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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit8Fashion单元综合检测(A卷)(新版)牛津版一、单项选择题(共15题,共15分)1. Do you know the girl_ red? I think I must have seenher somewhere.A. onB. inC. withD. at2.This pair of jeans _ cotton.They feel soft and fortable.A. is made fromB. is made ofC. are made fromD. are made of3. Cathy looks good _ blue and red clothes also look nice_ her.A. in; inB. on; onC.in; onD. on; in4.What do you _ thefashion show?Its wonderful.A. think ofB. findC. likeD. think with5. My brotherplans _ a white shirt because itgoes well with _ other colour.A.wearing;theB.to wear; theC.wearing; anyD. to wear;any6.This pair of trainers _ nice. Could I _?Ofcourse, you can.A.are; try it onB.is; try them onC.is; try it onD. are; try them on7. Diana, can youhelp me open the door? I_ too many shopping bags.Iam glad to.A. am carryB.carryC. will carryD. am carrying8.Marvin usually _ two and a halfhours _ his homework.A.costs; to doB. spend;doingC. spends;onD. takes; to do9. These skirts_ 100 yuan in all. I bought them yesterday.A.spendB. spentC.costedD. cost10.What are you going to wear _ the show?Anorange jacket, a pair of black jeans and a pair of trainers.A. inB. forC. toD. on11.Its twooclock in the afternoon. The children_ football in the playground.A. playsB. playC. is playingD. are playing12.Mrs Brownwill go to the shop _a new sofa.A.buyingB. buysC. buyD. to buy13.Students like wearing jeans now. Jeans are _ among young people.A. interestingB. happyC.popularD. new14.Are you waiting for _ turn to speak?Yes,I feel a bit nervous now.A.youB. yourC. yoursD. yours15._ and thanks for ing. Goodbye, everyone.Goodbye.A.Thats OK todayB.Thats all rightC. Thats all for todayD. Thats very bad二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.Doyou often go shopping? (1) do you often buy and how much money do you often spend? Do you hope to be a clever shopper?Nexttime, when you go to a (2) shop, you should first decide how much moneyyou can (3) for the new clothes. You must thinkabout what you really need. Then (4) them in the shops. Dont buyanything that you dont need.Many clothes must be dry-cleaned (干洗). Dry cleaning is very (5) . So (6) buying new clothes, you shouldlook at the labels (标签) inside carefully.You must find out if they need dry cleaning. If you dont want to spend (7) money, dont buy those clothes.Buy clothes that you can wash in (8) .Some clothescost much money, (9) theyare not always good. Some of them looknice only on models. Expensive things are not always the best. Some clothescost much less but may fit you (10) .(1)A.Why B.What C.Where D.Who(2)A.sports B.toy C.food D.clothes(3)A.take B.spend C.cost D.pay(4)A.look after B.look at C.look for D.look like(5)A.clean B.expensive C.heavy D.old(6)A.before B.after C.behind D.between(7)A.too much B.too any C.too many D.too most(8)A.home B.sun C.shops D.water(9)A.so B.but C.because D.before(10)A.fewer B.nicer C.better D.more三、阅读理解(共15题,共15分)1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AWele to the fashion show!e to this years Winter Clothes Fashion Show and enjoy many different new styles of clothes designed by some famous designers from Hong Kong. This is the first time that Hong Kong designers contribute (贡献) to our show. Also meet and talk with some of these designers.Date: 12 DecemberTime: 3:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.Place: The City Art Centre (No. 20 King Street)Price of the ticket: $10(1)What is the poster about?A.Anew clothes style. B.Afashion show. C.A shopping mall. D.A good designer.(2)Which season are the clothes for?A.Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. D. Winter.(3)Who designed the clothes for the show?A.Designers from Shanghai. B.Designers from Hong Kong. C.Art students from Shanghai. D.Art studentsfrom Hong Kong.(4)What can people do in the show?A.Talk to some designers. B.Try on some of the clothes. C.Buy some of the clothes. D.Attend a speech by the designers.(5)Which of thefollowing statements is true?A.Designers from Hong Kong have designed clothes for this show many times. B.The show will be held in the City Exhibition Centre. C.People can watch the show on the afternoon of12 December. D.A man who wants to watch the show needs to pay$20.2.BThisweek, I asked my students about fashion. I showed each student seven things andasked their opinions (看法) about eachthing. Some of their answers were very interesting. Here are what the studentsin Class 7 thought.JodieSmith liked the key ring. Her friend Jordan Schiller said he couldnt stand (忍受) the scarf. “Its for old people!” he said.William Jones loved the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loved the watchbut Ann Rice didnt like it. Ann really liked the hair clip. Jerry Green likedthe sunglasses. And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it.(1)What does the writer do?A.He is a writer. B.He is a student. C.He is a teacher. D.We dont know.(2)How manythings did the writer show to each student?A. Nine. B. Eight. C. Seven. D. Six.(3)Who liked the key ring?A. WilliamJones. B. JodieSmith. C. Jordan Schiller. D. Ann Rice.(4)Gina Taylorloved _ and Ann really liked_.A.the wallet; the watch B.the watch; the hair clip C.the hair clip; the sunglasses D.the watch; the sunglasses(5)Which was the most popular thing with the students?A.The book. B. The scarf. C. The belt. D.The watch.3.CMost girlscare a lot about what clothes they wear, but my 11-year-old cousin Betty isvery different. Her parents often take her to clothes shops, but she never asksthem to buy any new clothes for her. Bettys sister Sally is two years olderthan Betty. She has some old clothes, and Betty likes to wear them. She saysthis can help her parents save lots of money.However,when her parents buy books for her, she is always very happy. She likes readinga lot. She has a lot of books, but she still wants more. Some of her friendssay she is a girl of books. Maybe they are right.(1)Betty does not care muchabout _.A.how many books she has B.what she eats C.what she wears D.what her parentswear(2)Who usually takes Betty to clothes shop?A.Her cousin. B.Her uncle and aunt. C.Her sister Sally. D. Her parents.(3)How old is Sally?A.She is 13 years old. B.She is 11 years old. C.She is 9 years old. D.We do not know.(4)What does Betty like?A.She likes new clothes. B.She likes reading. C.She likes clothes shops. D.She likes eating at a restaurant.(5)What can we learn from the passage?A.Betty likes books very much. B.Betty does not want her parents to save money. C.Betty does not want more books. D.Bettys parents do not want to buy more books for Betty.四、根据句意及汉语提示填空(共5题,共5分)1. Girls in our school like to wear _ (围巾) in winter.2. He is a very_ (懒惰的) boy. He never helps her mother do housework.3. Can you _ (借给) me your bike? Id like to goto the bookshop.4. The gloves feel soft and _ (光滑的). I like them.5. Why not wear a pair of _ (手套)? Its very cold outside.五、用所给词的适当形式填空(共5题,共5分)1. Look! The children _ (smile) happily in the photo.2. They need us _ (help) them raise some money.3. I bought this pair of trainers in Sunshine Shopping Mall. It_ (cost) more than 400 yuan.4. Can youtell me how _ (get) to the nearest post office?5. I plan _ (give) my son a new bike as a birthday present.六、句型转换(共5题,共5分)1. Bob doesntknow what he can do next. (改为简单句)Bobdoesnt know _ _ _next.2. This pair of shoesis made of leather. (对画线部分提问)_ this pair of shoes made of?3. I thinkthis colour is beautiful. (改为否定句)I_ think this colour _ beautiful.4. What do you think of the show? (改为同义句)_ do you _ the show?5. Daniel is wearing a blue T-shirt now. (改为一般疑问句)_ Daniel _ a blue T-shirt now?七、补全句子(共5题,共10分)1. 我喜欢运动鞋因为它们轻便舒适。Ilike trainers because _.2. 这件白衬衣是棉的。This whiteshirt _.3. 我们还需要两名女医生。We need _.4. 年轻人都喜欢穿牛仔裤。Young people _.5. 现在我们正向你展示从20世纪60年代到90年代的各种电脑。Now we are _.八、任务型阅读(共1题,共10分)1.阅读下面的短文,根据文中信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)eand take a look! We are selling film stars clothes for charity.Look at thispair of boots. They look cool. Li Man likes them very much because they aremade of good leather. They are red. Now Li Man sells her boots to get somemoney for poor children.Doyou like this smart shirt? It was Wang Pengs favourite. The style of thisshirt is popular among young boys. It is made of cotton and it is blue andwhite.Youmust like this pink dress. Ma Lan says it is made of silk. Its not expensive,but feels smooth and fortable.Ifyou want to look special, you must buy this red and black cap. Its Dai Weisfavourite cap. It is made of wool and it feels soft. You can wear it with a redscarf in spring or autumn.Havea look at this long yellow scarf. We are sure you must have seen it in manyfilms before. Whose is it? Yes, its Hu Qians. Its made of silk. She oftenwears it to match her blouse or woollen sweaters.(1)ItemLi Mans(1) _Wang Pengs shirtMa Lans dressDai Weis(2) _Hu Qians(3) _Description(4) _smart, popularsmooth and(5) _softlongColourred(6) _ and whitepinkred and black(7) _Materialleathercotton(8) _(9) _silkFor men or womenwomenmenwomenmen(10) _九、短文填空(共1题,共10分)1.短文缺词填空,每空一词(1)Ihave a sister. She is twenty-eight (1) y_ old this year. She isa clothes designer. She has designed a lot of beautiful (2) c_. My new red silk blouse is designed by her. It feelsvery soft and (3) s_. It matches my skirt very well.Mysister is very good at designing. She is (4) g_ toLondon next week. There is going tobe a fashion show for her. She wants to (5) s_ Chinese fashions to people all over the world. She finds that people in other countrieslike (6) C_ fashions very much.Im sure the show will be great. After the show,she will go (7) f_ a big dinner andthen have an interview with the famous TV programme (节目) Fashion News. Thisprogramme is all about fashion and it is very(8) p_ among youngpeople in London. I am looking forward to seeing her in this programme.Look! Here (9) c_ my sister. She is (10)w_ a green cottonblouse and a pair of blue jeans. Green is her favouritecolour. She says that green is the colour of spring.十、书面表达(共1题,共15分)1.阳光中学将举行一场时装表演,根据提示写一篇关于这个时装表演的短文。要点如下:(1) Simon是阳光中学七年级四班的学生;(2) 此次时装表演是为希望工程(Project Hope)募捐;(3) 他身穿一件黄色衬衫,由棉制成,穿一双黑色的皮鞋和一条白色裤子,与他的衬衫很配,白色与任何一种颜色都相配;(4) 他看起来既酷又摩登,他很享受这场时装表演。要求:(1) 书写认真,语句通顺,内容连贯;(2) 词数:80左右。A fashion show for Project Hope_


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