read the words :(Pens ,pencils ,etc )3. Guess and say .(利用学生的文具或图片)e.gSa : A rubber?Sb : No .Sa: Rubbers ?Sb:Yes .4. Listen and circle .5.Sing the song “Hello!How are you ?”Step3 . Work book .1. Listen and number.2. Listen and judge .3. Listen and draw .Step 4 . Homework.Go over Unit 5.教学反思: 课堂气氛已超于平淡,感到一些学习活动已提不起学生的学习兴趣,无法激发他们的学习热情,很渴望再吸收一点新鲜血液,使教学更加生动,更能抓住学生的心。在练习中发现学生在listen and circle 中,对听到的单词能根据图意作出正确判断,但在听句子选择符合句意的图画时有很大困难,正确率很低,以后应该练学生对句子的反应和判断能力。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit6 Lesson11教案 闽教版一教学目标1. 复习动物单词:12生肖及其它已学的单词 cat ,fish, hen , lion ,frog, duck bird.2. 区别: Mr. Mrs.两个单词的读音。3. 复习家庭成员:father , mother, brother, sister.4. 听懂会说句子: Whos our mother? Are you our mother? 并学会回答: Yes, I am. No, Im not.5. Learn the chant : 学唱韵文,并续编韵文。二教具准备:单词卡,录音机,磁带,自制教具。教学步骤与方法:一Warming up and review 1Greetings . 2. Lets sing songs. 听一听, 猜一猜,复习duck, 唱“ Ten Little Baby Ducks.” T: Listen, boys and girls. I can swim. I can run. Can you guess Who am I ?Ss: duck T Ss: Duck duck . Quack-quack. ( 边做动作 , 边唱. )Now lets sing “ Ten Little Baby Ducks ”(You are Duck Group ) Put the baby ducks here.Duck duck . Quack-quack.听一听, 猜一猜,复习fish, 唱“Ten Little Baby fish. ”T: I have no hands. I have no legs. I can swim in the sea. Can you guess who am I ? Ss: fish T Ss: Fish , fish . 动作 - - . ( 边做动作 , 边唱. )Now lets sing “ Ten Little Baby fish ”One little, two little , three little baby fish;four little, five little , six little baby fish; seven little, eight little , nine little baby fish;ten little baby fish. (You are Fish Group ) Put the baby fish here.由数字10“ ten”,复习hen , 唱“Old McDonald Had a Farm.”T: How many fingers do you have? (教师做动作) Ss: Ten T: Listen, boys and girls. Hen hen hen Ten ten hen hen Do you know “ hen ”? I can lay eggs. I cant fly. T Ss: Hen , hen . 动作 - -加声音- - . ( 边做动作 , 边唱. ) (You are Hen Group ) Youre clever . I give hensbabies “chicks ” to you. 由让学生表演动作,复习frog, 唱“Old McDonald Had a Farm ”T: Do you know, frog ? Lets act. Stand up, please and say. Ss: frog T Ss: Frog , frog . 动作 - -加声音- - . ( 边做动作 , 边唱. )Now lets sing “Old Macdonald Had a Farm” Old Macdonald had a farm , Yi-a-yi-a -o On the farm he had some frogs, Yi-a-yi-a -o With a -, - here,With a -, - there, Here -, there -, everywhere -. (You are Frog Group ) I give tadpoles to you.二、Presentation and practice.1. Lets chant.(出示单词卡 frog, fish, hen, duck 让学生读:a. 巩固单词 frog, fish, hen, duck 大小声来读. b. 边做动作,边唱 Frog frog Croak-croak. Fish fish - - - Hen hen - - - Duck duck - - c. Listen and say. P51. T: Now open your books turn to Page 51 ,then listen to the tape.Listen , point and say. d. 让学生续编chant. T: Anything else? 我们同学们还能编一编吗? Who can? Put up your hands.2. 呈现句型 T: Whos he ? Chick Group: Hes our father. T: Chick Group: Mr. Rooster. T: Mr. Mr. Mr. Rooster. T: Whos our mother, babies? Now lets look for our mother, Mrs. Hen? Whos our mother? 板书并跟读。a. 小声 ,大声读b. c. 小组读:Fish Group: Whos our mother, (动作) Hen Group: Whos our mother, 咯 咯 动作Duck Group: Whos our mother, Quack-quack动作Frog Group: Whos our mother, - - 动作d. 带着着急地心情操练 e on , lets look for our mother.- - Whos our mother? 用游戏引出句型“ Are you our mother, ? ”及其回答“Yes, I am. No, Im not.”并板书 。 a. 游戏 - 教师带着学生们找妈妈, 引出句型“ Are you our mother, ? ”( 教师做示范, 带着学生们找妈妈: Whos our mother, 配上动作 ? 问 : Are you our mother, Mrs. Fish ? No. 问 : Are you our mother, Mrs. Hen ? No. 问 : Are you our mother, Mrs. Duck ? No. Im not.b. 引导学生回答及操练,并板书。Are you our mother, Mrs. Duck ? No. Im not.c. Frog Group.学生问Are you our mother, Mrs. Frog ? 教师(戴着青蛙的头饰)答 “Yes, I am.” Im your mother. d. Works in pairs. 3课文解读 Listen to the text. P49 Dont open your books. Listen carefully. 课文讲了一个什么故事呢? 让学生说说课文讲了什么故事? Listen , repeat and point. (注意语音,语调 )Now open your books. Turn to Page 49. Listen , repeat and point. 自由朗读课文 ,并帮助有困难的学生. 分角色朗读课文。 (学生自己分配好角色)T: Who wants to be Mrs. Frog T: Who wants to be Mrs. Fish T: Who wants to be tadpoles 三 Consolidation 表演课本剧。 T: Who wants to be Mrs. Frog T: Who wants to be Mrs. Fish T: Who wants to be tadpoles 四家庭作业。 课后4人为一小组表演课本剧。完成活动手册Lesson 11

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