2019年八年级英语上学期寒假作业练习二 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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新目标八年级英语上册寒假作业练习二一、重点单词1家务劳动(n.)_2.几乎不(adv.)_ 3.从来;曾经(adv.)_ 4一次;曾经(adv.)_5.两次;两倍(adv.)_ 6.互联网(n.)_7节目(n.)_ 8.忙的;满的(adj.)_9.摆动;秋千(n.)_ 10大概;或许(adv.)_ 11.最小;最少(adv.)_ 12.咖啡(n.)_13健康(n.)_ 14.结果;后果(n.)_ 15.百分之(n.)_ 16在线的(adj.)_ 17.电视节目;电视机(n.)_ 18.虽然;尽管(conj.)_19以;穿过(prep.)_ 20.头脑;心智(n.)_ 21.身体(n.)_ 22这样的;类似的(adj.)_ 23.在一起(adv.)_ 24.消失;死亡(v.) _25作者;作家(n.)_ 26.牙科医生(n.)_27.杂志;期刊(n.)_ 28然而;不过(adv.)_ 29.比(prep.) _ 30.几乎;差不多(adv.)_31没有一个(pron.)_ 32.较少;较小(adv.)_33.得分;点(n.)_二、重点短语1少于 _2.多于 _3例如;像这样 _4.垃圾食品 _5至少_ 6.摇摆舞 _7几乎从不_ 8.问题的答案_9在周末_ 10.去购物_11一周三次_ 12.一月两次_13去上网_ 14.去看电影 _15想要某人做某事 _ 16.对有好处_三、重点句子1下周对我来说相当忙。Next week is quite _me.2你每晚睡几个小时?_do you sleep every night?3旧习难改。Old _die_4百分之十三的人一周看四到六次电视。_of people watch TV four to six times a week.5尽管很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但比赛节目是最受欢迎的。_many students like to watch sports shows,game shows are the most _6通过看比赛节目放松不错。Its good to relax _game shows.四、单项选择( )1We _ eat junk food,so were healthy. Aalways Busually Coften Dhardly ever ( )2Doing exercise _ good for your health. Ahas Bam Cis Dhave( )3The teacher asked us not _ too much time playing puter games. Aspend Bto spend Ctake Dto take. ( )4The old man is a good swimmer,and even now he often swims _ Tuojiang River after supper. Aover Bthrough Cto Dacross( )5Would you like some more bread? No,thanks. Im _. Ahungry Bfull Cbusy Dthirsty( )6Are you _ when someone looks at you in _?Asurprised;surprise Bsurprise;surprisedCsurprised;surprised Dsurprising;surprise( )7She hardly ever speaks English after class,for she is afraid _ mistakes. Ato making Bto make Cof make Dmakes( )8_ they are very tired,they feel happy because theyve finally finished their project. ASo BAlthough CIf DBut ( )9_ do you have a sports meeting in your school? Twice a year. AHow long BHow often CHow far DHow soon ( )10Id like a ticket to The Sound of Music. Sorry,there is _ left. Asome Bnone Cany Dmany五、完形填空Ted is my brother. He had a _1_ lifestyle before. For example,he hardly ever _2_ up before seven oclock in the morning. After supper,he always played puter games _3_ doing his homework. He didnt like drinking milk and he ate a lot of _4_ every day. Then one day,he got ill. He had to be in hospital _5_Then he knows that he must _6_ himself well. Now Ted exercises early every morning. Usually he _7_ before breakfast. He only plays puter games _8_ Saturdays or Sundays. He has good _9_ habits,too. He drinks milk every day._10_ he likes junk food very much,he only eats it once a week. A good lifestyle helps him keep healthy. ( )1A.good Bhealthy Cbad Dfine ( )2A.get Bgets Cgot Dgetting ( )3A.before Bor Cand Dwhen ( )4A.fruit Bjunk food Cvegetables Drice ( )5A.once a week Btwo weeks ago Cfor three weeks Dtwice a week ( )6A.look after Blook for Clook at Dlook up ( )7A.runs Breads Csleeps Deats ( )8A.in Bon Cat Dfor( )9A.eat Beats Ceating Date ( )10A.And BBut CAlthough DBecause六、阅读理解Everyone knows that exercise is important.We all need to exercise.Doctors say its good for us.It keeps body strong. When the daytime es,we must get up.This is the time for exercise.Exercise means doing things with the body.Therere many ways to exercise.You can walk,run,swim,skate,or play ball games.Make sure you exercise in the following (下面的) ways.Exercise enoughbut not too much.Its good to exercise twice each week.Thirty minutes each time is enough.Try all kinds of things until you find one,two or three sports that feel right for you. Exercising can be fun.Friends can exercise together at a fitnesscenter,or they can play sports together.How do you exercise? ( )1In the passage the writer tells us that we all need to _. Adrink Brelax Cexercise Dwork( )2What does exercise mean? AIt means doing things with the body. BIt means studying. CIt means doing lessons. DIt means playing. ( )3Which of the following sports we cant find in the passage? AFishing. BRunning.CSwimming. DWalking.( )4What can exercise make for the body? AIt can make the body weak. BIt can make the body healthy. CIt can make us sick. DIt can make us sleep more. ( )5The words “fitness center” in the text mean “_”A减肥中心 B健身中心C购物中心 D医疗中心七、词汇运用 . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1A bee can tell other bees where the food is by dancing s_ dance. 2Nowadays many people buy things on the I_ at home instead of going to the shops. 3_ (健康) is very important for everyone. 4Lets do the housework _ (共同)5Playing sports is good for your _ (头脑) and body.八、任务型阅读:根据短文内容,完成下列任务。Lily lives in Beijing with her parents.She likes swimming very much.She is in the swimming club.她每天游泳两个小时。She often gets tired after she has a swim.She thinks she needs a lot of energy.It is important for her to keep healthy. She will change her diet (饮食) because she wants to be healthy.Sheatealotofjunkfoodbetweenmealsbefore.She had cakes, biscuits and candies,and she hardly ever ate fruit and vegetables.Now she knows that junk food is not good for her health,so she hardly ever eats it. Now,she always eats a banana and some bread for breakfast,and then she often drinks a glass of fruit juice or milk.She eats a healthy lunch every day.Sometimes she has rice with fish and an apple for lunch.For dinner,she usually eats meat and vegetables. 任务一:判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1.Lily usually eats rice and milk for dinner. 任务二:回答问题。2How does Lily often feel after she has a swim? _ 任务三:完成句子。3Lily lives in China with her _. 任务四:将画线的英语句子翻译成汉语。4_ 任务五:将画线的汉语句子翻译成英语。5_ 九、短文填空. 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。decided results although however television every once body less thanMark is a 16yearold student.He has a very healthy life.1. _,one year ago,he was not so healthy.From Monday to Friday,he studied 2._ day but hardly did any sports.He often used the Internet.3._ his parents asked him to exercise,he never did.He sometimes helped his mother with housework,but only 4._ a week.On weekends,he liked watching 5. _Then the bad 6._ came.He became fat and had few friends.One day,the doctor in his school talked with him.He told Mark to do more sports because it was good for his 7._ and mind.From then on,Mark 8. _to change his habits.Now,he does sports more often 9._ before,such as playing basketball and soccer.He plays 10._ puter games.After dinner,he often takes a walk with his parents.Doing exercise helps him bee healthy and study better.Now he also has more friends.十、书面表达假如你最好的朋友是Mary,她的各方面习惯都很好。请从以下几个方面向大家介绍一下她的生活习惯:1.在学校很努力,经常在家看书,有时上网;2.身体很健康,每周锻炼三四次,每天步行上学;3.饮食习惯很好,每天吃很多蔬菜和水果。参考答案一、重点单词1. housework2. hardly3. ever4. once5. twice6. Internet7.program8. full9. swing10. maybe11. least12. coffee13. health14. result15. percent16. online17. television18. although19.through20. mind21. body22. such23. together24. die25. writer26. dentist27. magazine28. however29. than30. almost31. none32. less33. point二、重点短语1 less than 2 more than 3 such as 4 junk food 5 at least 6 swing dance 7 hardly ever 8 the answers to questions 9 on weekends 10 go shopping 11 three times a week 12 twice a month 13 go online 14 go to the movies 15 want sb to do sth 16 be good for三、重点句子1 full for 2 How many hours 3 habits, hard 4 Thirteen percent 5 Although 6 popular 7 by watching四、单项选择1-5 DCBDB 6-10 ABBBB五、完形填空1-5 CCABC 6-10 AABCC六、阅读理解1-5 CAABB七、词汇运用1 swing 2 Internet 3 Health 4 together 5 mind 八、任务型阅读1 F 2She often feels tired. 3 parents 4She swims for two hours every day. 5 以前,她在两餐之间吃大量的垃圾食品。九、短文填空1. However 2 every 3 Although 4 once 5 television 6 results 7 body 8 decided 9 than 10 Less十、书面表达Mary is my best friend.She studies hard at school,and she often reads some books at home.Sometimes she uses the Internet.She is very healthy.She exercises three or four times a week,like playing basketball,playing soccer,and running.She walks to school every day.She has good eating habits,too.She eats lots of vegetables and fruit every day.


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