云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 3-4课堂达标演练.doc

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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 3-4课堂达标演练.doc_第1页
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云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 3-4课堂达标演练.doc_第2页
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第一部分Grade 9Units 34.单项填空1Excuse me, could you please tell me where the _C_ is? I want to wash my hand.Go along and turn right when you see a bookstore.Its on your right.Amuseum Blibrary Crestroom Dmall2WeChat makes it _B_ for us to get in touch with each other.Ainexpensive BconvenientCpossible Ddifficult3The teacher advised his parents to talk with him _C_ person.AforBwithCinDof 4Some people think that England and Scotland _A_ a better understanding of each other.They belong to one family.ArequireBreviewCreceiveDregard5Peter likes pop music, but _C_ his father_his mother likes it.Aboth; andBnot only; but also Cneither; norDeither; or.词形转换1James looked tired, for he listened to three _speeches_ this morning. (speech)2Our teachers and parents will be _proud_ of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. (pride) 3My father is used to _sitting_ with his friends under the big tree. (sit) 4Usually, you will make a _introduction_ about yourself to the class. (introduce)5Asking the way _directly_ is impolite in Asian countries. (direct)6Books are always _helpful_ for us because we can learn a lot from them.(help) 7Many people prefer talking with native English _speakers_ so that they can improve their spoken English.(speak)8If you treat everyone you meet _politely_, youll get respect.(polite)9Tom was a _silent_ boy. He seldom talks with others.(silence)10After finishing high school, many students choose to go to a(n) _European_ country for further study.(Europe)11Education is _central_ to a countrys economic development.(center)12I live just by the market, and its very _convenient_ to go shopping.(convenience)13Thats _exactly_ what I think. You took the words out of my mouth.(exact).词组翻译1Her daughter visited him _from_time_to_time_ when he was ill.(时常)2There was a man lying on a bed _in_the_corner_of_ the room.(在角落)3_Go_along_ this street and you will see the library on your right.(沿着走)4Such people never have to _worry_about_ their future.(担心)5I am _looking_forward_to_ seeing my favorite singerZhang Jie.(盼望)6Its impolite to speak loudly _in_public_(places)_, you should follow the rules.(在公共场合)7In China, many children are sent to the _boarding_school_ because their parents have no time to take care of them.(寄宿学校)8A big _parking_lot_ is being built in Dali University.(停车场)9If you dont know how to _deal_with_ the old clothes, its a good way to give them to the poor.(处理)10Could you please help me buy some fruit when you_pass_by_ the market? (路过)_D_.I cant catch what you said.Sorry, I will speak it more slowly.AExcuse meBSorryCHello DPardon me


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