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2019年高三英语第二次联考试题(含解析)【试卷综述】本套试卷注重“双基”能力考查,突出英语教学重点。这一点在单选题上表现尤为明显。该部分涉及的知识点包括:冠词、代词、名词、动词、动词短语、非谓语动词、时态语态、定语从句、名词性从句以及情景交际。凸显了“突出语篇、强调应用、关注交际、注重思维”的命题宗旨,彰显了“与课改同行,知识能力结合”的特色,渗透了“以人为本”的新课程理念。试题在完型填空有相当的难度,无论是在英语素养方面,还是在心理素质方面,对考生来说都是一大挑战。总之,本套试卷没有偏题难题,但得高分有一定难度。 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分150分,考试时间:120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卷上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后只交答题卷。第I卷(选择题共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共5小题,每小题15分,满分7 5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does the conversation probably take place? AIn a cafe BAt a school CIn a restaurant2How long will it probably take the man to get to the station? A45 minutes B15 minutes C30 minutes3What will the, speakers probably do after the, conversation? AGo for a drink BGo to an exhibitionCBuy a puter4How will the two speakers go to the meeting? ABy busBBy taxi CBy car5Where is the desk now? ABehind the doorBUnder the big windowCUnder the small window 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。昕每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What does the woman e here to buy? A Batteries BAn alarm clock CA digital camera7How is the Sunrise alarm clock better than the regular ones? AThe ring is louder than the regular ones BThe ring lasts longer than the regular ones CIt wakes people up by its sound and light听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What is wrong with the mans booking? AHe booked a single room but gets a suite BHe made a reservation but there is no record CHe booked a single room but gets two double rooms9Why cant the man get what he wanted ?AIts too expensive for him BThe hotel is fully booked up this week CHe goes to the wrong hotel10What happens to the man in the end? AHe leaves angrily BHe has to find another hotelCHe will stay in the suite听第8段材料,回答 11至13题。11Where does this conversation take place?AOn a tennis court BIn a sporting goods shopCAt an equipment rental store12How well does the man play?AHe is a beginner BHe can play very well CHe cant play at all13What does the woman want the man to do at the end of the conversation?ATake up another sport BGet someone to teach himCReturn for another racket(球拍)听第 9段材料,回答 14至 16题。14Who are the two speakers?AA man and his wife BA man and his sisterCA man and his girlfriend15Why is the man unhappy about their weekends?AThey seldom invite their friends over BThey seldom go out for a picnicCThey seldom spend the weekends together 16On which aspect of the picnic do the man and woman differ?AWho should get the car ready BWhether they should invite all their friendsCWhat food and drink they should prepare听第 10段材料,回答 17至 20题。17Where were the two young girls when Paul saw them?AIn the supermarketBIn the sports car CBesides the sports car18How did Paul try to stop the sports car?ABy pushing against the front of the carBBy pulling the back of the carCBy getting into the car and putting on the brakes19What happened to Pauls car?AIt was terribly damaged BIt was stopped by others CIt crashed into a hill20Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?AThe two girls BThe bus driverCThe sports car driver第二部分英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。【题文】21_people from all walks of life are working hard to create _new HefeiA/; the BThe; the C/; a DThe; a【答案】【知识点】A3 冠词【答案解析】C。解析:第一个空people 为复数名词,此处为泛指,故第一空用零冠词;一般地名前不用冠词,但是如果前有形容词修饰时,表示类指,前面要用不定冠词。句意:为了创造一个崭新的江苏,来自各行各业的人都在努力工作着。【题文】22The_of hanging clothes across the street is a mon sight in many parts of the cityAroutine Bprocedure Creference Dpractice【答案】【知识点】A1 名词【答案解析】D。解析:Aroutine 日常工作Bprocedure 过程C.reference 参考 Dpractice练习,惯例;句意:在城市里的许多地方,把衣服挂在街上的惯例(做法)是一种常见景象。【题文】23What bad luck! I had a cut in salary yesterday _I warned you not to be late again and again but you ignored itAYou asked for it BNever mind CTake it easy DBy all means【答案】【知识点】A17 情景交际【答案解析】A。解析:AYou asked for it 你自找的。BNever mind没关系。CTake it easy放轻松。DBy all means 一定;用尽一切手段。-运气真差!我昨天已经削减工资。-你自找的。我一次又一次地警告过你不要迟到,但你忽视了它。根据句意故选A。【题文】24What he had done _ a lot about his honestyAspoke Btold Ctalked Dsaid【答案】【知识点】A7 动词【答案解析】D。解析:said诉说了,证明了。what he had done作为主语,他所做的一切,已经说明、证明了他的诚实句意:他的所作所为已经证明了他的诚实。【题文】25The concert won t start till sevenWhy_ so early? You know I don t want to be at the traffic thereIt s terrible during the rush hour,Aare you leaving Bdo you leave Cwere you leaving Dhad you left【答案】【知识点】A11 动词的时态与语态【答案解析】A。解析:根据文中提到The concert wont start till seven可知还没有开始,Be doing,用正在进行时表将来。句意:演唱会七点才开始,为什么你离开这么早?你知道我害怕交通阻塞,交通高峰时,太糟糕了。【题文】 26Silly me! I forgot the color of my luggage What about over there?Athe one Bone Cthat Dthose【答案】【知识点】A2 代词【答案解析】C。解析:one可指人或物,只替代单数可数名词,复数用ones. that只指物,不指人,可替代可数名词或不可数名词,具有“特指”性质。指的是同类事物中的另一样东西,即同类异物。the one 是特指,指代前面提到的同类人或物(可数名词)中的一个,其复数用the ones。这里代替是是上文的luggage,并且特指故用that。句意:,我好傻呀!我忘了我的行李包的颜色。那边的那个是吗?【典型总结】it 同名同物one 同名异物 代指“不特定”名词。that 同名异物 代指“特定”名词。【题文】 27I lost the key to my dormitoryCould you _ for the night?Aput me up Btake me up Cset me up Dbring me up【答案】【知识点】A8 动词短语【答案解析】A。解析:put sb. up为某人提供住宿;take up从事;set up建立;bring up养育;句意:我寝室的要是丢了。你能给我提供食宿吗?【题文】28Why do you look so upset, Linda? There are so many troublesome problems_Aremaining settled Bremaining to be settledCremained to settle Dremained to be settled【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】B。解析: remain没有被动的形式,排除AC;remain表示处于某种状态,待解决的问题,问题还没有解决:所以用 to be settled。【题文】29The old man, for _life had been very hard, donated his possessions to poor villages in AnhuiAwhose Bwhom Cwhich Dthat【答案】【知识点】A15 定语从句【答案解析】B。解析:先行词是man,排除C,有逗号,考非限定性定语从句,排除D;关系词后出现life,这位老人的生活,所属关系,故选B。【题文】30But for the fact that I_ an unexpected visitor, I _to the lectureAhad had/would go Bhad/must goChad/would have gone Dhad had/must have gone【答案】【知识点】A10 情态动词与虚拟语气【答案解析】C。解析:But for要不是,如果没有,引导的从句要用虚拟语气。根据意思, “如果不是我有一位意想不到的访客的话,我就去听演讲去了。”可知是对过去发生事情的虚拟,事实上没去听演讲,主句要用would/could+have done.,从句描述的是客观事实,用一般过去时。【题文】31The man has been in_ doctors describe as a vegetative (植物的) state for six yearsAwhat Bwhich Cthat Dhow【答案】【知识点】A13 名词性从句【答案解析】A。解析:介词in缺宾语,判断出考察宾语从句,describe sb/sth as.这里缺少宾语,排除CD,What 表笼统概念,which表特定范围,“哪个,哪些”,故选A。句意:这个男的已经处于医生声称的植物人状态六年了。【题文】32When shall we start the reconstruction of the old buildings? Not until_ by the local governmentAwill our program be approved Bour program will be approvedChas our program been approved D our program has been approved 【答案】【知识点】A11 动词的时态与语态【答案解析】D。解析:句意:我们什么时候开始这个古建筑的重建?直到我们的计划被当局批准后。可知下文描述的是在某个时间点前完成的动作,我们的计划是动作的对象,故用完成时态,被动语态,【题文】33I told them not everybody could pass the test,_?Acould he Bdidnt I Cdidnt you Dcould they【答案】【知识点】A16特殊句式【答案解析】B。解析:反义疑问句,前肯后否,前否后肯;反意问句应该和主句主谓语I told 保持对应关系, 这个和not everyone 没关系。故选B。【题文】34She couldn t find her son_ she had dropped him offAwhen Buntil Calthough Dwhere【答案】【知识点】A13 名词性从句【答案解析】D。解析:句意:她找不到让儿子下车的地方。从句中缺少儿子下车的地点状语,故选D。【题文】35Did you like your trip to Xi an during the Summer vacation? _It was too hot and there was too much trafficANot a little BDon t mention it CNot really DNot exactly【答案】【知识点】A17 情景交际【答案解析】C。解析:not a little 非常;Dont mention it. 不必客气;not really 委婉说不;Not exactly不完全是这样;根据答语It was too hot and there was too much traffic可知,并不喜欢这次旅行。故选C。你喜欢暑假去西安的旅行吗?不喜欢。天太热了,而且交通很拥堵。【题文】第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。With time flying, people bee agedThen many people even in their middle age often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to beWe suddenly can t remember 36 we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old friend s name, or the name of an old band we used to loveAs the brain _37_, we refer to these occurrences as senior moments 38 seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a(n) 39 effect on our social and 40 wellbeingNeuroscientists,-experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that there s actually a lot that can be doneIt 41 out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental _42_ can significantly improve our basic cognitive( 认知 ) 43 Thinking is basically a 44 of making connections in the brainTo a certain ;extent, our ability to 45 in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited(继承)46 , be-cause these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and wave 47 mental effortNow, a new Web-based pany has taken a step 48 and developed the first brain training program designed to actually help people improve and 49 their mental sharpnessThe Web-based program 50 you to systematically improve your memory and attention skillsThe program keeps a( n) 51 of your progress and provides detailed feedback(反馈) 52 your performance and improvementMost importantly, it 53 changes and improves the games you play to 54 up the strengths you are developingmuch like a( n ) 55 exercise routine which requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use36Awhere Bwhen Cthat Dwhy37Aimproves Bfades Crecovers Dfalls38AIf BUnless COnce DWhile39Airregular Blimited Cdamaging Dpositive40Apersonal Bpsychological Cmental Dphysical41Aturns Bfinds Cpoints Dfigures42Aconnection Bresponses Cworkouts Dassociations43Astyle Bfunctions Ccircumstances Datmosphere44Asteps Bcondition Cconsequences Dprocess45Ainsist Bbelieve Csucceed Dfail46ATherefore BMoreover COtherwise DHowever47Aaccording to Bregardless of Capart from Dinstead of48Aback Bfurther Caside Daround49Aregain Breflect Creview Drespond50Asuggests Bmakes Churries Dallows51Ahold Brecord Corder Dpace52Ato Bwith Cfor Dabout53Airregularly Bhabitually Cconstantly Dunusually54Acarry Bput Cbuild Dtake55Arisky Beffective Cmeaningless Dfamiliar【答案】【知识点】B4 说明文【文章综述】文章主要谈论了人脑记忆的衰退及如何预防记忆衰退。【答案解析】36A Awhere哪儿Bwhen 什么时候Cthat Dwhy为什么;记不清把钥匙放在哪里了。where 引导一个状语语从句。37B Aimproves 提高 Bfades褪色;衰老 Crecovers恢复Dfalls降落;随着年龄增长,大脑衰老。38D AIf 如果;是否BUnless 除非COnce一旦DWhile当时候;虽然,然而;虽然表面上看起来没什么,但是危害很大,前后位转折关系。39C Airregular 不规则的;无规律的Blimited 有限的Cdamaging有破坏性的;有害的Dpositive积极的;这种精神能量的缺失会给我们带来有害的影响。40A Apersonal 个人的Bpsychological 心理的Cmental 精神上的Dphysical身体上的;这种精神能量的缺失会给我们的职业、社交还有个人带来有害的影响。41A Ait turns out that “原来,其实”Bit finds out that“本文发现”Cpoints it points out that“指出”Dfigures it figures out that“本文发现”; 越来越多的精神学家们都表示,大脑其实跟肌肉一样需要练习运动。这里给出的是神经科学的结论,因此选择it turns out that。42C Aconnection 联系Bresponses 回应Cworkouts锻炼Dassociations协会;上文出现exercise,同义词再现,故选C。43B Astyle 风格 Bfunctions 功能Ccircumstances环境Datmosphere氛围;正确的智力运动能极大地提高我们最基本的认知功能。44D Asteps步骤Bcondition 条件Cconsequences结果Dprocess过程;思考是大脑神经连 接必要的过程。45C Ainsist坚持Bbelieve相信Csucceed成功Dfail失败;不及格;be succeed in doing sth.46D ATherefore 因此BMoreover 而且,此外COtherwise否则DHowever然而;前一句强调的是智力是与生俱来的(inherited),而后一句则认为是可以通过脑力活动(mental effort)会有所波动,两句意义明显相反,故正确答案为D。47A Aaccording to 根据;Bregardless of不管,不顾;Capart from除之外; Dinstead of代替;智力可以根据脑力活动得到提升或出现波动。48B 考察短语take a further step采取进一步措施.49A Aregain 恢复;重新获得 Breflect反映Creview复习Drespond回答;根据前文improve and,and前后两词保持一致,改善和恢复精神清晰度。50D Asuggests建议Bmakes使Churries快Dallows允许;这个网络课程允许你系统地改善你的记忆力和注意力51B Ahold 举行Brecord记录 Corder命令Dpace踱步;这个培训课程还可以跟踪学习进度,并且给予详尽的信息反馈。Keep pace 与with搭配,keep record of 记录;故选B。52D关于你的表现作出详细的反馈,故选D。53C Airregularly 不规则地Bhabitually习惯性的Cconstantly不断地Dunusually异乎寻常的;更加重要的是,它会不断地调整并升级有关训练游戏。54C Acarry on 执行Bput on 穿上,增加Cbuild on 在基础上增加,构建Dtake on 呈现;它会经常调整并升级有关训练游戏,以促进脑力的不断增加。55B Arisky 冒险的Beffective有效的Cmeaningless 无意义的Dfamiliar熟悉的;有效的锻炼需要你增加阻力和改变你的肌肉。第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。【题文】AThough the Web is being increasingly popular, the TV never fails to attract peopleDo you know which television network is the largest in America? It is not ABC, CBS, or FoxNor is it one of the cable net-works such as CNN, which carries only news and news storiesIt is not ESPN, the all-sports cable net-work, or even MTV, which is famous for its music videosRather it is PBS, Public Broadcasting System, a non-profit public broadcasting TV servicePBS has 349 member television stations in the USand some member stations by cable in CanadaPBS only attracts a minority of all TV viewers, about 2 percentThe industry leader, NBC, however, attracts 11 percent of viewersBut the growth of public television in the past two decades has been dramaticThis is especially noteworthy (值科关注) when one considers that public television stations must often survive on very limited budgets, on viewers donations, and on private foundations and some governmental fundingThe level of quality of PBS programs, whether in national and international news, entertainment, or education, is excellentAlmost a whole generation of children throughout the world is familiar with Sesame Street and the characters of The Muppet ShowPBS is especially well known for the quality of its many educational TV programsOver 95 percent of all public television stations have tale-coursesThese courses are accepted and supported by more than 1,800 colleges and universities throughout the USEach year, over a quarter of a million students take courses this way56According to this article, PBS received part of its funding from_Athe audience Bpublic schoolsCadvertising agencies Dother television stations57What is PBS most famous for?ACable services BGenerous donationsCTele-courses DLive news broadcasts58Which of the following is TRUE about public television stations ?AThe majority of their viewers are minority peopleBNinety-five percent of their programs are tele-coursesCThey are shrinking in number because they make no profitsDTheir courses are accepted by many universities in America 59Which of the following has the highest percentage of viewers?AABC BPBS CNBC DFox【答案】【知识点】C5 文化教育类【文章综述】文章主要谈论了美国的一个非盈利的公共广播电视台PBS的发展、节目以及在美国的影响力。【答案解析】56.A。解析:细节理解题 根据第二段最后一句public television stations must often survive on very limited budgets, on viewers donations, and on private foundations and some governmental funding故选A。57.C。解析:细节理解题 根据最后一段三四句PBS is especially well known for the quality of its many educational TV programsOver 95 percent of all public television stations have tale-courses关键词tale-courses,故选C。58.D。解析:细节理解题 根据倒数第二句These courses are accepted and supported by more than 1,800 colleges and universities throughout the US故选D。59.C。解析:细节理解题 根据第二段PBS only attracts a minority of all TV viewers, about 2 percentThe industry leader, NBC, however, attracts 11 percent of viewers故选C。 【题文】BMy old digital camera broke down, so I wanted to buy a new oneBeing the cautious type, I fancied a reliable brandSo I went on the Net, spent 15 minutes reading product reviews on good websites, wrote down the names of three top remendations and headed for my nearest big friendly camera storeThere in the cupboard was one of the cameras on my listAnd it was on special offerOh joyI pointed at it and asked an assistant, Can I have one of those? He looked perturbed( 不安)Do you want to try it first? he saidIt didn t quite sound like a questionDo I need to? I replied, Theres nothing wrong with it This made him look a bit offended and I started to feel badNo, noBut you should try it, he said encouragingly, pare it with the othersI looked across at the others: shelves of similar cameras placed along the wall, offering a wide range of slightly different prices and discounts, with each pany selling a range of models based around the same basic boxWith so many models to choose from, it seemed that I would have to spend hours weighing X against Y, always trying to take Z and possibly H into account at the same timeBut when I had finished, I would still have only the same two certainties that I had entered the store with: first, soon after I carried my new camera out of the shop, it would be worth half what I paid for it; and second, my wonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a new modelBut something in the human soul whispers that you can beat these traps by making the right choice, the clever choice, the wise choiceIn the end, I agreed to try the model I had chosenThe assistant seemed a sincere manSo I let him take out my chosen camera from the cupboard, show how it took excellent pictures of my fellow shoppersand when he started to introduce the special features, I interrupted to ask whether I needed to buy a carry-case and a memory card as wellWhy do we think that new options still offer us anything new? Perhaps it is because they offer an opportunity to avoid facing the fact that our real choices in this culture are far more limited than we would like to imagine60The shop assistant insisted that the writer should _Atrust him and stop asking questionsBtry the camera to see if there was anything wrong with itCget more information about different paniesDpare the camera he had chosen with the others61What does the writer mean by it would be worth half what I paid for it( Paragraph 2)?AHe should get a 50% discountBThe price of the camera would soon fallCThe quality of the camera was not goodDThe price of the camera was unreasonably high62The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he _Aknew very little about itBwanted to make sure the one he chose would be the bestCdidn t trust the shop assistantDhad a special interest in taking pictures of his fellow shoppers63It can be inferred from the passage that in the writers opinion, _Awe waste too much money on camerasBcameras have bee an important part of our daily lifeCwe don t actually need so many choices when buying a product Dfamous panies care more about profit than quality【答案】【知识点】C7 社会生活类【文章综述】文章通过作者去商场买相机的经历,告诉我们,我们并不需要了解很多新的东西,只要达到自己的最初的要求就行。【答案解析】60.D。解析:细节理解题 根据第一段最后一句But you should try it,


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