九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world教案 外研版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world教案 外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2He was invited to petitions around the world.【教学思路】词汇 high jump,ability,hurdle,set up,race,record,method,neck,sportsperson,Asian,suffer,courage,pride句型1.First,he was invited to petitions around the world.2Liu was encouraged at first to train for the high jump.3In 2001,a special programme was set up to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.4From xx on,he suffered a lot from his foot problem,but he did not give up.重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句子。2一般过去时的被动语态。【教学思路】本单元以介绍刘翔为主线,频繁出现一般过去时的被动语态,练习关于运动话题的用语,复习巩固被动语态形式,同时对学生进行坚持不懈、勇于创新的运动精神教育。【教学准备】黑板,录音机,卡片,多媒体等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming upT:Boys and girls,I have a bad news.I heard someone was hit by his father because of his homework.请学生说说此句的意思,教师再问,这句话里包含有我们刚学过的哪个知识点。学生指出was hit为一般过去时的被动语态。然后教师再解释:I have a joke on you.You are all good students.T:Do you know Liu Xiang?What do you think of him?Lets learn about him today.活动小结:复习上一课的内容,并自然引入本课时的话题。Step 2 Presentation1学习新单词。(1)教师出示跳高的图片,教学生学习“high jump”,并让学生跟读,对这个词进行操练。拓展:long jump跳远(2)教师利用语言导入ability:Liu Xiang has ability in high jump.教师指出ability意为“能力”。学生跟读单词。(3)教师出示跨栏图片,教学生跟读“跨栏赛跑”hurdle,学生反复跟读记忆。T:What is Liu Xiang good at?S:Hurdling.(4)教师利用语言导入:Our school is going to set up a football team.由学生来推测set up意为“建立,创办”,让学生跟读并要求学生用词组来造句。(5)教师教授“赛跑,比赛”race,a 100metre race一百米赛跑。学生跟读。(6)教师教授“记录”record,a world record一项世界记录,学生跟读记忆。(7)教师运用多媒体、录音机来教授,method“方法”,neck“脖子”,sportsperson“运动员”,Asian“亚洲的”,suffer“经受,患有”,courage“勇气”,pride“自豪感”。T:Now listen up,please.We have finished learning all the words.Please follow me twice again.然后再由学生领读单词。2操练单词。(1)给学生几分钟时间记单词,然后教师把带有单词的卡片拿出来让学生依次拼读。(2)教师可以把学生分成几组进行单词拼读、造句比赛。活动小结:教师以多种形式导入新单词,通过多种形式拼读,加深记忆。找几名学生比赛记单词、造句,巩固记忆。利用多种形式调动他们的学习热情。Step 3 PracticeLet students look at the picture in Activity 1 and talk about Liu Xiang.Answer the questions:1Do you know Liu Xiang?2What do you think of Liu Xiang?3What do you know about Liu Xiang?活动小结:以图片的形式吸引学生的注意力,让学生根据图片的内容进行描述。通过这个活动既巩固了词汇,也培养了学生的表达能力,导入了新课。Step 4 Reading1Listen to and read after the tape,then understand the passage.教师播放教材上活动2中录音,让学生认真听录音两遍,然后让学生跟读课文。再由学生领读,最后由学生分别读。培养学生的诵读能力也是培养学生信心的一个方法。2听读完阅读文章,教师提出几个关于阅读部分的问题让学生带着问题来理解课文。3Let the students translate the text.教师给出几分钟的时间,让学生以组为单位来读文章并对文章进行逐句翻译,确定每句的最佳翻译。4教师读句子,让每组学生分别对句子进行翻译,给出自己的意见,选出最佳翻译方案,对翻译得最恰当的小组予以表扬。当学生翻译课文遇到困难时,教师及时给予帮助和指导。5Language points教师把本单元的重点短语和句型写在黑板上,带领学生一起学习。(1)around the world 全世界,相当于 all over the world 。(2)encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事(3)pare sth with sth 把某物与某物作比较(4)at the same time 同时(5)so that 如此以至于(6)from xx on从xx年起,再如:“从那时起” from then on。(7)miss some petitions错过一些比赛(8)Its a pity.真遗憾。(9)a symbol of courage and success勇气和成功的标志(10)stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 6Let the students read the passage again and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea.Step 5 Consolidation1plete the timeline with the notes.(1)教师在黑板上列出关于刘翔的时间表,让学生读文章,试着填写。xx:xx:2004:2001:1998:1993:1983: (2)填完后,教师指着时间表,让学生说说关于刘翔的事迹。(3)让学生完成活动3中的练习,并说明读文章做笔记的重要性。2plete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.(1)教师让学生读活动4中方框中的单词,理解单词的意思,并用单词造句。(2)让五名学生分别说说自己所造的句子。(3)让学生完成练习4中的短文。(4)核对答案,最后让学生利用活动3所作的笔记复述刘翔的事迹。活动小结:做笔记是阅读时使用的重要方式,通过记下有关的重要信息帮助学生了解文章的大意。Step 6 Practice由两个小组比赛,把主动语态的句子变被动语态的句子,看哪个小组为优胜组。1Coach Wang Biling noticed Zhang Yining.Zhang Yining _ _ by Coach Wang Biling.2Wang Biling asked Zhang Yining to go to Beijing Shichahai Sports School.Zhang Yining _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3Zhang Yinings training programme took up a lot of her time.A lot of Zhang Yinings time _ _ _4Zhang Yinings mother advised her to study as well as train hard._活动小结:可以检查学生对语法的掌握程度,也能激起学生的好胜心,从而在以后的学习中学习更认真,准备更好。Step 7 Writing1教师让学生把活动3中的句子补充完成。如:Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai in 1983.2教师让学生看活动6中的两个例句,关于张怡宁的句子变成被动语态在Step 6中已经完成。让学生总结归纳含有一般过去时的句子主动语态变成被动语态的用法。3教师让学生把关于张怡宁的句子连成一篇短文,可用and,although和because等。学生也可以借助以往对张怡宁了解的信息,对文章加以补充。活动小结:让学生尝试写含有一般过去时的被动语态的作文,锻炼学生对语法的掌握程度,另一方面锻炼了学生的写作能力。Step 8 Homework 1Memorize the words,main phrases and sentences in this unit.2Talk about Liu Xiang with your parents.【板书设计】Unit 2 He was invited to petitions around the world.Phrases:around the worldall over the worldencourage sb to do sthpare sth with sthat the same timeso that miss some petitionsa symbol of courage and successstop sb from doing sth


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