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Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes教学目标知识与技能: 1.熟练掌握下列词汇:get in the way of,support,enter,choice.2.掌握下列句型:We have nothing against running!过程与方法:运用阅读的模式,通过让学生带着不同的任务对文章进行反复阅读,解决不同的问题,充分理解文章的意思。情感态度价值观:通过学习,使学生更加明确自己的学习目标,端正学习态度,做一个行为规范、举止大方、学习认真的少年。教学重难点重点:掌握本课出现的重点单词、短语以及句型。通过阅读对文章进行总体把握。难点:理解文章内容。就本课所学的新知识进行熟练运用。教学方法任务型教学法。通过为学生设定一定的任务,培养学生积极探讨知识的能力。学习方法小组合作和独立思考相结合的方法。教学准备Recorder and tape,PPT 教 学 过 程设计意图Step 1.Discussion Discuss the questions in your group. Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home? What kinds of decisions?Step 2. Reading2b. First, look at the title of the passage. Answer yes or no. Find out how many in your group agree with you. Then read the passage. Does your answer change? 2c. Read the passage again and answer the questions.1. What is Liu Yus hobby?2. What does Liu Yu want to be when he grows up?3. Why do Liu Yus parents not allow Liu Yu to practice his hobby at night?4. Do you think Liu Yu should be allowed to practice his hobby as much as he wants? Why or why not?Read the passage again and fill in the chart.Parents pointsLiu Yus pointsThey worry about his _.He wants to be a _.They think he should spend more time on _.He just wants to do what he _.They think he needs to be _.He is serious about _.They think its a difficult dream to _.He _ himself.Step 3. Language points1. get in the way of 挡的路;妨碍2. support v .& n. 支持3. be serious about 对是认真的4. enter v. 进来;进去5. be allowed to do 被允许做某事Step 4. Speaking2e. Discuss the questions with a partner. Use the information in the passage to support your opinion. What is your dream job? Do your parents support your dream?X. Homework1. Read the passage again after school.2. Remember the words and expressions.学生做好读前、读中工作,只为更好地理解文章内容。设置表格、清晰明了地掌握阅读内容。降低阅读难度。让学生当堂识记重点词组句型,积累英语知识。 板书 设计 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B(2a-2e) get in the way of, support, enter, choice. 教后 反思

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