七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Neighbours知识点精讲(上)(新版)牛津版.doc

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U2基础知识梳理(上)(建议2-5分钟)1 23 4I will take some presents to visit them tomorrow. Questions: 1. Do you know anything about your neighbors? 2. How do you get on with your neighbors? 一、词汇Words1._ 邻居 (英式英语) neighbor为美式英语neighbor用作名词,意为“邻居”,指居住在同一座楼、同一小区、同一街区的人数其复数形式是_.2.like 像,相似,类似(1)like用作介词,指某人或某物“像,相似,类似”。常用的固定搭配有像样子_;看起来像_;例1:我不欢迎像你这样的人。_例2:这个女孩看起来像她的父亲。_(2) like 也可以用作动词,表示“喜欢”之意,常用的固定搭配: like sb/sth 喜欢某人/某物 _ 喜欢做某事(习惯) _ 喜欢做某事(具体的事)练习:1. He_ his father because he wants to speak English_ his father.A. like; like B. likes; likes C. likes; like D. like; likes2. I need a bike_.A. like you B. like your C. like yours D. likes you3. John, _ his father, _ playing basketball.A. likes; like B. like; likes C. likes; likes D. like; like4. Do you like any sports like_, _ or_?A. swimming; playing basketball; run B. swimming;playing basketball; runningC. swim;play basketball; run D. to swim; to play basketball; to run3.waiter (参观等)服务员名词,意为“(餐馆等)服务员”,是由动词wait 加后缀-er构成的,其对应词为_,意为“女侍者,女服务员”。visitor,意为“参观者,拜访者”,由动词visit加后缀-or构成的。以-er结尾的名词: 以-or结尾的名词: 4.broken 弄坏了的,伤残的broken是由动词break 演变来的,类似的还有excite excited , surprise surprised .broken形容词,“弄坏了的;伤残的”,可位于名词前作定语或系动词前作表语。Eg: 这台电视机坏了。_你能看见那个破的窗子吗?_【拓展】broken还有“骨折的;零碎的;不连贯的”意思1. I _ my leg in the football game.A. am breaking B. broken C. break D. am broken2. Im sorry your leg_.A. broken B. is breaking C. break D. is broken3. The _ car is mine.A. breaking B. break C. broken D. broke4. My puter is_(break) so I will find someone_(fix) it.5munity n. 社区,社团 munity用作名词,其复数形式是_,表示社区、社团之意,作主语时,谓语可以是复数形式,也可以是单数形式。常用the munity“公众、群众”,_“社区中心”等固定搭配。6. something 代词 某事,某物 someone 代词 某人 anyone 代词 任何人(1) 不具体指明代替任何特定的名词或形容词的代词成为不定代词。不定代词分为代替人或代替物两类,代替人的不定代词有:_;代替物的复合不定代词:_。由_构成的复合词通常用在肯定句中,由_构成的复合词通常用在疑问句和否定句中。例 -Would you like to have anything more?- No, thanks. Ive had enough.7. lucky adj. 幸运的 Lucky是由名词luck+y 构成的形容词,意为“幸运的”;可以用来作定语、表语和宾语补足语等句子成分。lucky的一些词性转换:名词_; 形容词_; 副词_; (反义)形容词_; 副词_幸运儿 句型: sb be lucky to do sth = Its lucky for sb to do sth延伸: You are a lucky dog. 你真是个人幸运的家伙。(谚语)例1 Jack is a lucky boy. (作定语)例2 All of us are very lucky. (作表语)例3 We are feeling you luckier than them. (作宾语补足语)练习:1. -Good luck _ your basketball game. -Thank you.A. to B. with C. for D. in 2. Im sorry you lose(输) the game. Youre a _ boy .A. lucky B. luckily C. unlucky D. luck3. _, I am the first one in this examA. Luck B. Lucky C. Unlucky D. Luckily4. You are a _ dog. A. luck B. lucky C. unlucky D. luckily5. Im so_(luck). I missed(错过) the train today.6. She _ (luck) gets on the last bus.7. She is lucky to get on the last bus.(同义句) _ _ _ _ _ get on the last bus.8.elder 形容词:更年长的(辈分:家庭成员里)oldolderoldest1. 老的 He is ninety. He is old.2. 旧的 I have an old bike.3. 比较级 older than-I am older than you.eldereldest1. 兄弟姐妹间年长的 my elder brother 我哥哥 my elder son 我的大儿子2. 不能和than 连用3. 不能用在be后面练习:1. My _ brother is twenty years_.A. older; old B. old; old C. elder; old D. eld; old2. Im two years_ than you.A. elder B. old C. older D. oldest3. My grandfather is _. He cant carry the box.A. old B. older C. elder D. eld4. My_ sister has an_ bike.A. old; old B. older; old C. elder; old D. elder; elder9.worry 动词:着急 worried 形容词:着急的 worry about 为着急 =be worried about Dont worry. 别着急(安慰的话)练习:1)-My brother is badly ill. -_. He will be ok. A. NO B. All right C. Dont worry D. Sure2) -Are you_ about the English exam?A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. to worry3) My parents always _ about my health. And Im also worried_ about theirs.A. worry; worry B. worried; worry C. worry; worried D. worried; worried4) I wait _ her for an hour so Im worried_ her.A. for; for B. about; for C. for; about D. about; about10.check 动词:检查 名词:检查 check sth have a check check in 入住 -check out 退房二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1.Im afraid they wont wele visitors like you.解析: Im afraid 用于礼貌或正式的道歉、对不起、恐怕等,一般做插入语。 Im afraid not 恐怕不行,表示认为对方的意见可能不会发生,是委婉的否定。 例1: Would you like to go shopping with me? . I have to do my homework.afraid: 形容词 :害怕的;担心的 be afraid to do sth=be afraid of doing sth:害怕做某事 be afraid of sth/sb:害怕某事/某人 be afraid (that)+完整句子: 担心,恐怕 练习:1. -What are you _? -I am_ snakes(蛇).A. afraid; afraid B. afraid; afraid of C. afraid of; afraid of D. afraid of ; afraid2. I am afraid he_.A. of ill B. to be ill C. is ill. D. ill3. I am afraid_ snakes so Im afraid _ catch(抓) them.A. to; to B. to; of C. of; of D. of; to4. -Can I smoke in the library? -_.A. Of course. B. Cant. C. Im afraid not. D. Im afraid so.5. -Is Lily badly ill? -_.A. Of course. B. All right. C. Im afraid not. D. Im afraid so. 2. I live in a flat in City Garden in Nine Street.a flat in City Garden in Nine Street. 在第九大街城市花园的一个公寓。英语中地点状语的排列顺序与汉语中截然相反,即小地点在前,大地点在后。另外,书写时要注意地名、城市名、国家名等专有名词首字母必须大写。批注:日期方面,美英英语的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式;美国式则与此相反,以月为先,日期则在后。如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2 March, 1996(英) March 2nd, 1996(美)3. Most of them have 14 floors.mostmost of1. most students1. most of the students2. 不能直接加宾格2. most of +宾格 most of them most of them 他们中的大多数,为固定搭配“most of + 复数代词” 注:若of 后接名词,结构则为“most of + 限定词/形容词性+名词” 大多数学生_ 我的大部分时间 _练习:1. _ apples in this box _ good.A. Most; are B. Most; is C. Most of ; are D. Most of; is2. _ us are ready to help others.A. Most B. Most of C. The most D. The most of 3. Most of the earth(地球) _ sea.A. is B. are C. was D. were4. _ the books in the library _useful.A. Most; are B. Most; is C. Most of; is D. Most of; are5. The children in poor areas need books_.A. the most B. most of C. most D. the most of6. Which one is_ beautiful?A. most B. the most C. most of D. mostly4. Theyre kind and helpful。 helpful 形容词,意为“有用的,愿意帮忙的”,反义词为“无用的,没有帮助的” 。对.有帮助、有用的: 例如: 格林先生是位乐于助人的老师,我们都喜欢他。_.这本书对我有用。 5. They help us with all kinds of problems._= _ 帮助某人解决某种困难 例如: 警察经常帮助人们解决不同种类的问题。_.练习:1. I need_. Can you _ me borrow a book?A. helping; helping B. help; help C. helps; help D. to help; helping2. My bike is broken. Can you help me_ it?A. fix B. to fix C. with D. All over the above.3. I often ask him to help_ me _ all kinds of Maths questions.A. with; do B. with; C. ; D. ; with4. The man is in_. I cant help_ him.A. needing; helping B. helping; help C. help; help D. help; helping5. The old man is _(help) so he always cant help_(help) other people.6. I dont like that girl because she is _(help).1.We dont know what our new neighbour is _.A. like B. likes C. feel like D. look like 2. If you want to order some seafood, you can ask the _ over there. He can help you.A. waiter B. visitor C. policeman D. hero 3.Her mobile phone _ (break).she is going to ask someone to repair it . 4.We all think Mr. Wang is the best person in the_.(社区) 5. I think_ can make Andy change his mind. He is such a person who never gives up easily.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 6. -Can Mike be chosen to be the chairperson on the Students Union. -Yes. He is a _(幸运的)person. Hell be successful. 7. -Would you like to dance with me? -_. I have too much homework. A. Im afraid not B. Of course not C. Thats OK D. Id like to单选(5分)1. -Is he going to see tomorrow? -_.A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, he will D. No, he isnt2. It is too hot today, Simon is going to _ with his family .A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swimmer3. -_ we go shopping together now?-Ok, But _ you wait for a moment ?A. Shall; shall B. Will; will C. Shall; will D. Will; shall4. -There is _ wrong with my car. Can you take me to Shanghai? -No problem.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything5. -Shall we go swimming this afternoon? -_.A. Yes, I will B. Thanks a lot C. Good idea D. No, I wont score:_ (29小题,共55分)Step 1. 思考回忆所学知识点,并将所学知识点列在下面 Step 2. 错题回顾家庭作业词汇运用B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1、 Ill be (luck) if I get any of my money back. 2、 Mr Williams is an (art). He lives in the capital of England. 3、 Im feeling much (well), thank you very much.4、 The place of interest(名胜)attracts(吸引) more than 30 million (visit)every year. 5、 It is (help) to discuss your problems with your friends. 6、 The day after tomorrow is Fathers Day. He (buy) a present for his father. 7、 -What does your mother do on Sunday mornings?-She often walks to a big supermarket and does some (shop) there.8、 - our team (win ) the game this Sunday? - Yes, Im sure of it. But it (not be) an easy game. We (practise ) hard. 9、 Look! It (snow) now. I hope the snow (stop ) soon. 10、The man (fix) the lamp to the wall above the bed now. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1. 你的冰箱坏了吗?Is there with your fridge? 2. 你正担心穿什么去参加聚会或如何设计你的家吗?Are you to wear to a party or your home? 3. 我们很幸运有像这样的社区。It a munity centre like this. 4. 我表妹的自行车坏了,因此打算请人修它。My cousin Annies bike , so shes going it. 完形填空(10分)Its seven in the morning. After _1_ Mr White and Mrs White _2_ their children to the school _3_ the car. Then they go to work in a _4_. The children have lunch at school. Father and mother have lunch at the factory. There _5_ four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After _6_ the children play games for some time. Sometimes the children _7_ the classroom with their classmates. Then they go home by school bus. Mother cooks supper for the _8_. The children help their mother do the housework. After supper the children do _9_. Father and mother watch TV or _10_.( ) 1. A. lunch B. supperC. dinner D. breakfast( ) 2. A. take B. bringC. helpD. get( ) 3. A. onB. by C. at D. in( ) 4. A. hospitalB. factoryC. school D. restaurant( ) 5. A. hasB. areC. is D. have( ) 6. A. classesB. schoolC. classD. afternoon( ) 7. A. clean B. stayC. washD. play( ) 8. A. home B. childC. herself D. family( ) 9. A. their homework B. their homeworks C. their housework D. his homework( ) 10. A. read bookB. do some reading C. make some reading D. do some reading books

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