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七年级下Unit 8期末复习题课堂小测验一、单词1. People can see the doctor in a h_.2. People can buy or eat food in a r_.3. Turn right at the second c_.4. People can buy stamps(邮票) in a p_ o_.5. I can answer the question _(容易).6. The _ _(警察局) is near here.7. There are two _(宾馆) next to the park.8. Its on Green S_.9. We can save money in a b_.10. How do you s_ your weekends?二、适当形式填空1. There _(be) a pen and two pencils in the box.2. Turn right at the _(two) crossing.3. She spent two hours _(do) homework yesterday.4. It takes me two hours _(finish) _(do) homework.5. _(get) there, I usually take a bus.6. She enjoys_(read) books.7. The question is so _, I can answer it _. (easy)8. Its relaxing _(spend) weekends like this.9. I like _(play) in the park.10. They _(watch) TV now.三、句型转换1. There are some pens on the desk. (否定句)_ _ _ pens on the desk?2. The bank is on Center Street._ _ the bank?3. I spent two hours playing soccer yesterday. (同义句)It _ me two hours _ _ soccer yesterday.4. Where is the bank? (同义句)Could you tell me how _ _ _ the bank?5. My home is near here. (同义句)My home isnt _ _ here.四、翻译1. 银行在图书馆对面。 The bank is _ _ the _.2. 商店在学校和公园之间。 The shop is _ the school _ the park.3. 这附近有一些餐馆吗? _ _ _ restaurants near here?4. 我住在一个吵闹的小区。 I live in a _ _.5. 沿着这条街走,第一个十字路口左转。Go _ the street, _ _ at the _ _.

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