八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 10 Problem Page教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 4 Dealing with Problems Lesson 10 Problem Page 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语八年级下册教材第4单元的第10课,话题为“问题交流页”,属于课标话题7情感与情绪(feelings and moods)以及话题8人际交往(interpersonal munication)下的第27个子话题合作与交流(cooperation and munication)同时也是社会交往功能意念下的建议功能。本课是本单元的第1课,本课将重点培养学生体会建议的合理性和实效性并提出自己个性化的建议同时培养学生运用批判性思维看待事物,渗透提建议的方式。在本课结束时,学生就问题能够提出自己个性化的建议。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures【过程与方法目标】1.说出自己生活中经常遇到的问题并表达感受;2.通过阅读,找出学生们经常遇到的问题以及文中所给出的建议。【情感态度价值观目标】增强面对困境倾诉问题并有针对性的解决问题的意识和能力。 教学重难点【教学重点】1. 通过阅读,找出学生们经常遇到的问题以及文中所给出的建议;2. 结合文本信息和自己的生活体验对这些问题提出合理有效的建议。【教学难点】通过阅读,找出学生们经常遇到的问题以及文中所给出的建议 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upSs answer the questions with the help of the pictures.Q1: What problems do they have?Show some pictures.Step 2. Pre-reading1. T introduces the task to the Ss and activates them.Q1: Would you like to take part in the activity?2. Ss understand why they need to solve problems.Q1: What problems have you got?Q2: How do you feel?3. Ss guess their mon problems according to a survey.Q: Can you guess which ones are mon for us? 4. Ss look at the result of the survey.Q: Are the problems also mon for other students? Step 3. Reading1 1st reading:Ss get the problems that others have.Read and underline them.Understand the problems by choosing the videos.Ss give their own replies in groups.Ss choose the problem that they want to solve.Ss work in groups to discuss and then write their reply down.Ss show their replies.2.2.nd reading:Ss read for the proper reply and find out the suggestions and structures by themselves.Ss read the reply part and choose the proper reply on the problem they chose,Ss work in groups to find out the suggestions and structure of the reply.Q1: How many suggestions does somebody else give? Q2: What are they?Q3:What are the relationships between sentences?Ss show their ideas on suggestions and relationships.Ss summarize how to give a reply.Step 4.Work in pairs1. Ss use critical thinking to think more.Ss pare their reply with the reply on the textbook to evaluate which one is reasonable and tell why.Q: Which reply do you think is reasonable, yours or the reply on the textbook?Ss think about whether the suggestions on the textbook are enough to solve the problems.Q: Do you think the suggestions on the textbook are enough to solve the problems?2. Ss work in groups to perfect their replies and then show them in class.T presents the task and shows the evaluation form to Ss.Ss work in groups to perfect their reply.Ss show their replies in class.One of the group members gives the class a presentation according to their reply.After listening, other Ss evaluate the reply and write down one most useful suggestion.T encourages Ss to help others. They are good helpers.Step 5 ExciseRead the problems (1-4) and match them with the suggestions (a-d).Check the answers.Step 6 Homework1. Read the text.2. Write down your suggestions. 教学反思略。


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