2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2 第二课时(2)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2 第二课时(2)教案 人教PEP【教学目标】 1能够熟练掌握表示家庭成员的英语单词father (dad), mother (mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother (grandma), man, woman。 2演唱本单元的英语童谣Father and Mother,通过英文歌曲,巩固所学单词,培养学生的学习兴趣。【教学重点】 1单词:father (dad), mother (mom), grandfather (grandpa), grandmother (grandma), man, woman 2学唱英语歌谣Father and Mother。【教学难点】表示家庭成员单词的认读【教学准备】 1教师及学生的家庭照片 2教师准备与本课时相关的教学挂图、单词卡和录音带。3教师给学生准备作为奖励的小礼物。【教学方法】愉快教学法、展示法、提问法【教学过程】Step 1:师生互相问侯。S:Hello,everyone!T:Hello,teacher!S:Sit down,please!T:Thank you! Step 2:检旧:学生表演Unit1 中的两个对话Step 3: 导入 1我们每个人都有一个幸福的家,有我们所爱的人,昨天老师学会用手语表示爸爸、妈妈,现在老师把它们教给大家,学会以后我们共同演唱一首Mother and Father,用我们的心和手告诉他们,“I love you!”(手语)2教师教手语:爸爸:竖起大拇指,用大拇指轻碰嘴唇2次妈妈:是竖起食指,轻碰嘴唇2次3全体学生起立,教师带领全体学生共同演唱歌曲Mother and Father,加入手语动作。4演唱2遍。我们的家人除了爸爸、妈妈,还有很多爱我们的人,今天我们就一起学习用英语表达他们!Step 4:授新S: 在上一单元里,我们认识了Amy,这节课我们再认识一个一个新朋友,Chen Jie.教师戴上头饰,并表达“My name is Chen Jie.”,我的名字是陈洁.S:Who am I?我是谁?(学生答)T:This is my family. There are 5 people in my family:my grandpa,my grandma,my dad,my mom, and me.(课件)15页的Lets learn全图。Step 5: 1教师把书中的内容以课件的形式展示给学生,并以陈洁的身份向大家介绍自己的一家,指着其中的人物做介绍:Hes my father. Shes my mother.(拿头饰教读Father,并把头饰贴在黑板上)学生反复的读,学生在读的过程中,老师进行板书.2现在仔细看黑板,注意看老师的书写顺序。(强调F的小写形式占满全格)现在由同学们来写,注意姿势。3你会了吗?“Can you spell it?”4在讲完mother,father后,出现课件:母亲节(Mothers Day, 5月的第二个星期日)Mathers Day父亲节:6月的第三个星期日5用同样的方法讲解其它单词。后再讲grandmother grandfather.是在前面加上grand,最后讲man,woman.man前面加we变woman.6.教师重复上面的句子,然后出示单词卡,让学生认读father, dad, mother, mom, man, woman, grandfather (grandpa), grandmother(grandma),(同时说陈洁想有两个人陪她:brother,sister,并教读)。注:教师向学生说明dad,mom,grandpa, grandma多用于口语中。Step 6.仿读录音教师给学生呈现Lets learn A部分的教学挂图, 播放录音,学生边看边听。(课件,慢速的录音)Open your book.On page 15。边听边用和指向所读的单词。Unit 2 My Family游戏1教师拿下头饰,鼓励学生扮演Chen Jie介绍自己的家庭成员:This is my family. Hes my Shes myT:你能介绍你的家庭吗?(教师让学生拿着自己的家庭照片向大家介绍自己的家庭成员。)2我们来玩一个游戏,“Youre so brave.”老师快速的拿单词卡片,会的同学马上举手,读得又快又好的给予奖励。Step 7: 小结播放动画片全家称呼Family 是全家Step 8:作业。(课件)1制作Family Tree.2本节课所学单词书写10个。3把歌曲Mother and Father唱给家长听。板书: Unit 2 My Family grandfather grandmotherfather motherman wemanbrother sister(卡片)注:此板书中的汉语意思均是图片附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 2(1) 第一课时教案 广东版开心一、Objectives and Requirements:1 LanguageTarget: Were happy! Theyre cold.Additional: Look! Thank you.2. VocabularyKey: happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big, smallAdditional: I, you, he, she, it, we, theySounds and words: thin, thick, bathroom, math, thumb, thanks3. materials: Picture cards9-16, colored chalk, tape二、Procedure:1. Conversation:1) Getting readya) Smile and look happy. T: Im happy. Repeat. Ss: Im sad.b) Look sad. T: Im sad. Repeat. Ss: Im small.c) Crouch down so you are barely visible to the Ss. T: Im small. Repeat. Ss: I m small.d) Stand as tall as you can/stand on a chair and hold your arms out to your sides. T: Im big. Repeat. Ss; Im big.e) T (point to various Ss). Is (S1s name) happy or sad? Is (S2s name) big or small?f) As you ask the class questions, continue making clear gestures. Continue with various Ss until you have introduced the new words to Ss.2) Using the booki. Open your books. (Point to the big Gogo in the first picture.) Is Gogo small? /Is Gogo big?ii. T: Lets listen together with your books closed.iii. Play the tape one time and ask Ss prehension questions such as Who is small?iv. Open the books and listen again.v. Have Ss follow along.vi. Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence and letting Ss repeat.2. Vocabulary1) Getting readya) Put picture cards of happy, sad, heavy, light, hot, cold, big and small on the walls around the room.b) T: Look at the pictures and say Im happy.c) Model point if necessary.d) Continue with other words and gestures.2) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.b) Hold up the book and point to pictures and have Ss say the words.3. Practice 11) Getting readyi. Point to the pictures one at a time .and ask Ss questions about it.ii. Elicit responses and do the same for the other three pictures.iii. Have Ss guess what the dialogs are going to be.2) Using the booki. Play the tape for number1, then pause.ii. While Ss are responding, gradually move your hand to picture Ciii. Continue, pausing after each question to allow Ss to answer on their own.4. Practice 21) Getting readyi. Walk around the room asking Ss questions. Move around the room and ask questions quickly to keep Ss focused.ii. T:Are you cold? Are you sad?iii. Elicit responses and encourage Ss to ask you this question with the units vocabulary words.2) Using the booka) Play the tape and have Ss answer.b) Model plete sentences. C) Put Ss in pairs to ask and answer these questions.

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