2019春七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near hear话题微写作课时作业 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019春七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near hear话题微写作课时作业 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019春七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Is there a post office near hear话题微写作课时作业 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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Unit 8 Is there a post office near hear单元话题微写作本单元的话题是“问路和指路”。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能正确使用there be句型;2.能用next to,in front of,near等方位介词或短语描述位置;3.能用go along,turn right/left,go down,on the left/right等表达行程或路线。new新来的crossing十字路口library图书馆hotel宾馆post office 邮局police station 警察局pay phone 付费电话turn right 向右拐turn left向左拐on ones left/right在某人的左边/右边far from离远go/walk along 沿着走across from. 在对面next to 靠近in front of. 在的前面spend time/money ( in ) doing sth. 花时间/金钱做某事enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事between. and.在和之间1.Excuse me.Is there a.near here?打扰了。请问这附近有吗?2.Go/Walk along/down.and its on the left/right.沿着走,它就在你的左/右边。3.Turn left/right at the first/second.crossing.在第一/第二个十字路口向左/右拐。4.Its behind/next to/in front of/across from.它在后面/隔壁/前面/对面。5.Its not far from here.You can walk there.它离这里不远。你可以走路去那里。6.To get to the park,you just have to cross Center Street.你只需要穿过中央大街就能到达公园。7.Im new in town.我是新来这个镇的。假如你是一名快递员,你们公司神通快递( Shentong Express )在大桥街。现在请你根据下表写一篇英语短文介绍给Mary,John和Lisa送快递的路线。姓名地址路线周围建筑Mary幸福大街沿着大桥街直走服装店和超市之间John苹果路沿着大桥街走,在第一个路口左转在学校的对面Lisa新街在神通快递左转在邮局的旁边连句成篇Mary lives on Happy Street.You can 1.go/walk alongBridge Street.Marys home is 2.between the clothes store and the supermarket.John lives on Apple Road.You can go down Bridge Street and 3.turn left at the first crossing.Johns house is 4.across from the school.Lisas house is near Bridge Street.She lives on New Street.Please turn left at Shentong Express.Lisas house is 5.next to/beside the post office.趁热打铁Paul想去银行,但他不知道去银行怎么走。假如你是林峰,请根据下图写一封电子邮件给他,描述一下银行的具体位置以及去银行的路怎么走。要求:1.用准确的语言指出最直接的路线;2.词数70左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Paul,Im writing this e-mail to tell you the way to the bank.You can walk from No.2 bus station.Its across from a school.Then go along Center Street.Turn left at the second crossing when you see a park.Go down the street and soon you can find a big supermarket on your left.The bank is across from it,next to a bookshop.I hope you have a good trip!Yours,Lin Feng


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