(新人教必修2)英语:Unit 5《Music》单元同步测试(1)

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(新人教必修2)英语:Unit 5《Music》单元同步测试(1)_第1页
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Unit5 Music单元同步测试I. 选择填空1. His generosity _ him the reputation of “The most generous man” in his area. A. made B. earned C. achieved D. gave 2. The visitors said that they had never dreamed _ such a beautiful scenery. A. there to be B. of there to be C. of there being D. of being 3. Her parents want her to _ in a government office, saying that a _ job means _ income, but she thinks the other way around. A. employ; secure; secure B. be employed; certain; certain C. employ herself; sure; sure D. be employed; secure; secure 4. In big cities like London, Paris, New York, you can see street musicians _ all kinds of music such as RocknRoll, Jazz, the Blues in the streets. A. perform B. make C. act D. do 5. Id like to have these documents _ in a minute. A. sorting out B. sorted out C. to be sorted out D. sort out 6. -How are you getting on with Mary, your girl friend? -_. A. Break up B. Broken up C. Break down D. Broken down 7. It is a pity that none of the _ stopped _ the poor man lying there, begging. A. passer-bys; to help B. passers-by; helping C. passer-bys; helping D. passers-by; to help 8. When she was asked how she had managed to live _ with the man she hated so much, she didnt _ to the question.A. at peace; respond B. in peace; answer C. with peace; make an answer D. in peace; respond9. Every time the father comes into his room, the boy pretends _ earnestly. A. reading B. to be reading C. to be read D. to have read 10. Before agriculture _, people made their living by hunting wild animals and their life was _ of nature. A. came into being; at the mercy B. was born; in the mercy C. began to exist; in danger D. appeared; with the mercy11. When the inspecting team said there was nothing illegal in the management of the company, the manager breathed deeply _. A. with a relief B. at a relief C. in relief D. to his relief 12. It is not easy for musicians to _ the ability to compose songs and music at the same time. A. get B. form C. make D. describe 13. The little girl is not quite confident _ her ability to go to a key university and she is very sensitive _ anything concerned with it. A. of; of B. in; to C. of; with D. about; about14. They _ on the little professor, but it led to his fierce criticism on us. A. played a joke B. made fun C. had fun D. performed a joke 15. The picture in the advertisement showed an attractive actress playing _, with her blouse hanging loosely to the floor. A. a musical instrument B. a musical equipment C. musical instruments D. musical instrument16. Besides our group, we need some 20 extra workers _ to get the work finished in time. A. around B. about C. or so D. X 17. “ You have to trust in god, _ friends and bank on education,” the teacher said in an honest voice. A. live on B. rely on C. keep on D. insist on18. _honest, my father never tells lies but _honest, I dont think it a good way to live. A. To be; to be B. Being; being C. Being; to be D. To be; being19. If you receive a bunch of roses on Valentines Day, Do you know what hidden meaning is _ to it? A. put B. introduced C. attached D. tied20. The girl was most _ when the young man offered to suck the poison out of the snake bite in her leg and _ that he was a reliable man to marry. A. moved; determined B. affected; decided C. touched; made up her mind D. moved; was determined 21. Some football fans, _money was a big problem, could not afford to go the football court to see their star play. A. for whose B. for whom C. with whom D. with whose 22. Could you tell me if there are any restaurants _ we can have our lunch? A. around which B. from which C. around where D. from where 23. We can hear sound because our earth is surrounded by thick air _ sound can travel A. in that B. by which C. with which D. through which 24. He arrived on the day _ there happened to be no plane tickets left for Shanghai. A. on which B. for which C. with which D. by which 25. The hiding man made a hole in the wall _ he could observe the outside. A. in which B. by which C. through which D. with which II. 完形填空:The story tell us about the British writer, Richard Savage. He was once living in London with 26 money in his pockets. In order to get some food and clothes he wrote the story of his life and managed to have it 27 .But not many copies of his books were 28 in the shops, and he was still living a hard life. Because of anxiety and malnutrition, he became very weak and before long fell 29 ,and a doctor was sent for. The doctor was not rich enough, but 30 literature. He tried his best to cure Savage of his illness and a week later Savage was out of 31 When he finally recovered his 32 ,the doctor sent a bill to Savage for his 33 ,but poor Savage had no money to 34 it. The doctor waited for a month and sent another bill. 35 no money again, the doctor went to Savage himself.“You know you 36 your life to me,” said the doctor, “and I should 37 some thankfulness from you.”“I 38 ,” said the writer, “ youve done a great favour for me and to 39 that Im not ungrateful for your kindness, Ill 40 my life to you.”With these 41 he handed the doctor two copies of The Life of Richard Savage.The doctor took the books home and began to 42 them carefully.“I see Ive 43 the life of a great writer,” the doctor said to himself with a sense of pride. “Maybe this is the only thing I could be really 44 in my life.”Five years later Savage called on the doctor to pay his bill, only to find that the doctor had already 45 . 26.A.much B. a little C. little D. enough 27.A.published B. found C. encourage D. protected 28.A.bought B. sold C. printed D. showed 29.A.weak B. anxious C. frightened D. ill 30.A. was interested in B. was familiar with C. was popular with D. struggled against 31.A.safety B. power C. danger D. injury 32.A.sight B. health C. movement D. action 33.A.care B. aid C. attention D. treatment34.A.pay B. supply C. afford D. allow 35.A.Receiving B. Received C. Keeping D. Kept 36.A.promise B. return C. lend D. owe 37.A.wish B. choose C. get D. master 38.A.refuse B. agree C. warn D. suppose 39.A.explain B. prove C. describe D. plan 40.A.offer B. contribute C. give D. damage 41.A.words B. drills C. compositions D. collections 42.A.write B. correct C. improve D. read 43.A.made B. saved C. trained D. taught 44.A.fond of B. famous for C. proud of D. worried about 45.A.passed away B. escaped C. hurried off D. run away III 阅读理解AWhy are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply, because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person had the right to fail.Most parents work hard at preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her childs hastily made table as “perfect” even though it doesnt stand still. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.The trouble with failure-prevention devices is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything. No one can win all the time-and that its possible to enjoy a game even when you dont win. A child whos not invited to a birthday party, who doesnt make the honor list on the baseball team, feels terrible, of course, but parents should not offer a quick consolation prize(安慰奖) or say, “It doesnt matter.” Because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment-and be helped to master it.Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “why did I fail?” Dont blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, dont be shy about inquiring.Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a bad party how to give a second one, from an illchosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems definitive can prompt(激起) fresh thinking, a change of direction. After 12 years of studying ballet a friend of mine auditioned(面试) for a professional company. She was turned down. “would further training help?” she asked. The ballet master shook his head. “You will never be a dancer,” he said, “you havent the body for it.”In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock(鉴定) bravely and ask, “What have I left? What else can I do?” My friend put away her shoes and moved into dance treatment center, a field where shes both able and useful. Failure frees one to take risks because theres less to lose. Often there is recovery of energya way to find new possibilities. 46. The first paragraph tells us _. A. the reason why so many people are afraid of failure B. the reason why we dont know how to fail C. failure is very natural for every person D. one should be ready to face failure at any time. 47. The second paragraph tells us_.A. how a mother praised her childrenB. two ways of failure prevention most parents use when their children failC. how to shift blameD. parents should blame their children at the proper time48. According to the author, what should a child know in the real world?A. Ways to avoid failure.B. No one can be best all the time at everything.C. No parents should offer quick consolation.D. He can get pleasure from failure as well as success.49. What can make a positive contribution to ones life once he learns to use it?A. Success B. Disappointment C. Failure D. Value. BWas he dreaming? David Ewart saw a red ball of fire. He shot out of a deep sleep and heard his ten-year-old daughter, Heather, screaming. Ewart jumped out of bed on the second floor of his home. Downstairs he heard loud popping noises, glass bulbs, furniture, appliances exploding as fire consumed them.Three hundred and fifty people, including friends and family members, had attended Ewarts annual Christmas party at his home in Valencia, California. David was a giver. They all enjoyed themselves. After the party, he and his 77-year-old mother, Esther, put out the candlesall but one, missed and left burning on a holiday paper tablecloth.Now, as Ewart started down the hall to alert his parents and three children, he said a silent prayer: God, if it is your will, save us. The heat was hellish(地狱般的). But then he felt a hand on his shoulderand something that was not quite a voice guiding him, giving him the direction: the bedroom window.He kicked out the window screen and told Heather to jump onto the patio(院子) cover, crawl to the edge and drop to the ground, the feet below. Next he headed for his two sons, Jonathan, 13, and Michael, 15, who were screaming with pain. David led Jonathan to the window. He returned for Michael, who was now helping his grandparents, trapped in their room behind a jammed door. Michael threw himself against it and finally burst through. David guided his mother, then Michael, to safety.Only his father remained. The 81-year-olds face was badly burned. He lost his footing and fell. David took his hand and helped him to the window. Too weak to hold on, his father rolled off the patio cover to the ground.Finally,David escaped. Second later, the second floor exploded, yet all the while, he felt he was being led, under protection. The family survived and firefighters said they were mystified(迷惑) as to how the family survived. David Ewart was not.50. Why did the fire take place? A. Three hundred and fifty friends were at their home. B. David and his mother put out all the candles but one left burning. C. Someone set fire to their house. D. David Ewart saw a red ball of fire.51. Which is the following is Not true? A. Michael helped his parents escape from the fire. B. David Ewart helped heather jumped out of the burning room from the bedroom window. C. Davids father was too weak to hold on , at last he was dead. D. Davids mother was saved out earlier than his father.52. How many years older was Davids father than his mother? A. 2 B.15 C. 4 D. the same age53. How many people were trapped when the fire broke out? A. 350 B. 6 C. 5 D. 35654. What does the writer want to tell us from the story? A. Everyone should be aware of the danger of fireB. People shouldnt hold big parties at home C. United, we stand, Divided, we fall. D. When in danger, we should keep calm.CRoom for Revolution: George Washington and His Philadelphia FriendsMarch 16,2007 August 30,2007Charles Wilson Peales George Washington at Princeton is on view(展览) at the museum which was lent from a private collection. This visually striking and finely made life-size portrait(肖像)records Washingtons 6-foot-2-inch figure in a pose highlighting strength, composure(沉着), and elegance(高雅). It is put up in a room neighboring to the Powel House parlor(客厅), a period room from one of Philadelphias greatest eighteenth-century private homes, where Washington was frequently entertained by his friends, Samuel and Elizabeth Powel. Both spaces contain important examples of furniture by Philadelphias finest craftsmen, such as Thomas Affleck and Aitken. Among these is a side chair specially ordered by the Washingtons when living in Philadelphia.Painted in Philadelphia in 1779, Peals painting was immediately sent to Europe to promote Washingtons reputation as a leader and the cause of the American Revolution, then in progress. Later , during Europes Napoleonic Wars, a Spanish duke(公爵) with strong sympathies with American Revolution owned the picture. At that time he added the complicated carved caption(标题) to it, which describes Washington as “ a liberator of his country who abandoned absolute power.”Curators馆长,监护人American Art Department Staff, website commentary by Carol SoltisLocation位子Galleries 286 and 287, second floor55. This passage is mainly about_. A. the information of a portrait on view B. the cause of the American Revolution C. the friendship between Washington and his friends D. the description of the life of George Washington56. what is the name of the portrait? A. Charles Wilson Peale. B. Room for Revolution. C. George Washington and His Philadelphia friends. D. George Washington at Princeton57. what happened in the Powel House parlor? A. Washington entertained his friends. B. Washington made a chair on his own. C. Charles Wilson Peale finished the portrait. D. Samuel and Elizabeth Powel met Washington a lot.58. according to the passage, Washington_. A. lived between 1741 and 1827 B. ordered the portrait painted in 1779 C. was sympathized by a Spanish duke D. was a great man not greedy for power59. The passage tell us that _. A. when the portrait was finished, America was at war B. the portrait was originally hanging in Samuels room C. the portrait was sent to Europe to gain support from Napoleon D. the caption of the portrait was carved by Philadelphias finest craftsmen.IV 短文改错 Aretheyearsyouspentatschoolbestyearsofyoulife? 60._ Personally,Ifoundmostlessonratheruninteresting.Wehadto 61._sitatourdesksinsilenceandpaidattentiontowhattheteachers 62._weresaying.Theywereusedtowriteontheblackboardandask 63._usdifficultquestions.Wealsohadtodoplentyofhomework, and 64._handitontime.Wehadtowearschooluniformsandobeylotsof 65._rules.IleftschoolassoonasIcanandstartedwork.Ireadbooks 66._atthepubliclibrary,andlateIdecidedtoattendcollege.Now 67._IreallyenjoystudybecauseImgrowingoldandknowwhatI 68._Wantit.WhenIwasatschool.Iwasjustthewrongage! 69._V书面表达 你所在的班级将要举办一次主题为“WhatCanWeDoforOurSchool?”的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿,要求从以下四方面中任选一至二个进行阐述,并举例加以说明。 1.关心他人; 2.美化校园; 3.受护学校设施; 4.营造良好的学习氛围。 注意: 1.不要在书面表达中出现所在学校的校名和本人姓名,否则本节判为零分; 2.词数:100左右; 3.参考词汇: 爱心loveandcare;校园campus;设施facilities;氛围environment 4.开头和结尾已经写好,且不记入词数。 Hello,everyone.Itsnicetospeakaboutwhatwecandoforourschool,andIthinkeachofuscandosomething. Thankyouforlistening! _Unit five答案I 单项选择:1-5BCDBB 6-10BDDBA 11-15CBBAA 16-20CBCCB 21-25BCDACII. 完形填空:26-30CABDA 31-35CBDAA 36-40DCBBC 41-45ADBCAIII. 阅读理解:46-49 ABBC 50-54 BCCBD 55-59 ADDDAIV. 改错60.the 61.lessons 62.pay63.were64.65.in66.could67.later68.studying 69 .itV. 书面表达 OnePossibleVersion Hello,everyone.Itsnicetospeakaboutwhatwecandoforourschool,andIthinkeachofuscandosomething. Thefirstthingwecandoistomakeourcampusmorebeautiful.Everyoneofusmayplanta treeintheschool,ororganizeathoroughcleaningonthecampus.Wecanalsoformagoodhabit ofputtingtherubbishinthetrashcan. Thesecondthingwecandoistoprotectthefacilitiesinourschool.Whenweleavethe classroom,weshouldneverforgettoturnoffthelightorclosethedoor.Weshouldnotleavethe tapwaterrunningorwasteanymaterialsinthelaboratoryclass. Ifeveryonedoesonethingforourschool,Ibelievewewillturnourschoolintoabetterplaceto studyandlivein. Thankyouforlistening!第 10 页 共 10 页


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