2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习九 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习九 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019年七年级英语上学期寒假作业练习九 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业练习九一、重点单词1什么时候 (adv.) _ 2.月;月份 (n.) _ 3.一月 (n.)_ 4二月 (n.)_ 5.三月 (n.)_ 6.四月 (n.)_ 7五月 (n.)_ 8.六月 (n.)_ 9.七月 (n.)_ 10八月 (n.)_ 11.九月 (n.)_ 12.十月 (n.)_ 13十一月 (n.)_ 14.十二月 (n.)_ 15.愉快的 (adj.)_ 16年老的 (adj.)_ 17.聚会 (n.)_ 18第二 (num.)_ 19.第三 (num.)_ 20.第五 (num.)_ 21第八 (num.)_ 22.第九 (num.)_ 23.第十二 (num.)_ 24第二十 (num.)_ 25.测验 (n.)_ 26.旅行 (n.)_ 27艺术 (n.)_ 28.节日 (n.)_ 29.亲爱的 (adj.)_ 30学生 (n.)_ 31.东西;事情 (n.)_ 32.学期 (n.)_ 33忙碌的 (adj.)_ 34.时间 (n.) _ 35.那里 (adv.)_二、重点短语1多大年纪 _ 2.生日聚会_ 3今天下午 _ 4.英语测验_ 5学校郊游 _ 6.足球赛_ 7艺术节 _ 8.下个月_ 9图书销售 _ 10.体育节_ 11儿童节 _ 12.妇女节_ 13学校图书馆 _ 14.在下午_三、重点句子1你的生日是什么时候?_ 2我的生日在5月3日。_ 3她的生日在3月。_ 4生日快乐!_ 5你多大了?_ 6在那儿见!_ 7新年是什么时候?_ 8过得愉快!_ 9你想来参加我的生日聚会吗?Do you want _ my birthday party? 10这的确是一个很繁忙的学期!This is a _ term.四、单项选择( )1.We have_art festival this week._festival is interesting.Aa,TheBan,TheCthe,AnDan,An( )2.My birthday is_January and Peters birthday is_March 20th.Ain,at Bin,on Cfor,不填 Dat,on( )3.Here are_pictures and the_picture is mine.Athree,three Bthird,thirdCthree,third Dthird,three( )4._es after July.AMay BJuneCAugust DSeptember( )5.Mr. Smith is _ now. Can you call him this evening?Along Bright Chealthy Dbusy( )6.Mom,I dont like this jacket. Its too_.Anice Bold Ctidy Dgreat( )7.National Day is a big _ in China.Afestival BmonthCnumber Dquestion( )8.Are these _ radios?AMike and Janes BMikes and JaneCMikes and Janes DMike and Jane( )9._Bill_an English Day this term?ADo,has BDo,haveCDoes,has DDoes,have( )10.Is_on March 8th in China?Yes, it is.AFathers Day BWomens DayCChildrens Day DMothers Day( )11.Is Jims birthday on March 21st?_.Its on May 12th.AYes,it is BNo,he isntCYes,he is DNo,it isnt( )12._is his birthday?It is on December 19th.AHow BWhat CWhen DWhere( )13._?He is thirteen.AHow old is he BHow is heCWhere is he DHow much is it( )14.Happy birthday,Lily!_AHappy birthday! BYoure kind.CThank you! DI like you.( )15.Well go to Hainan for a trip._AHappy birthday! BOK!CThats right. DHave a good time!五、完形填空My name is Bill.Iam a student in No.10 Middle School. I am very busy this_1_On June 3rd, we_2_a school trip. I need to buy some food _3_the trip.On June 6th, we have a PE. test.Iam a fat boy,so it is really _4_for me.June 15th is my twelfth _5_I ask my friends to _6_ to my party. I need to buy some things for my party in the _7_June 26th is my friend Alans birthday.I know _8_ like(s) pingpong.I want to buy a pingpong bat for him.On the last day of June,June _9_,my school has a book sale in the school library.I can buy some books at good _10_. I hope (希望) I can have a good time this month.( )1.A.tineBweekCmonthDday( )2.A.like Bhave Cthink Dknow( )3.A.at Bwith Cin Dfor( )4.A.interesting BdifficultCrelaxing Dfun( )5.A.festival Bbirthday Cterm Dthing( )6.A.love Bhelp Ctake De( )7.A.room Bstore Cschool Dclassroom( )8.A.she BI Cthey Dhe( )9.A.thirty BthirtiethCthirtyone Dthirtyfirst( )10.A.sets Bhabits Cprices Ddollars六、阅读理解There are many fun things at our school. This month is October. In October,there is a sports festival.We have a basketball game and a volleyball game during (在期间) the festival.In the middle of this month,we have a book sale in the school library.October the nineteenth is the day for a shool trip. We go to Beijing with the teachers.On the last day of this month, there is a music festival. On that day we can enjoy beautiful songs, dances and piano (钢琴) music.It is really wonderful.Next month,there is only an art festival.Students often display (展示) their pictures on that day.( ).How many activities are there in October?ATwo. BThree. CFive. DSix.( )2.The book sale is on_.AOctober 10th BOctober 15thCOctober 31st DNovember 15th( )3.The music festival is on_.AOctober 15th BOctober 30thCOctober 31st DNovember 1st( )4.Which of the following is in November?AA volleyball game. BA school trip.CAn art festival. DA book sale.( )5.Which one is NOT true (正确的)?AWe can see many pictures during the art festival.BStudents play the piano during the music festival.CStudents go to Beijing on October 19th.DThere are many festivals in November.七、词汇运用 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1January is the _ (one) month of a year.2We are all good _ (student)3My _ (cousin) birthday is in August.4We always have two _ (term) in a year.5_ (they) birthdays are on the same day八、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1Are these your _ (东西)?2_ (二月) has only twentyeight or twentynine days.3On my _ (第九) birthday,I got a bag from my aunt.4How are you? My _ (亲爱) friend.5Im _ (高兴) to help you.九、情景交际.从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)。AWhen is your birthday?BDo you want to e to my party?CHappy birthday to you!DNice to meet you!EMy birthday is on August nineteenth.FI have a good time there.GHow old are you,Gina?A:Hello!My name is Lisa.B:Hi!Im Gina.1._A:Nice to meet you,too!2._B:Im eleven.What about you?A:Im thirteen.3._B:Its on July seventh.And yours?A:4_B:Oh,today(今天) is August 18th.Tomorrow (明天) is your birthday.A:Yes,I want to have a birthday party.5._B:Sure.When is it?A:At two oclock tomorrow afternoon.B:OK,great!See you then.A:See you.十、书面表达. 假如你是汤姆(Tom),下面是你们学校十月份的活动安排表。请根据表中内容,写一篇短文,向大家介绍一下你们学校十月份的活动安排。要求:60词左右。参考答案一、重点单词1 when 2 month 3 January 4 February 5 March 6 April 7 May 8 June 9 July 10 August 11 September 12 October 13 November 14 December 15 happy 16 old 17 party 18 second 19 third 20 fifth 21 eighth 22 ninth 23 twelfth 24 twentieth 25 test 26 trip 27 art 28 festival 29 dear 30 student 31 thing 32 term 33 busy 34 time 35 there二、重点短语1 how old 2 birthday party 3 this afternoon 4 English test 5 school trip 6 soccer game 7 art festival 8 next month 9 book sale 10 Sports Day 11 Childrens Day 12 Womens Day 13 school library 4 in the afternoon三、重点句子1 When is your birthday? 2 My birthday is on May 3rd. 3 Her birthday is in March. 4 Happy birthday! 5 How old are you? 6 See you there! 7 When is New Years Day? 8 Have a good time!9 to e to10 really busy四、单项选择1-5 BBCCD 6-10 BACDB 11-15 DCACD五、完形填空1-5 CBDBB 6-10 DBDBC六、阅读理解1-5 CBCCD七、词汇运用1 first 2students 3 cousins 4 terms 5 Their八、完成句子1 things 2 February 3 ninth 4 dear 5 happy 九、情景交际1-5 DGAEB九、书面表达Hi,ImTom.Octoberisabusymonthforthestudentsinourschool.OnOctober16thwehaveaschooltrip.Onthe18th,wehaveabasketballgame.Onthe22nd,wehaveanartfestival!Onthe25th,wehaveanEnglishparty.EnglishDayisonOctober27th.Thisisareallygreatmonth.Iloveit.


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