2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson7教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson7教案 冀教版一、教学目标:1 知识与技能:认知词汇sandwich milk dessert cookies ice cream cake四会单词 juice 回答问句Whats for_?能理解会唱本课英文歌曲“Its time for lunch”。2 过程与方法:学习歌曲,使学生在语言情境中快乐使用语言。运用事物或图片,使学生更直观的理解认知词汇。3 情感态度与价值观:提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性。培养学生的文化意识,扩展知识面。二、教学重难点:理解认知本课词汇及句子,会唱本课英文歌曲。三、教具学具:与本课教学相关的实物及图片,单词卡片,录音机等。四、教学过程:Step1. Class opening and review.1. Greating .Hello , boys and girls ! How are you today ?Sing an English song you like best. 2. Review ask and answerWould you like some _ ? I likeeat _ for breakfast.What about you?Step2. New concepts1. Lunch-time(1).T:I get up in the morning . In the morning ,I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?I like _ for breakfast.Then I go to school.In the afternoon,I eat lunch. Now, its Lunch-time! Let eat lunch!Whats for lunch?(2).Look, ask and answer“Whats this?”.出示实物及图片,演示词汇sandwich milk juice(3).Listen to the radio ,read these words a few time.(4).Practice in groups:I like _ .I dont like_ .Whats for lunch? I like _ for lunch .2. Whats for dessert?(1). 教师介绍西方饮食习惯。引出dessert(2). 出示实物及图片,介绍学习词汇cookies ice cream cake(3) Ask and answer in pairs.Whats for dessert?What would you like for dessert ?I like _ for dessert.3. Lets sing a song.Listen and introduce:Its time for lunch.Point to each picture as read all the sentences with the song.Sing after the tape and do actions together.Step3. 展示活动 小组创编对话I like _ for breakfastlunchsupperdessert.或 唱(改编)本课歌曲Its time for lunch.Step4. Class closing活动手册板书: Lesson 7 Whats for lunch?sandwich milk juice Whats for lunch?Dessert: Its time for lunch.cookies ice cream cake 五、课后反思:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7(1)教案 冀教版一、教学目标: 1. 知识方面: 练习并能认读、掌握、灵活运用下列词汇:sandwich, milk, juice,能够认识和运用 dessert, cookies, ice cream, cake.四个单词。 2. 能力方面: ()能唱本课英文歌曲Its time for lunch. ()能在日常口语交流中灵活运用所学到的词汇。 ()了解西方饮食文化,介绍西方午餐 3. 情感、态度、价值观: 通过创设情境激发学生学习的兴趣,通过具体的实物(图片)来吸引学生的注意力,通过角色扮演来调动学生的积极参与性,通过歌曲的替换练唱来减轻单词的难度。二、教具准备: 单词图片、教学挂图,录音机、白纸(每人一张)三、教学过程: Part 1 :Revision 1. sing a song Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, Rice, meat, rice, meat. Noodles, dumplings, rice, meat, I want to eat. Soup, milk, water, juice, Water, juice, water, juice, Soup, milk, water, juice. I want to drink. 2.Greeting : T:Hello,everyone! S:Hello,Miss T:How are you,today? S:Im fine ,thanks.And you? T:Im very well,Thank you!Would you like some tea? S1:Yes,please,Id like some tea.(Give the card to the sudent) T:Would you like meat /fish/chicken/apples/grapes/oranges.? S2:Yes, please(Tell him/her to ask anther one) S2:Would you like S3:Yes, please. Part 2.New Concepts 1.Discuss the big picture on the blackboard ,It shows a typical school lunch in Canada .Explain that this student has brought his lunch from home . 2.Answer the questions: a. Where does this student eat for lunch. b. What does he eat for lunch? c. What does he drink for lunch? (If the student dont know the words , they can say it in Chinese ) 3. 利用食物卡片学习sandwich, milk, juice, cookies, ice cream, cake, 4. 利用学过的句型“I like .” “I dont like.” “Do you like.?” 大量操练Whats for lunch? Whats for dessert? 5. 教师示范后,学生分小组练习。 6. 小组成员进行对话演示。 Part 3.Song: “Its time for lunch.” 1.T: Do you like these food? Ss: Yes! T: Lets sing it out.OK? Ss: OK! T:Are you ready ? Ss: Yes! 2.Listen to the radio 3.Learn to sing 4.分角色演唱(男女唱、小组唱) Part 4.Practise 学生画出他们最喜欢的饭菜,告诉他们在每幅画上标出每顿饭的名称(breakfast, lunch, supper)。为了增加对学生的挑战,可以让学生用英语标上他们所画的其它东西,(如table或具体的食物的名称),在教室里展览他们的作业。 Part 5 .Class Closing


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