九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and poems Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter同步练习 冀教版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and poems Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter同步练习 冀教版.doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Stories and PoemsLesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter同步练习 根据汉意写出单词1. Shewithouteducationis like_ (银子)intheMine. 2. Whatdoesthis_(寓言)tellyou? 3. The_(政策)guaranteesusagainstallloss. 4. Heimmediately cametometo_(承认)hismistake. 5. _(诚实) truly is the best policy. 单选题1My grandpa used to make a _ by selling vegetables and fruits.Alive Blife Cliving Dlives2This man _ the river to save the drowning(溺水) child.Adived into Bdived offCdived for Dran into3You should have the courage to admit your mistakes _ your mother.Awith Bfor Con Dto4I felt sorry _ my teacher because of my mistake.Ato Bfor Cwith Din5She thought hard and she _ a good idea.Acaught up with Bcame up withCcame up to Dgot in touch with 根据汉意完成句子1. Whendidyou_ _ _ _? (从加拿大回来)2. Hehad to_ _ _ _ (自己谋生) whenshe was still achild. 3. Findahobbyyouenjoy doingand_ _(投入)it. 4. Weliketotraveland_ _ (带回)interestingthings fromsome places. 选择适当单词完成句子nothing gold hole cry bringOnce upon a time, there was a miser (守财奴). He hid his (1) under a tree. Every week he went to dig it up.21教育网One night a robber stole all the gold. When the miser came again, he found (2) but an empty hole.He sat there, (3). “The robber wont (4) the gold back,” he said. All the neighbours came.21cnjy“Did you ever take any out?” asked one of them. “No,” he said, “I only came to look at it.” “Then e again and look at the (5),”said the neighbour. “It will be the same as looking at the gold.”参考答案 根据汉意写出单词1. silver2. fable3. policy4. admit5. Honesty 单选题1. C2. A3. D4. B5. B解析:1. make a living是固定短语,意为“谋生”。2. dive into“潜入水中”;dive off“从高处跳入水中,跳水”;dive for“扑向,潜水寻找”;run into“跑进,撞上”。3. admit sth.to sb.是固定短语,意为“向某人承认某事”。4. feel sorry for sb.是固定短语,意为“向某人表示歉意”。5. catch up with“赶上”;e up with“想出,提出”;e up to“走上前去”;get in touch with 和保持联系。 根据汉意完成句子1. get back from Canada2. make her own living3. dive into4. bring back1. gold 2. nothing 3. crying 4. bring 5. hole

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