八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section C教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section C教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 What’s your hobby Section C教学设计 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 topic 1基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构”八(上)Unit3 Topic1 Section C教案设计(新授课)一、学习目标确定的依据:1、课程标准相关要求:英语课程标准(xx年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意的单词和短语单词:friendship funny stupid ugly background paper scissor glue cut 短语:1.start with 2.a book with background paper 3.cut out 4.stick .to.5.share sth with sb语法:掌握used to 句型。2、教材分析:本节课为该话题的第三节课,建议用1课时上完。主要学习 used to引导的句型,是本话题的语法重点。在Section C的1a,为阅读部分,重点培养学生的阅读能力,并让学生了解粘贴簿的制作过程,以及表示步骤的词。2部分主要通过图片和例子让学生练习并掌握used to 句型。3部分让学生通过讨论学会写作如何制作粘贴簿。3、中招考点:Used to 句型,是学生必须掌握的知识要点,所以一定要让学生弄明白该句型的用法。4、学情分析:本班学生英语学科基础较差,部分学生学习兴趣不是很足。而used to 句型用法十分重要,鉴于这一点,上课前应当充分备足课,知识点应让学生一点一点地归纳出来,努力提高学生的学习兴趣。二、学习目标1.能准确识读并正确运用P59-60的新词汇。2.进一步学习used to do sth.结构的特殊疑问句形式, 能熟练应用这一结构来谈论喜好。3.了解如何制作粘贴簿,并能独立回答相关问题。三、评价任务1、针对目标1,通过学习P5960的生词,让学生并能熟练说出、写出P5960的生词,并能进行英汉互译。2、针对目标2,。通过练习对话,让学生能够说used to 句型出结构及用法,并能熟练做题。3、针对目标3,通过熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,能够熟练做题.四、教学过程学习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳1.能准 确识读并正确运用P59-60的新词汇。自学指导11.自学内容:课本59页60页的生词短语。2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思并能英汉互译。(学生看书自学,教师巡视辅导。)自学检测1 scrapbook剪贴簿 friendship 友谊,友好,友情 funny 滑稽的,好笑的 stupid 愚蠢的,笨的 ugly 丑陋的,难看 background 背景 paper 纸,纸张 scissors 剪刀 glue 胶,胶水 cut 剪,切,割 stick 粘贴,粘住 lazy 懒惰的 title 题目,标题 passage 章节,段落 introduction 介绍,引进 通过学习P5960的生词,让学生能熟练说出、写出P5960的生词,并能进行英汉互译。注意:复合词scrapbook friendship background 构成 funny fun|+nyscissorsscissor+s 学习目 标教学活动评价要点要点归纳2.进一步学习used to do sth.结构的特殊疑问句形式, 能熟练应用这一结构来谈论喜好。自学指导2自学内容:课本60页2自学方法:看图片,朗读对话。自学时间:5分钟自学要求:根据例子及图片,能正确运用 used to do sth.来进行问答练习。自学检测 2完成句子:1、以前他常开车去上班,现在步行去。_2、I used to go traveling. (改为一般问句)_you _ _go trvaeling?_you _ _traveling?3、He used to play tennis.(改为否定句)He _ _to play tennis.He _to play tennis.4、They _ swim in this river, but now they dont.A used B used C were used D were used to 能够说出used to 句型结构及用法,并能熟练做题。Used to+do sth过去曾经做过某事如:I used to play baseball,but now I dont like it.否定句:didnt use to dos sth 或 usednt to do sth如:I didnt use to play baseball, but now I dont like it.或I usednt to play baseball,but now I dont like it.一般疑问句:Did +主语+used to do sth.?或used +主语+ to do sth .?3:了解如何制作粘贴簿,并能独立回答相关问题。自学指导3自学内容:课本59页1a自学方法:听录音和扫读。自学时间:8分钟自学要求:读1a,了解课文大意,能独立 完成1b;并能复述文中重点词 句。自学检测 31、Watch the flash of 1a , then find out the answer.Whats the best title of the passage ? A、Scrapbooking B、The History of Scrapbooking C、What is a Scrapbook ? D、How to Make a Scrapbook2.What may people collect in scrapbooks today ? A. _ B. _ C. _3. How do you make a scrapbook? First , _ Second, _4. What will you collect in your scrapbook?自学检测 31、The teacher started his lesson _ an English song. A in B for C with D at2、This pair of shoes _ mine. Your shoes _on the desk. A is,is B are,are C are, is D is ,are 3、Itll be lots of fun _cats, but I always have fun_ basktball in my free time. A to play, to play B playing , playing C to play with , playing D playing with , to play4、I need a pen _ . A to write B to write with C writing D writing with5、I_ go to school by bus,but I ride a bike now. A used B used to C am used to D use学生通阅读了解课文大意独立完成1b, 掌握文中重点词句,并能熟练做题。It is easy to get started. 很容易着手(做剪贴簿)。get started 开始 It is + adj. (for sb. ) to do sth. (对于来说),做某事是Eg: 对于我们来说,学一门外语是很重要的。 Its important _ a foreign language.2. start with 以开始 Eg: 我们的晚会以一首歌来开始。Our party started with a song.3. You need the scissors to cut out the pictures or stories. cut out 剪下,裁剪 need sth. to do sth. 需要某东西做某事 eg: 天太冷了,孩子们需要厚衣服来保暖。 Its too cold ! The children_ clothes _ warm.他们需要一辆 汽车去上班 。 They_ to work.4. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某东西合 作探 究探究内容:课本P60-3探究方法:分组讨论探究时间:5分钟探究要求:讨论如何制作毕业纪念册,并 能写出自己的制作过程。学生通过讨论,能根据提示词,能用英语简单写出制作过程.当 堂训 练一、短语1. 受欢迎_ 2.保存其他东西_ 3. 最愚蠢的想法_ 4.一些另一些._5. 最丑陋的_ 6. 开始_7. 以开始_ 8.剪下_ 9. 把粘上去_ 10. 非常有趣_11. 与某人分享_二、单选1.Our English teacher is _and never _to us, so we like her very much. A. funny; friendly B.funny; unfriendly C.fun; friend D.fun; unfriendly2.I have an _reading book. Are you _ in it? A.interesting; interesting B.interesting; interested C.interested; interesting D.interested; interested 3.I dont know _he want to remember A.that B.when C.what D.whether4.Wu Rui likes keeping clean very much. She _a bath twice a week. A.takes B.take C.have D.washes 5.Wang Yanbos mother is fond of _. A.cook B.cooker C.cooking D.cooked看学生是否能快速、准确作答,以此来检测并反馈学生的学习情况。可以由学生来点评、总结易错点来强化知识点。易错点:单选中的:1. 需区分好形容词、副词、名词2.需要牢记interesting; interested 的基本用法及固定搭配。 课 堂小 结I can use: Used to do sth I know some phrase : start with need to do share with I know how to make a scrapbook.First, Second, Third,家 庭作 业1.Read 1a, and try to retell the passage.2.Make a scrapbook in your free time.


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