2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Let’s Go单元基础回眸练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Unit 6 Lets Go基础回眸六.单词卡片名词女士_交通_运气_噪声_狮子_森林_过程_乡村_博物馆_大厅_战争_历史_区域_礼物_电影_戏院_价格_英雄_飞机场_旅馆_动词骑_跟随_数_做梦_想念_喂_采摘_学习_解救_打架_数词四十_五十_六十_七十_八十_九十_百_形容词直的_新鲜的_孤独的_友好的_著名的_无聊的_神奇的_副词 离开_直地 _迅速 _.短语归纳1乘坐42路公共汽车_2骑自行车 _3离很远;远离 _4下车;从下来 _5去动物园 _6在农场 _7在去的路上 _8寻找 _9紧邻;挨着 _10看一场电影 _11迷路 _12吵闹 _13当然 _14祝你好运! _15到达 _.句型在线1打扰一下,我怎样到达书店?Excuse me. How can I _ _ the bookstore?2在我上学的路上,我经常看见一只可爱的小狗。_ _ _ _ _, I often see a lovely dog.3在交通信号灯处右转。_ _ at the traffic lights.4沿着这条路直走。_ straight _ this road.5他经常骑自行车去超市。He often goes to the supermarket _ _6我家紧挨着我们学校。My home _ _ _ our school.7你在找什么?What are you _ _?8他在农场工作。He works _ _ _9我们可以更多得了解这场战争。We can _ more _ the war.10不要弄出声响。 Dont _ _11让我们一起找出答案吧!Lets _ _ the answer!12我当然知道这件事儿啦!_ _ I know it!13当公共汽车正行驶时,不要下车。Dont _ _ the bus when it is moving.14不要说得那么快!_ speak so_!15沿着这条街直走,经过一个公园,你会在你的右边看到博物馆。Go straight down the street, _ a park, and you will see the museum _ _ _.16她经常在城市里迷路。She often _ _ in the city.17咱们乘公共汽车吧!Lets _ _ _!18我想从我的老师那里得到帮助。I want to _ help _ my teacher.19我们怎样到那儿呢?_ can we _ there? 20警察是我们的英雄。The policemen _ our _教师详解详析.名词: lady; traffic; luck; noise; lion; forest; course; countryside; museum; hall; war; history; area; gift; movie; theatre; price; hero; airport; hotel动词: ride; follow; count; dream; miss; feed; pick; learn; save; fight数词: forty; fifty; sixty; seventy; eighty; ninety; hundred形容词: straight; fresh; lonely; friendly; famous; boring; magic副词: off; straight; quickly.1.take Bus 422by bike/take a bike/ride a bike3far (away) from4.get off5go to the zoo6.on the farm7on the way to8.look for9next to10.watch a movie11get lost12.make noises13of course14.Good luck!15get to.1.get to2.On my/the way to school3Turn right4.Go; down/along5by bike6.is next to7.looking for8on the/a farm 9.learn; about10make noises11.find out12Of course13.get off14Dont; quickly15pass; on your right16.gets lost17take the/a bus18.get; from19How; get20.are; heroes


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