七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping知识点精讲(上)(新版)牛津版.doc

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7A Unit 7知识点梳理(上)课堂导入用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。give quick it cost do kind pretty fly some interest1. - What would you like _for them? - I want to send them some cards.2. These books and CDs _ us 200 yuan.3. Who often _ you presents?.4. I like this pair of shoes. Can I try _ on?.5. Millie speaks quite _.6. Girls all like _clothes.7. There arent _ oranges on the table.8. She has many _ books at home.9. That is a good place _ kites.10. You can see different _ of cars on the road.知识点梳理 一词汇&短语:WORDS&PHRASES1. There is a new mall down the street.沿着这条街走有一个新建的大型购物中心。(1) mall相当于shopping mall,意为“大型购物中心”,一般指集购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐等于一体的大型购物场所。(2) down the street意为“沿着这条街”,down此处用作介词,意为“沿着,向下”。看那只猴子,它正沿着树向下爬。_Look at the monkey. It is climbing down the tree.【拓展】down还可以用作副词,意为“向下”。这个男孩在树上,但他下不来了。_The boy is in the tree. But he cant get down.2. No, I hate it.不,我讨厌它(购物)。Hate及物动词,意为“讨厌,恨”,有强烈的感情色彩,其反义词为like, love。大多数人都讨厌老鼠。_ Most people hate mice.【拓展】hate的常见用法hate sb./sth.讨厌某人/某物I hate the man in the film. 我讨厌电影中那个人。Hate doing sth讨厌做某事He hates running.他讨厌跑步。Hate to do sth讨厌做某事Amy hates to walk in the rain.埃米讨厌在雨中散步。Hate sb to do sth讨厌某人做某事I hate him to talk so much.我讨厌他说那么多。3. Well, Id like to go shopping, but I dont have any money.哎呀,我想去购物,但是我没有钱。句子I dont have any money.是否定句,any用于否定句,该句的肯定形式是:I have some money.此时用some来修饰不可数名词money。【拓展】not.any可以换成no。I dont have any money.可以换成:I have no money.他在这里没有朋友,所以他经常感到孤独。_He has no friends here, so he often feels lonely.=He doesnt have any friends here, so he often feels lonely.4. I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你给我提所有的包。Carry及物动词,意为“拿,提,搬”。Carry的第三人称单数形式是carries.这个箱子太重了,我搬不动。_The box is too heavy. I cant carry it.辨析:carry,bring与takecarry搬运,携带,没有方向性The man often helps the granny carry water.这个人经常帮助老奶奶提水。bring拿来,带来,目标朝说话人Bring your homework here tomorrow.明天把作业带来这里。take拿走,带走,方向是远离说话人Will you please take the photos to your mother?你能把照片带给你母亲吗?5. Daniel wants to buy a Christmas present for Simon.丹尼尔想给西蒙买一件圣诞礼物。Buy sth for sb.意为“给某人买某物”,相当于buy sb sth.我给你买杯饮料吧。_Let me buy a drink for you.= Let me buy you a drink.6. He is asking Millie for help. 他正在请米莉帮忙。ask sb for help意为“向某人寻求帮助”。当我遇到麻烦时,我总是找我最好的朋友帮忙。_I always ask my best friend for help when Im in trouble.7. Christmas is ing.圣诞节就要到了。is ing此处为现在进行时表示将来的用法。英语中部分表示位置移动的动词(位移动词)如:go, leave, arrive。快点!公交车来了。_ Hurry up! The bus is ing.太晚了,我现在就要走了。_Its too late. Im leaving now. 8. Maybe hes not interested in music. 也许他对音乐不感兴趣。(1) maybe副词,意为“可能,也许”,常用于句首,表示猜测。也许他今天下午会来。_ Maybe he will e this afternoon.解析:maybe与may bemaybe副词“可能,也许”,多位于句首Maybe he is a teacher.也许他是个老师。may be情态动词+be“可能是,也许是”,位于句中He may be a teacher.他也许是个老师。(2) be interested in.意为“对.感兴趣”, in 后接名词或动词-ing形式,bee interested in 也意为“对.感兴趣”。他对运动感兴趣。_ He is interested in sports.我对足球不感兴趣,但是我喜欢从电视上看。_Im not interested in playing football but I like watching it on TV.这个人变得对制作动词很感兴趣。_The man bees interested in making things.9. I know he likes collecting them.我知道他喜欢收集它们。Collect及物动词,意为“收集,搜集”。他收集各种各样的票。_ He collects many kinds of tickets.【拓展】collect的名词形式为collection,意为“收藏品”,常见用法有:a collection of.“一堆.,一系列.”,collector为可数名词,意为“收藏家,收集者”。桑迪收集了许多书。_Sandy has a big collection of books.他是一个伟大的收藏家。_ He is a great collector.10. Youre wele.不客气。 Youre wele.为交际用语,用于回答别人的感谢,与之意思相近的表达还有:Its my pleasure./My pleasure./Dont mention it./Thats all right.等。-Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。- Youre wele. 别客气。【拓展】“Wele to +地点”意为“欢迎来到某地”。欢迎来到我们学校。_ Wele to our school!11. She is looking for Christmas present for Simon and Sandy.她正在为西蒙和桑迪寻找圣诞礼物。Look for意为“寻找”,强调寻找的动作。他正在寻找他的书。 _He is looking for his book.一些鸟正在寻找食物。_Some birds are looking for food.辨析:look for与findLook for寻找强调动作find找到强调结果一言辨异:I am looking for my pen but I cant find it.我在找我的钢笔,但是我找不到它。12. Can I help you?你需要什么?这是服务用语,用来招呼顾客和询问顾客的需要。类似的表达还有:What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么吗?13. Just a minute. 请稍等。Just a minute意为“稍等”,有时也说:wait a minute/wait a moment- Can I have a cup of tea? 我可以喝杯茶吗?- Just a minute. Here you are. 稍等。给你。14. Take a look.看一下。Take a look=have a look,意为“看一看”,其后接某人或某物时,要先加at。看看这些卡片。_Take / Have a look at these cards.我可以看一下这台随身听吗?_Can I take/have a look at the Walkman?【拓展】take/have a walk散步 take /have a rest休息一会儿 take/have a bath洗澡15. How much do they cost? 它们值多少钱?“How much do they cost?”相当于“How much are they?”,cost此处用作及物动词,意为“值,花费”,主语通常是物。常用于:sth costs sb some money.这件外套价值150元。_The coat costs 150 yuan. 这本书花了我10元钱。_The book costs me ten yuan.16. They are two yuan each.它们两元一张。Each 此处用作副词,意为“每个,每件”。苹果每个售价50分。_The apples are fifty cents each.【拓展】(1)each还可用作形容词,意为“各自的,每个的”。每个男孩得到一件礼物。_ Each boy gets a present.(2) each还可用作代词,意为“每个,各个”每个学生都在这儿。_ Each of the stiudents is here.辨析:every与eacheach代词,形容词,副词在句中作主语、宾语、同位语、定语或状语(两个或两个以上中的)每个every形容词在句中作定语(三个或三个以上中的)每个他给他父母各买了一份礼物。_He buys a present for each of his parents.每个工人都在这儿,各人做着各自的工作。_Every worker is here and does his work.17. Oh, these clips are beautiful, and they match her pink coat!哦,这对发夹很漂亮,而且和她粉红色外套很般配。match此处用作及物动词,意为“与.相配,般配”。常见搭配有match sth with sth.,意为“把某物与某物搭配起来”。这条领带和你的衬衣很配。_The tie matches your shirt well.把左边的图片与右边的单词搭配起来。_Match the pictures on the left with the words on the right.【拓展】match也可作可数名词,意为“比赛;火柴”。其复数形式是matches。明天下午将有一场足球比赛。_There will be a football match tomorrow afternoon.不要玩火柴。_ Dont play with matches.18. Thats enough.那足够了。Enough此处用作形容词,意为“足够的,充足的”。enough可作表语,也可作定语。作定语修饰名词时,可置于名词前,也可置于名词后。一元钱足够了。_One yuan is enough.我们有足够的钱。_ We have enough money.= We have money enough.【拓展】enough也可修饰副词,意为“足够地,充足地”。修饰形容词或副词时,enough要后置。他跑得足够快。_He runs fast enough.那个男孩足够大,可以上学了。_The boy is old enough to go to school.19. Here is your change.这是找给你的零钱。Change此处用作不可数名词,意为“零头,零钱”;还可用作可数名词,意为“变化,变更”。我大约有100元的零钱。_I have about 100 yuan in change.我们国家的变化很大。_The change in our country is great.【拓展】change还可用作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“更换,改变”,常见搭配有change.into,意为“把.变成”。你能给我换一张卡吗?_Can you change the card for me?那个人把纸变成了一只鸟。_The man changes the paper into a bird.20. I want to buy some presents different from Amys.我想买一些不同于埃米的礼物。different from意为“与.不同”,其反义短语为the same as,意为“和.一样”。中国的生活与英国的不同。_The life in China is different from that in England.我的新自行车和西蒙的一样。_My new bike is the same as Simons.1. -Thanks for taking my friends and me out tonight. -_. A. Dont worry B. Youre wele C. Thats a good idea D. Im afraid not 2. - Where is my CD? I cant see it. - Youd better _it carefully in your bedroom.A.look at B.find C.look for D.look out 3. - Do you know the price of the ticket? - Yes. Each _180 yuan. A. pays B. costs C.takes D.spends 4. This school is different _others. It has many out-of -class activities.A. off B. from C. of D. for 5. 完成句子:我打算给Peter 买一些礼物。 I am going to _.课堂测验1、 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1. My sisters often go to the mall and do some _(购物)on sundays. 2. There is a _(书店) near my school. I often go there to buy books. 3. Collecting _(邮票) is very interesting 4. There is always little money in his _(钱包).5. Please _(搬) the chairs to the next room.6. The watch _(需付费) me too much money. Its very expensive.7. -How do find her _(最近的) book? - Its wonderful.8. These cards are very nice and they are _(便宜)too.9. This skirt is very beautiful and it _(和.相配)your blouse very well.10. I dont have _(足够的)money to buy the puter11. I put the _(零钱) into my wallet.12. Fast food always _(花费) me a lot of money. 2、 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I often go to the _(sport) shop with my classmates on Suandays.2. - Do you like _(collect) stamps? - Yes, I do. What about you?3. - Can I go out _(play) now, Mum? - All right. But you must go back before six oclock.4. - I want to visit Miss Li. Why not _(e) with me? - Thats a good idea.5. Where does your mother often go _(shop).6. The trousers _( not match) my shoes7. Id like _(buy) a toy for my little sister for her birthday.8. How much _ the skirt _(cost).9. Let me _(take) a look.10. You can see different _(kind) of toys in this toy shop.11. My fathe needs to buy two _(pair) of shoes.12. There are all kinds of food from different _(country) in this restaurant.13. Amy wants to buy some presents for _(they).14. Do you enjoy _(make) paper planes.15. Do you usually go to school on _(foot).3、 单项选择( )1. She has _money. She can buy _things. A.lots of; much B.a lot of; much C.lot of; many D.a lot of; lots of( )2. Lets go to that _. There are many stytles of shoes there. A.shoes shop B.shoe shop C.toy shop D.gift shop( )3. Its time _. A.to go the clothes shop B.go to the clothes shop C.to go to the clothes shop D.going the clothes shop( )4. Not only the young but also the old are getting interested _We Chat(微信). A.by B.about C.in D.for( )5. - Do you know the price of the ticket? - Yes. Each _180 yuan. A.pays B.costs C.takes D. spends( )6. Millie is _ her hair clip, but she cant _it. A.looking for; find B.finding; look for C.looking for; look at D.looking at; find( )7. How much _the apples _? A.do; spend B.do; take C.do; cost D.are; cost( )8. This book is expensive. I dont have _ to buy it. A.some money B.enough money C.money enough D.money mush( )9. This T-shirt _ your trousers very well. A. match B.matches C.to match D.matching( )10. -_ - Im looking for a pair of google glasses for my grandson. A. How is it going B. Whos that speaking C. What can I do for you 归纳总结 课后作业 四、完形填空 Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend JackShe looks very1Jack writes about his school2his weekends in his e-mailJack likes his school very muchNancy likes her school,3Jacks school is very big and he likes his classroomThe4and chairs are newThere are lots of pictures5the wallThey clean the classroom every dayJack doesnt6to school at the weekendHe gets up7at six on SaturdayHe walks in the park for half8Then he eats his breakfastHe helps his mother do9At eight he begins to do his homeworkHe has lunch in a fast food restaurant(快餐店)In the10, he goes shopping with MumSometimes he plays puter games or chats with his friends on the InternetIn the evening, he watches TV at homeHe enjoys his weekend very much( )1. A. beautiful( )2. A. but( )3. A. also ( )4. A. desks ( )5. A. in ( )6. A. like ( )7. A. at ( )8. A. year ( )9. A. with ( )10. A. dayB. hungryB. andB. againB. schoolbagsB. onB. playB. inB. monthB. forB. eveningC. happyC. forC. tooC. pencilsC. nearC. goC. onC. hour C. toC. afternoonD. sad D. at D. either D. crayons D. atD. haveD. withD. day D. atD. morning5、 阅读理解 AMost people, especially girls like shopping.My name is Linda. Shopping is one of my pastimes. My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday. I like shopping, not because I want to buy something, but because I want to know what the new products there are in the markets. Most of the time, I just do window shopping.Some new department stores recently opened in east Taipei. It is a piece of good news for shoppers like me.1. Who likes shopping most according to the passage?A. Boys. B. Girls. C. Old people. D. Children.2. When do Linda and her classmates go shopping?A. On Weekdays. B. Every afternoon.C. On Sunday. D. After school.3. Where are these newly opened department stores?A. In east Taipei. B. In south Taipei.C. In west Taipei. D. In north Taipei.4. Why does Linda like shopping?A. Because she can buy many beautiful things.B. Because she can play with her classmates.C. Because she can eat a lot of delicious food.D. Because she wants to know the new products.5. What does the underlined word ”pastimes” mean in Chinese?A.逛街 B.消遣,娱乐 C.吃饭 D. 作业 BMum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old womans bag is open. There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isnt there now! Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷). He decides(决定)to take back the money from the old womans bag. So he carefully puts his hand into the old womans bag,takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly(突然地)the old woman shouts,“Where is my money? I cant find it. There is a thief in the bus.” Little Tom feels strange(奇怪的). Then he sees his own ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now,“Am I a thief ?”6._is sitting beside little Tom. A. A young womanB. An old woman C.A young man D. An old man7. Little Tom sees_ in the old womans bag. A. a wallet B. a packet C. ten yuan D. ten dollars8. Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a_. A. thief B. teacher C. rich woman D. poor woman9. Little Tom sees_ten yuan under his seat. A. his own B.the old woman s C. the thief s D.the driver s10. Which of the following is right? A. Little Tom is a bad boy. B. Little Tom often steals(偷)things. C. Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan. D. Little Tom makes a mistake(错误).6、 根据中文提示完成句子。1. 在我们学校附近有一家新花店。There is _ _ _ _ _our school.2. 周末你经常和你父母一起去购物吗?Do you often _ _ _ _ _ _ _?3. 米莉也许喜欢听音乐。_ Millie _ _ _ _.4. 我想给我妈妈买些花。I want _ _ some flowers _ my mum.5. 我知道凯特对足球不感兴趣。I know Kate _ _ _ football.6. 书店里有许多新书。There are _ _ _ _in the bookshop.7. 他没有足够的时间去打篮球。He _ _ _ _ _play basketball.8. 这本书花了我100元。This book _ _ 100 yuan.9. 他的父母没有足够的钱给他买电脑。His parents _ _ _ _ to buy him a puter.10. 这家服装店里有各种各样的短裙。There are _ _ _ _ in this clothes shop.


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