2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 第1-3课时教案人教版PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 第1-3课时教案人教版PEPTeaching aims: 1listen, speak” Hello./hi. Goodbye./bye-bye. Im .” 2pass the creaton greetings, introduce yourself and say goodbye, etc scenarios, let the students learn greetings, introduce yourself and farewell colloquialisms3cultivate students willing to openings, dare to speak English habits, inspiring students want to learn, and loving wishes.Teaching key point: Greetings, introduce yourself and say farewell greetings session learning, so that students in different situations to listen, speak “Hello./hi. Goodbye./bye-bye. Im .”Teaching difficult:pronunciation of “Im”Teaching aid:mask, tape第一课时Teaching content:Part A Lets talk,Lets playProcess of teaching :一、 Warm-up1Teacher show the picture about “Cartoon”,students look at the picture and listen dialoge.2Tell students “cartoon” pronunciation is made by the word of English words cartoon directly translation of pronunciation.In reality, we still have many similarities, sometimes we even directly used English words to represent something as a CD, VCD, DVD, etc二、 Presentation1Broadcast song “Hello”.2Teacher extend greetings to students:”Hello, everyone.” 3Teacher introduce self :”Hello!Im Miss yang/Hi!Im Miss yang.”4Teacher show the mask and introduce:”Hello!Im sary.”5Students introduce with mask:”Hello!ImMike6Broadcast the tape and students listen “Lets talk”.三、 Practice1Lets playStudents play game “One is drumming while the others pass round a spray of blossom - a drinking-game (whoever has the blossom when the drum stops must drink a cup of wine).2Produce the picture ,Let students say what to say in the picture.1) Morning,two children meet at the school doorway,what they say?2) Class begin,teacher brings a new schoolmate into classroom,freshman introduce self.3) Get out of class,there are several classmate and freshman meet ,how they say?4) School is over,classmate say what each other.3Four a group practice to introduce self.四、 AssessmentTeacher and students do studentsexercise-book Unit 1 Part 1.五、 Add-activitiesMake the mask about somebody in book.Feedback: 第二课时Teaching content:Part A Lets learn, Lets doProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1Sing a song:”Hello”2Students take Sarah, Wu Yifan counterpart masks and introduce:”Hello!sarah!.”3Play a game:Listen sounds,find pals.二、Presentation1Teach words and use sentences:”Show me your.”Teacger show a bag and students guess :”Whats in the bag?”Students guess and teaacher present the things,teacher teach word.Teacher says order:”Show me your .”2teacher read and students follow teacher。3Broadcast the tape of words,students read .三、Practice1Group of the contest will be divided into two groups of students, each group every time a runner on the desk, a student first look at a card, remember what the picture above.Will card picture buckle on the desk, let another student guess card drawing.:”an eraser?”a ruler?”a pencil?”a pen?”2Guess wordA student take a things and other students guess”Whats this?”3students listen the tape and do “Lets do”4Four a group,a student saysorder,other students do.四、AssessmentTeacher and students do studemts execise-book Unit 1 Part 2 五、Conteststudents are divided into two groups, each group of parties a player, teachers say words, player quickly ran to the podium to find the picture, listening to the word and read loud, so that is.Feedback:第三课时Teaching content:Unit 1 Part A Lets make,Lets singProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up1Play gameTeacher prepare a small ball and say “Hello!Im.”Then teacher throw ball,student of get the ball introduce self. So that is.2Review “show me your .”Teacher say order and students do it.1Play gameTeachers begin, add the ball to who (Mike) and said “hello Mike.” Says a stationery as “pencil”, received the ball of students find the appropriate stationery (pencil), edge produce side say”Yes. Pencil.” 二、PresentationTeacher introduce the name card and its process of manufacture.三、Practice1Students take out the material and make the name card,teacher stress the first verb of sentences.2Students spread the name card and use sentence “Hello,Im.”.3Let students follow the tape singing song “Hello”,and can replacement students name.四、Assessment1Lets doTeacher says order and students do “Show me your ”2students exercise-book Unit 1 Part 3, Students look at the picture ,say the thing of the picture.3Choose the face.4Students listen the tape and do exercise.5Students assessment self.五、Add-activitiesName game:Teacher says :”Hi,XX,Im Miss Yang”.Students answer:”Hi,Miss Yang.Im Ann.”Other student says:”Hi,Miss Yang,hi,Ann,Im Mike.”So that is.Feedback:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 1 第1-6课时教案 人教新起点课题UNIT 1 Myself课型new 目的要求Knowledge Target: Learn to say new words, sentences . Technique Target: Use the knowledge in this unit .Emotion Target: To foster the students ability of municating.重点难点To listen and say the words and some sentences.To read and write letters, spell the words.教学方法 TPR Game munication Audio-visual课时分配Sixlessons拟用教具 pictures tape-recorder板书设计 教学过程UNIT 1myself new name class Ms Mr old school phone numberprimary schoolLesson 1 & 2.Warmer.Sing a song.Teach new knowledge.A. Listen and stick. 1.Teacher prepares a puppet to talk with students. Let students feel the new dialogue. 2.Look at the book and talk about the picture. 3.Listen to the tape then stick andanswer the questions. 4.Read the dialogue.B. Role play.1.Girls and boys act different roletogether.2.Call volunteer to act.C. Learn the letters.1.Listen to the tape and follow it.2.Train train go.A. Listen and stick. 1.Teacher prepares a puppet to talk with students. Let students feel the new dialogue. 2.Look at the book and talk about the picture. 3.Listen to the tape then stick andanswer the questions. 4.Read the dialogue.B. Play a guessing game.C. Learn the letters.1.Listen to the tape and follow it.2.Train train go.To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classmunicationTeachingLearn togethermunicationTeachingLearn together教学过程教学过程教学过程.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1. Listen to the tape and follow it. 2.Copy the letters and words. Lesson 3.Warmer.Free talks between teacher and students. Teach new knowledge.A. Draw and say.1.Listen to the tape.2.Listen to the tape again and try to follow it.3.Play a snowball game.4.Let the students draw the pictures.B. Lets talk. C. Lets make. D. Count and write the numbers.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.finish the card.Lesson 4 & 5.Warmer. Play a snowball game. Teach new knowledge. A. Look, listen and match. 1.Look at the four children to make out them. 2.Listen to the tape and match it. 3.Read after the tape. 4.Introduce themselves by this way. B. Lets play a circle game. 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Listen to the tape again and circle thefamily name3. Ask the right answers4.Train train go.C. Listen and chant. 1. Listen to the tape for several times . 2. Chant it together.D. Learn the letters.1.Listen to the tape and follow it.2.Train train go.Fun Time1.Let the students guess the meaning of the story.2.Teacher explains each sentences to the students.3.Students read follow the teacher.4.Look at the PowerPoint.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1. Listen to the tape and follow it. 2.Copy the letters and words. 3.Read the story.Lesson 6.Warmer. 1.Say the chant. 2.Free talk between teacher and students. Teach new knowledge.A. Listen and number. 1.Look at the three tables and know about the information.2.Listen to the tape and number them. B. Lets talk.1. Teacher makes an example first.2. Students talk about themselves. C. Lets read and write together.1.Students fill in the blank.2.Call volunteers to read it. D. Think and write. 1.Fill in the blank.2.Read it together.Consolidate practicing.Homework. Do exercises book. To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classGameLearn togetherTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togetherGameLearn togetherAudio-visualTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunication


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