2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2 period 1教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2 period 1教案 北师大版Teaching aims: To get the new words: boy, girl,monkey.Teaching difficulties: the new sentencesPreparation:1.the puppet of the Mocky2.teachers and childrens Character Masks.3.the Poster for this Unit4.flashcard for this Unit :monkey ,boy ,girl5.a ball or something can be thrown and caught easily.Teaching steps:1.Warm-upa. Hold up the puppet of Mocky and make him saying: Hello, Im Mocky. Have children return the greeting and elicit,Hi ,Mocky.b. Hold up the mask of Ken and put it on .Say. Hi,Im Ken Have children return the greeting and elicit Hello ,Kenc. repeat the step above with the mask for Ann.2. Previewa. Hold up the puppet of Mocky and say. Hello,Im Modky.Im a momkey.Model the word monkey at least twice, then have children repeat after the teacher.b.Show children the Poster for this unit ,Pin it up on the board where all the children can xee it .Point to Ken and say,Whos this ?Elicit Ken.Say,Kens a boy.Model the word at least twice .then have children repeat after the teacher.c.Point to Ann and ask.Whos this ?Elicit Annsay,Anns a girl.Model the word girl at least twice ,then have children repeat after the teacher.d.Review the new vacabulary by saying each word ,Have children repeat the word and point to the matching character.3.presentation of new languagea.Put on the mask of Ken and model the new structrue.Im a boy.repeat it twice .Now have the children repeat repeat after the teacher.Repeat the steps with the structure .Im a girl.Using the mask of Ann.b.Hold up the puppet of Mocky .Ask a girl .are you a girl?Have the children answer.Yes.I am .then ask the boy the same question .have the children answer.:No.Im not .Im a boy.c.Model the new structure at least twice and have the children repeat in chorus drill.4.Storya.Have children open their books and look at the picture .Ask :who can you see?.Elicit Mocky,Ken ,Ann.b.ask the children to describe the pictures .Ask where the characters are what they are doing.how they think Mocky feels,and why they think Mocky is confused.c.say:Now we are going to hear what the characters said.:Have the children look at the picture as you play the tape.d.Play the tape again ,Have the children repeat the words.e.Play the VCD.Mime the children follow it.5.Learn to saya.Have children open their books and direct their attention to the new vocabulary on the right-hand side.b.As the teacher play the tape ,have the children point to the correct picture.With out the tape ,read the words together .Have the children touch and say each word as they read it.c.Now point to Mocky in the pictures and children that he is asking questions .Point the new words in the speech bubble and read alout .Elicit the answer from the children .d.Play the tape and have the children listen .Play the tape again and have the children repeat.e.Have children work in pairs.they take turns and sayProvide teacher-child example .Have child point to one picture and teacher responds withAnn is a girl.explain that children are to prictise pointing to and procucing .the structure for all the pictures.6.Extensiona.Have children stand in circle .Put on your mask of Mocky and sayIm a monkey.Have the children choose a Character Mask to put on.b.Throw a ball on a child who is not wearing a monkey mask.Heshe stands up and says Im a boy.children continue throwing ,catching and producing the new structure and vocabulary.the only rule is that children cannot throw the ball to someone who will repeat exactly what they said.附送:2019-2020年一年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 1教案 沪教牛津版一、 教学说明1 通过第一课的学习,孩子们对英语有了初步的了解,对英语学习有了较浓厚的兴趣。(游戏激发了他们的兴趣)2 了解后知到,班级中有一半同学会用“Hello”跟别人打招呼,其中有5人还会介绍自己。二、 教学内容1 认知内容:a会说:Hello(Hi) . Im . This is .b能运用上面的句子,进行情境表演。2 能力要求:能运用Hello(Hi) . Hello(Hi),Im . This is . 进行情境表演3 会用学到的句子介绍自己,主动与他(她)人打招呼,并把自己的好朋友介绍给大家,让其他(她)的同学认识更多的新朋友。三、 教学步骤ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Warming upSong:1. Sing and act the Song.歌表演不仅仅活跃了课堂气氛,还增添了学习情趣。2. Listen and act Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book.(bag ,pencil-box, eyes, mouth)Close your .1. T: SayP: Act2. P: SayT: Act3. P1: SayP2: Act玩偶让孩子们在说说、做做,轻松、愉快地气氛中复习旧知识,增添相应的新内容。老师说英语,学生做动作这是常规,而反过来让学生说,老师来做动作,孩子们就特别感兴趣。While-task procedure1.Introduction Hello, .Hi, .1. Hello, boys and girls.P: Hello, Michelle2. Use the puppet(Dog and Rabbit) to elicit the greetingsPuppe1:Hello(Hi), Dog.Puppe2: Hello(Hi), Rabbit.套在手上的傀儡一出现,立即吸引住了小朋友。他们聚精会神地关注着小狗、小兔的表演。2.Imitation Hello, .Hi, .1.Puppe1:Hello,Dog.P: Hello, Dog.Puppe2:Hi, RabbitP: Hi, Rabbit让小木偶当孩子们的老师,他们学此乐彼,学得津津有味。2Encourage the pupils to say “Hello”, “Hi ”to each other. 孩子们大胆地向别人问候,并把操练活动带到了意义性的操练阶段。3IntroductionIm .1.T:Hello, Im Michelle. Im your English name. I love you.2.T: Whats your name?Puppet: Im Dog.3.T: Whats your name, Please?P: Im Tony.2只可爱的小木偶给小朋友做了很好的示范作用。2. IntroductionIm .1. T: Ask pupils to listen and follow.2. Say and read the sentence.3. Answer the question:Whats your name?让学生用新句型来介绍自己,回答别人的提问5. Listen clap and say.I am .x x Ixx xII am ste-ven. x x Ix xII am Na-cy.x x Ix 0II am Alice.Game:1. Listen the music.2. Clap your hands.3. Say your name.通过音乐节奏游戏,调动孩子们的积极性。由于节奏给大脑的刺激,使思维与语言的固有频率引起共振,从而促进记忆。6Introduction and imitation1.T:This is Elephant.(puppet)2.Explain.3.S:This is Elephant.4.Encourage the pupils to introduce their friends to each other.7. ActionE: Hi, Rabbit.This is Dog.R: Hello, Im Rabbit.D: Hello, Rabbit.1.Watch action.2.P1: Hi, Rabbit. This is Dog.P2: Hello, Im Rabbit.P3: Hello, Rabbit.3.Change the character.全班分成三组,通过分角色表演,掌握新学的句子。8. activity1.Listen to the tape.2.Divide the class into of three. Practise the dialogue.让学生用新学的句子互相交流。Assignment1Listen page 8 and read it.2Act page 8 with parents.3plete the exercises on workbook page 5.四 、教学提示1 媒体准备:傀儡、音乐带、(二拍子音乐)、录音机。2 教学关注点:a. Im May .这句句中的“Im”的发音学生有些困难,教师示范时要夸张一点,鼓励学生开口说,不要怕说错。b. 三个角色的对话,对于一年级学生容易搞混,所以先要分角色练习。c培养学生在家听磁带的良好学习习惯。鼓励他们与爸爸、妈妈用学到的英语进行对话,交流。3 设计思路1把Lets talk 部分提前上是因为这部分内容可以让新同学尽快互相熟悉。2三个傀儡作为教学的辅助工具,使孩子更好地理解每个角色所说的话,而且让孩子们套在手上玩玩、说说,寓教于乐。3第二教时,可以让学生扮演成一家人,孩子向爸爸或妈妈介绍新朋友。4 教学反思:4游戏是孩子最容易接受的学习方式,要利用好这一手段,达到学习的目的。5培养孩子善于倾听别人的讲话。个别学生说话时要让其他学生带着任务去听。


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