2019届中考英语复习 第三篇 中考题型实战 第37课 词汇运用基础知识.doc

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第37课 词汇运用解题策略方法 总体来说,中考词汇类考题主要是把单词放在特定语境中(即句子或短文中),要求考生通过对语句的理解,结合所给单词提示(汉语提示、首字母提示或给出单词),写出正确的单词形式,从而使句子或短文的意思完整。纵观近年来各地的中考英语试题,常见的词汇类考题题型主要有:“根据汉语提示,填写句中所缺单词”;“根据首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式”;“用所给单词的适当形式填空”;“用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空”;“用所给动词的适当形式填空”等。一、解题思路点拨1. 单词的填空和拼写不只是简单意义上的写单词,而应注意把它放入句子中加以理解、转化和运用,根据句子的需要填入其适当的形式。2. 记单词要注意把单词的音、形、义相结合,不仅仅是词形,还要注意它的固定搭配和特殊用法,这样就能准确地记住并熟练地运用它。3. 单词的拼写也是有规律可循的,记单词要有方法,不能机械地去记忆,首先要读准单词,根据单词的读音规则去记。如:开闭音节、字母组合发音的规则,这是记准单词的重要方法之一。4. 英语和汉语一样都有一词多义的现象,记单词时一定要记清词义,记准词形,还要注意汉语意思的差别。如:How long do you spend(花) reading English every day?你每天花多少时间读英语?二、词汇运用题中词的变化形式1. 名词的变形有单数、复数、单数所有格和复数所有格。如:some watches一些手表;my mothers book我妈妈的书;Teachers Day教师节。2. 动词的形式有原形、不定式、现在分词、第三人称单数形式、过去式、过去分词。如:Lets go home. 让我们回家吧。He is writing now. 他正在写字。He enjoys watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。He finished his homework and went home.他完成作业回家了。Have you heard from him? 你收到他的来信了吗?English is spoken all over the world. 英语在全世界被人们说。3. 形容词和副词有三种形式,原形、比较级形式和最高级形式,还要注意形容词和副词之间的转化。如:She was even angrier. 她甚至更生气了。He said angrily, “Dont do it again.” 他生气地说:“不要再这样做了。”4. 数词基本的形式有基数词和序数词,还要注意once, twice的用法。如:Tom is the second tallest boy in my class.汤姆是我班里第二高的男生。He has two brothers. 他有两个兄弟。He has been there twice. 他曾去过那儿两次。5. 代词有五种形式,即主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词和反身代词。如:Im in trouble, please help me. 我有麻烦,请帮帮我。This is not my book. Mine is over there.这不是我的书。我的在那边。I bought a skirt for myself. 我给自己买了条裙子。当堂检测一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。A(xx诸暨市滨江中学中考模拟) success decide invite teach twelve 1. He has_ in doing business online.2. Although she asked me to go to her party, I didnt want to receive the_ .3. This is the math teacher who_ me when I was in primary school.4. Teenagers want to make their own_ .5. Lucy lives on the_ floor.B(xx绍兴市名校中考模拟) four simple fair prefer unless 6. The_ of the match is very important for sports players.7. I wont go to Jennys birthday party_ Amy is invited too.8. I bought the house_ because it was large.9. I_ dancing to singing when I was young.10. He has just begun his_ year in college.二、选词填空。(xx湖州市吴兴区中考模拟)选择方框内的单词完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确,每词限用一次。A. unfriendly B. spirit_ C. stoleD. fallen E. pronunciation F. especially1. Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in_ and spelling.2. She had been very angry at the person who_ her new bike.3. Millions of wild flowers color the valleys,_ in April and May.4. Michelle has_ asleep with her head against his shoulder.5. She is a very brave girl and everyone who knows her admires her_ .6. Its very_ of him to act the way he did.三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确,每词限用一次。(xx余姚中考模拟) much happy each what late Nancy: Hey Bert, I think Ive made Alice mad and Im not sure what to do about it.Bert: 1_ happened?Nancy: You know Julie is Alices best friend, right?Bert: Uh-huh.Nancy: Well, the more I get to know Julie, the 2_ I realized that we have a lot in mon. So weve been spending more time together 3_.Bert: But whats wrong with that?Nancy: Umm.it makes Alice 4_ because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her.Bert: I see. Mmm.why dont you ask Alice to join you5_ time you do something with Julie? Then she wont feel left out.Nancy: Oh, good idea!That can make our friendship stronger.四、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Its already midnight, but 16-year-old Xiao Lin from Wuhan is still 1_(醒着). Sitting in front of a puter, he has been playing online games for hours.Xiao Lin is not alone. Statistics from China Internet Network Information Center show that by the end of 2_(十二月), xx, the number of Internet users in China below the age of 19 was about 170 million. Many of them, like Xiao Lin, 3_(花费) too much time on online games, which is bad for their health and studies.To 4_(处理) with this social problem, the Chinese government worked out a draft regulation(法规草案) in January. Under the regulation, minors(未成年人) will not be able to play online games 5_(在之间) midnight and 8 a.m. every day. Online gaming panies will limit young peoples playing time. This is also 6_(叫做) “Online game curfew”.Many people agreed that the regulation could 7(更好) protect Chinese young people online. But others doubted 8_(是否) it would successfully stop young people from playing games during the time.“This regulation is only the first step,” Tong Xiaojun said to CCTV. “We need help from the whole 9(社会). And there is still a long way to go in 10_(提供) the young people a safe and healthy online environment.”参考答案当堂检测一、1. succeeded 2. invitation 3. taught 4. decisions 5. twelfth 6. fairness 7. unless8. simply 9. preferred 10. fourth二、15. ECFDB 6. A三、1. What 2. more 3. lately 4. unhappy 5. each四、1. awake 2. December 3. spend 4. deal5. between 6. called/named 7. better 8. if/whether9. society 10. offering


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