高中英语:Unit 5Music Reading(新人教必修2)

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高一英语同步练习必修2 Unit 5 Music第2课时 Reading基础练习根据课文的内容填空If we are_ _ourselves, most of us have_ _ being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and _ a band .Sometimes they play in the street to _so that they can earn some _ money and this also gives them a _ to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different way .The musicians of whom the band was formed _ _ _each other as well as played music. whose music and jokes were loosely _ _“The Beatles”. Their exciting performances were copied by other groups. “The Monkees” played their own _ and wrote their own music. Though it _ _ in 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. 实战演练一、单词填空1. If you _(坚持)to the truth, you have nothing to fear.2.Im told that she is an _(有吸引力的)girl.3.If you want to sell your sofa, why not put an _(广告)in the local newspaper?4.The group of popular singers will give another two p_(演出) before leaving China.5.Police asked some p_(过路人) to get some evidence about the accident that happened just now. 6.They played to passers-by in the street so that they can e_ some e_ money.7. If we are h_ with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.8. After some years, he has f_ the habit of having a walk after supper.9. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for m_(乐师).10.He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a p_ to a TV camera.二、短语翻译1.梦见,梦想_ 2.假装 _ 3.说老实话,老实告诉你_ 4.认为有(重要性、意义)_5.组建一支乐队_ 6.用现金支付_7.表演_ 8.戏弄某人_ 9. 以及,又,也_ 10.在报纸上刊登广告_ 11.依靠,依赖 _ 12. 对熟悉_13.大约_ 14. 打碎,分裂;解体;(关系)破裂_15. 受欢迎_三、词语辨析一:break up打碎,分裂;解体;(关系)破裂 break out突然爆发 break down出故障;失败 break into突然闯入 break in插嘴,插话 break away from脱离,摆脱1.When did the war_? 2. Ill _with my girlfriend.3. Trouble may _at any moment. 4.Negotiations between the two sides have_.5.Their parents forced them to_. 6. I was still sleeping when the fire _,and then it spread quickly.7. Cant you _old habits ?8. Its wrong of you to _all your classmates.9.We are sorry to arrive late, but our car _on the half way.10.He _as a result of overwork and had to take a long rest.词语辨析二:match: 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配;与匹敌,势均力敌。suit: 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、款式等。fit: 多指大小、形状合适。1.I want a tie that will _this suit.2.Do you have any material to _ this dress?3.If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can _them?4.Does this time _you?5.No fish _all tastes.6.The coat doesnt _me very well; its a bit too small.7.Try the new key and see if it_ the keyhole.8.Your tie looks smart. It _your shirt.9. The trousers dont _him because they are too small. 10. It _me if you come to work at eight oclock.四、高考演练1. (NMET 2003) New reports say that peace talk between the two countries _with no agreement reached. A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up2. If David carries on working like this , hell _ sooner or later .A .break down B .give up C .get dow D .hold on3. The computer system _suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in五、短文填空Classical music does not have words. It tries to describe feelings _ (介词)notes and instruments. It is called classical music because it was written _ (介词) a time when there was no country, pop or rock music. The music had to be very carefully composed to fit a special pattern. Only the cleverest musicians_ (compose) beautiful music with this pattern. Mozart was one of these special composers. He began to write his own music when he was very young. His father was a _ (music) and he encouraged his son to play music. Mozart played so well that he became very famous while he was still a young boy. He always had the most wonderful music in his head. When he grew older he wrote music for operas which told stories in music. Some people think he is the greatest composer _ (引导词)has ever lived. _ (限定词)very important classical composer was Bach. He was not famous in his lifetime but became very famous after his _ (名词). He worked_(介词)the music master in a small church and had to write new songs to sing every week. He also composed music for people to _ (listen) as they left the church at the end of the service. Some of his music is very mathematical, with different parts that repeat each other in a very peaceful way. All his music was written for God and some of it is very _ (move). He never became a rich man but his music has a special place in classical music.反馈检测一、单项选择1.-How did you get to know all about the accident?-_.A. By myself B. By the chance C. By mistakeD. By accident2. I dont know the result _, but _, I dont think our team won an advantage over theirs in yesterday competition.A. for sure, honestly speaking B. of sure, to be honest with youC. for certain, honestly spoken D. certainly, to be honest to you 3. He is always serious and doesnt like _.A. play jokes B. being played jokes onC. being played jokes D. to play joke on others4. I do every single bit of housework _ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.A. since B. while C. when D. as5. Is this the school _ you studied ten years ago?A. in which B. that C. in that D. the one that6. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was reasonable.A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose7. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her._, she is a great musician.A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual 8. Henry knows little of physics _ of chemistry.A. as well as B. and still less C. and still moreD. no less than9. I didnt like the way he looked at me.A. in which B. that C. 不填 D. all the above10. There is no doubt he will succeed.A. whether B. which C. that D. if11. We want to find a house, one which is modern, comfortable and _ quiet in the neighborhood.A. after all B. in all C. above all D. all in all12. English is as a matter of fact very easy because a sentence can be _into clauses.A. broken out B. broken up C. broken away D. broken from13. Youd better solve this difficult problem _ it is too late.A. before B. after C. when D. unless14. The man _ this house belongs is a friend of Wang Lins.A. whom B. to whom C. for whom D. with whom15. She had three daughters altogether, two _ are nurses.A. of these B. of whom C. of whose D. of them16. The book _the life of the students is popular with the teenagers.A. which based on B . based on C. basing on D. being based on17. She pretended me when I passed.A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen18. When Marry heard the terrible news, she _completely.A. broke away B. broke out C. broke down D. broke through19. She devotes herself _ , and makes it her life. A. to teach B. to teaching C. teach D. teaching20. -Its too noisy. What is happening?-Two men are fighting. Lets go and break them _.A. down B. up C. out D. in二、短文改错It was very fine while I got up early last Sunday morning.So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried my camera with me and set off. Everything went smooth. I enjoyed my trip so much that I didnt realize the weather had been turned bad. I began to run and it was too late. I was caught by the rain and was wet through. I kept on running until I get to a bus stop. I stood there waiting a long time the bus,shivering with cold. Shortly before I got home, I had high fever, which made me stay in the bed for a whole week!1._2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _第2课时 Reading基础练习根据课文的内容填空honest with , dreamed of ,form , passers-by ,extra , chance , played jokes on ,based on , instruments ,broke up 单词填空1. stick 2.attractive 3.advertisement 4.performances 5.passers-by6. earn , extra 7. honest 8. formed 9. musicians 10. performance短语翻译1. dream of 2. pretend +that 3. to be honest with 4. attach to 5. form a band / set up a band 6. pay in cash 7.give a performance 8. paly jokes on 9. as well as 10. put an advertisement in a newspaper 11 . rely on 12. be/ get familiar with 13. or so 14. break up 15. be popular with 词语辨析A.1. break out 2. break up 3. break out 4. broken down 5. break up6. broke out 7. break away from 8. break away from 9. broke down 10. broke downB.1. match 2. match 3. match 4. suit 5. suits 6. fit 7. fits 8. matches 9. fit 10. suits高考演练 1.A 2. A 3.A短文填空With, at , could compose , musician, that , Another, death , as , listen to, moving单项选择1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. B短文改错1. while when 2. took take 3. 4. smooth smoothly 5. been去掉6. and but 7. get got 8. for the bus 9. had a 10. in the bed in bed7


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