2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 15 Period 2(2)教案 上海新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 15 Period 2(2)教案 上海新世纪版单元学习目标:学会大大方方地向别人介绍你所拥有的东西,也学会赞美别人。单元基础目标:能听懂并模仿Grand Theatre的对话内容,并能表演对话。 单元发展目标:能根据情景替换Grand Theatre中的pencil-box,组成新的对话,并表演对话。单元情感、策略和文化等有关目标:情感态度:学会大大方方地向别人介绍你所拥有的东西,也学会赞美别人。 单元教学资源:Students Book 1A P7175Cassette 1A Unit 15Workbook 1A P6467Word and picture cards 1A Unit 15Teaching transparencies 1A Unit 15单元教学时间:3课时 (每课时3540分钟)第二课时:基础目标: 1. 能认识铅笔盒中的文具,并用英语说出ruler, eraser, pen, ballpen。2. 能用“Ive got”句型介绍自己拥有的学习用品。发展目标: 1 能进行单词与图片的配对。2 能根据实际情况将学过的单词与“Ive got”句型整合,灵活地介绍自己拥有的东西。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:学习策略:培养学生运用所学的英语词句进行应用性练习,加强听说能力。教学资源:Students Book 1A P7273 Cassette 1A Unit 15 A cassette player Picture cardsa big boxreal objectsmaskflash cardsProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-task PreparationWarming upRevisionRhymeDaily talk:How are you?Whats this in English? (“hen”)Whats that in English?通过儿歌,创造英语语言学习环境,激发学生学习热情。复习旧知,为学习新知而准备。While-task ProcedureTeaching new words:1. ruler2. eraser3. pen4. ballpenTeaching new sentence structure: Ive got(1) Riddle: Its long. Its in our pencil-box. We can see numbers on it. Whats it?(2) Pronounce: u /u:/ er (3) Give phrases: a long ruler, my ruler(1) Touch Something in the big box and guess what it is. (Erasers in the box) If pupil could not guess correctly, they can take it out and ask Whats this in English?(2) Pronounce: eraser (Remind the stress)(3) Give phrases: a nice eraser, a white eraser(1) Show the word hen. Use the letter p instead of h. Then make kids read it by themselves.(2) Make some phrases.(1) Let kids observe the new word which includes two words ball and pen. (2) Give the correct sound. (3) Find it in the pencil-box.Role-playIntroduction from the teacher: Im a clown. Ive got a magic box. There are some things in it. Can you guess? If pupil says an eraser”, the teacher should say, Yes, Ive got an eraser.认知ruler和eraser 并了解它们的特性。让学生通过已有的知识独立自主学习新单词。用分解字形的方式,可帮助学生认知单词。通过扮演小丑,学说Ive got 激发学习兴趣。Post-task ActivitiesActivity 1Which one is faster?Activity 2Hide and guess.According to the demands from the teacher, show a certain object.Hide something, make the deskmate guess what you have got.从词到句,通过游戏帮助学生巩固所学知识。附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 13(2)教案 人教新起点.Teaching contentsLesson 13 A look, listen and chantB lets play and say.Teaching aims:1.Lets learn: Look, listen and say 6 words:duck/cat/rabbit/bird/dog/chicken2.Lets say: 1.Understand the mean of these sentences and review the words of act like 2.learn this sentence: I have a .Teaching focal points:Look, listen and say 5 words.The pronunciation of “cat/ duck”.Teaching tools:Word cardstoy of animalsTape-recorder.Steps:Greeting and revision.Good morning! boys and girls! now, lets sing a song, ok?Lets sing “ Good morning, to you!”reviewT: whats your name?S: Im Review this dialogue New language learning.1)T: today I have many friends. He can say: mew, mew! You guess, what is it?S: oh! A cat!T: Yes. Its cat. Follow me: cat together two by twoT: I have a cat! Read after me: I have a cat!S: I have a cat!T: me too!Learn to say this sentence. Follow me. S-T T-S S-S Check someone.2) T: Show two ears. Look the ears, guess, what is it!S: rabbitT: yes, its rabbit.Follow me. Two by two. Check someone.Learn this sentence: I have a rabbitS: I have a rabbit.T: Me too!Work in pair/Practice3) teach “dog/bird/duck/chicken” in same way teach bird use my hands make a body languageteach duck use my hands make its mouthteach chicken use my hands make its mouth4) practice these words and sentences5)As quickly as you can. Use the toy or body language practice:This isI have a .3 Lets playT: I have a dog! Woof! Woof! ok?S: ok! T: I have a cat! S: mew! Mew! Mew! T: I have a duck! S: Quack! Quack! Quack!4 Lets do 1) act like students as act as say 2) I have Me too!3)listen to the tape-recorder4) have a match: boys and girls 课后反思:通过本节课的学习,学生对英语的学习兴趣越来越浓。 喜说好动是儿童的天性,如何为学生创设一种乐融融的课堂气氛,让学生在愉快的语言环 境中学习,改变传统的“苦学”局面,这就要求教师对课堂教学进行精心地设计。如在新课的导入阶段,我选择了一首容易吸引学生和激起学生情感的英文歌曲:Good morning to you ,学生随着活泼的音乐做出优美的动作。这样,学生在歌曲的熏陶中激起了学习新的英语的欲望,为课文的进一步学习打下基础。丰富的网络资源为学生的英语学习提供理想的语言环境,学生的听、说、读的能力得到了提高。英语教学应不断地提高学生听、说、读的能力,而网络资源为此提供了有利的条件。网络是一个巨大无比的资源库,和教师事先编制的课件和印刷型的课本相比,它具有全方位的开放性。听是说和读英语的基础,而网络所提供的动态学习素材为学生提供了良好的听的环境;说是在听懂的基础上的进一步提高,网络为师生双方都提供了很大的选择余地,有利于培养学生大胆地说英语的能力;读是扩展阅读,网络资料形象生动,图文声并茂,很容易吸引学生的注意力和激发学习兴趣,这样,学生通过网络可以积极的投入到英语学习中来。因此,生动形象的网络空间打破了虚拟视听环境和真实多媒体世界之间的壁垒,学生们进入到自然真切的情景中进行英语学习,可以身临其境地体会到网络世界的无穷魅力。今后的教学中还应加强对TPR方法的运用,加强学生的表演欲,发挥学生的想象力,让更多的学生多说多练,渐渐的学生的语言就能丰富起来,运用语言的能力也就越强。通过说、练,他们清楚地知道,什么场合说什么话,因此,只要有相应的语言环境,他们就能自如地运用英语进行交流。今后还应更加努力的提高自身的英语素质,多模仿,多说,多阅读,多写作,使自己再教中学,学中教,尽快成长为一名出色的英语教师。


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