2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5教案示例 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5教案示例 人教新版1热身复习(Warm-upRevision)1) 将各种小动物图片的一部分给学生看,让学生猜一猜到底是哪种小动物。2) 请学生到讲台前扮演教师,与全班同学互相问好,并询问部分同学的姓名。 2新课导入(Presentation)1)通过简笔画复习“早上”,“下午”的同时引出evening一词。由教师戴上围裙扮演妈妈,与背着书包放学回家的孩子互致问候Good evening,开始可以先由教师问候,在学生理解的基础上请学生表演。运用简笔画和时钟设定傍晚的情景(6点到9点),三人一组分别扮演爸爸妈妈和孩子,练习Good evening。2)然后继续补充简笔画的内容,画上张床及男孩要睡觉的样子,把闹钟拨到10点以后。指图询问学生Can we say“Good morning”?Can we say“Good evening:”?在得到学生们的否定回答之后,教师介绍根据此情此景应当说Good night然后请学生(扮演爸爸妈妈和孩子),富有表情地表演Good night。借助挂图,教师指着大树上的小动物提问:Look,whats that? Is it a dogduckbear?一连串的发问得到否定回答之后,教师指图介绍:Its Mr Bird然后教师指向树下继续发问:Is this a bird,too?在得到学生的否定回答之后教师教新单词mouse,并结合挂图讲故事,请学生们想一想小鸟和小老鼠在这样的傍晚会怎样问候。4)听录音,用投影来展示本课的学习内容,让学生听录音,跟读,并要求学生用手指着句子和单词进行认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”,体会其英语句意。3趣味操练(Practice)1)教师边说Its evening边将各种小动物头饰戴在学生头上,另选一位同学用眼罩蒙住眼睛,扮演小动物的几位学生分别模仿所扮演的动物的叫声让蒙住眼睛的同学猜,如果猜中,要用Good evening互致问候。2)教师要指导学生注意语音、语调,特别是night的发音。3)游戏:找朋友。将学生分成里外两个圆圈,听音乐转圈,每当音乐停止时,教师说Its evening now,让里外圈的小朋友面对面相互问候Good night。4课堂评价(Assessment)在教师指导下完成活动手册中本课的内容。1) 让学生看图,猜猜图中人物的对话。2) 听录音,根据录音内容判断图画是否正确。正确的标出,错误的标出x。3) 听录音,跟读,核对答案指导学生进行自我评价。5课外活动(Additional activities)1) 晚上回家要对家人说Good evening,临睡觉前要说Good night。2) 听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的语言表达形式。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 第1-3课时教案人教版PEPTeaching aims: 1listen, speak” Hello./hi. Goodbye./bye-bye. Im .” 2pass the creaton greetings, introduce yourself and say goodbye, etc scenarios, let the students learn greetings, introduce yourself and farewell colloquialisms3cultivate students willing to openings, dare to speak English habits, inspiring students want to learn, and loving wishes.Teaching key point: Greetings, introduce yourself and say farewell greetings session learning, so that students in different situations to listen, speak “Hello./hi. Goodbye./bye-bye. Im .”Teaching difficult:pronunciation of “Im”Teaching aid:mask, tape第一课时Teaching content:Part A Lets talk,Lets playProcess of teaching :一、 Warm-up1Teacher show the picture about “Cartoon”,students look at the picture and listen dialoge.2Tell students “cartoon” pronunciation is made by the word of English words cartoon directly translation of pronunciation.In reality, we still have many similarities, sometimes we even directly used English words to represent something as a CD, VCD, DVD, etc二、 Presentation1Broadcast song “Hello”.2Teacher extend greetings to students:”Hello, everyone.” 3Teacher introduce self :”Hello!Im Miss yang/Hi!Im Miss yang.”4Teacher show the mask and introduce:”Hello!Im sary.”5Students introduce with mask:”Hello!ImMike6Broadcast the tape and students listen “Lets talk”.三、 Practice1Lets playStudents play game “One is drumming while the others pass round a spray of blossom - a drinking-game (whoever has the blossom when the drum stops must drink a cup of wine).2Produce the picture ,Let students say what to say in the picture.1) Morning,two children meet at the school doorway,what they say?2) Class begin,teacher brings a new schoolmate into classroom,freshman introduce self.3) Get out of class,there are several classmate and freshman meet ,how they say?4) School is over,classmate say what each other.3Four a group practice to introduce self.四、 AssessmentTeacher and students do studentsexercise-book Unit 1 Part 1.五、 Add-activitiesMake the mask about somebody in book.Feedback: 第二课时Teaching content:Part A Lets learn, Lets doProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1Sing a song:”Hello”2Students take Sarah, Wu Yifan counterpart masks and introduce:”Hello!sarah!.”3Play a game:Listen sounds,find pals.二、Presentation1Teach words and use sentences:”Show me your.”Teacger show a bag and students guess :”Whats in the bag?”Students guess and teaacher present the things,teacher teach word.Teacher says order:”Show me your .”2teacher read and students follow teacher。3Broadcast the tape of words,students read .三、Practice1Group of the contest will be divided into two groups of students, each group every time a runner on the desk, a student first look at a card, remember what the picture above.Will card picture buckle on the desk, let another student guess card drawing.:”an eraser?”a ruler?”a pencil?”a pen?”2Guess wordA student take a things and other students guess”Whats this?”3students listen the tape and do “Lets do”4Four a group,a student saysorder,other students do.四、AssessmentTeacher and students do studemts execise-book Unit 1 Part 2 五、Conteststudents are divided into two groups, each group of parties a player, teachers say words, player quickly ran to the podium to find the picture, listening to the word and read loud, so that is.Feedback:第三课时Teaching content:Unit 1 Part A Lets make,Lets singProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1Play gameTeacher prepare a small ball and say “Hello!Im.”Then teacher throw ball,student of get the ball introduce self. So that is.2Review “show me your .”Teacher say order and students do it.1Play gameTeachers begin, add the ball to who (Mike) and said “hello Mike.” Says a stationery as “pencil”, received the ball of students find the appropriate stationery (pencil), edge produce side say”Yes. Pencil.” 二、PresentationTeacher introduce the name card and its process of manufacture.三、Practice1Students take out the material and make the name card,teacher stress the first verb of sentences.2Students spread the name card and use sentence “Hello,Im.”.3Let students follow the tape singing song “Hello”,and can replacement students name.四、Assessment1Lets doTeacher says order and students do “Show me your ”2students exercise-book Unit 1 Part 3, Students look at the picture ,say the thing of the picture.3Choose the face.4Students listen the tape and do exercise.5Students assessment self.五、Add-activitiesName game:Teacher says :”Hi,XX,Im Miss Yang”.Students answer:”Hi,Miss Yang.Im Ann.”Other student says:”Hi,Miss Yang,hi,Ann,Im Mike.”So that is.Feedback:

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