高中英语:Unit 5 Nelson Mandela Reading(新人教必修1)

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高一英语同步练习必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela第2课时:Reading基础练习重点词汇:1. _ (vt.)献身- _ (n.)2. _(n.)和平-_(adj.)和平的-_(adv.) 和平地3. _(n.)法律- _(n.)律师- _(adj.)合法的;法定的4. _(n.)青年-(adj.)_青年的;年轻的5. _(n.)暴力-_ (adj.)暴力的6. _ (adj.)平等的-_ (adv.)平等地-_ (n.)平等7. _(n.)自我-_ (adv.)自私地 -_(adj.)无私的-_(adv.)无私地8. _ (n. & v.) 希望-_( adj.)有希望的-_(adv.)有希望地阅读课文:一、判断正误:1. When he met Mandela in 1953, Elias was in a very poor condition in his life.2. His family could afford the school fees and the bus fare.3. He received good education.4. He joined the ANC Youth League.5. Elias was unwilling to help people achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.6. Elias was willing to blow up government buildings.7. At last, they decided to answer violence with violence.二、根据课文内容填空:Elias storyAbout Elias 1. He was only in school for _ years and left school because his family couldnt continue to pay _ and _.2. He didnt have a(n) _ in Johannesburg and was afraid of _ his job and _ there.3. He _ Mandela for help and later joined the _.4. He helped Mandela to _ some government _ to help achieve their dream.About Nelson Mandela5. He used to be a(n) _ who gave help to _ on their _.6. He set up the ANC Youth League and called on the black to fight for _.About the black7. They could not _ or choose _.8. They could not get _ they wanted and were sent to live in _ of South Africa.9. They had almost no _ at all.10. They had to answer _.三、 翻译并背诵下列句子:1. The first time when I met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.2. This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.3. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.4. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.将下列短语译成英文: 1. 丧失勇气、信心_.2. 处于困难中 _ 3. 在. 方面积极 _ 4. 失去工作 _ 5. 被判刑 _6. 等于, 胜任 _7. 以暴力反抗暴力 _8. 事实上 _9. 炸毁 _ 10. 愿意做某事 _阅读理解 The vacations over for American space tourist Richard Garriott on Friday, the 47-year-old computer games designer returned safely to Earth after a 10-day visit to the International Space (ISS). The capsule(太空舱)carrying Garriott and two astronauts successfully touched down near the town of Arkalyk, in the central Asian country of Kazakhstan. Garrioots father, former NASA astronaut Owen Garriott, was there to greet his son on the ground. After the younger Garriott went out of the capsule, his father patted him on the head, and asked, How come you look so fresh and ready to go? To which Garriott replied, Because Im fresh and ready to go again. What a great ride that was! Interest in space tourism has grown in recent years. Garriott is an investor(投资者)in Space Adventures, a U.S company that has organized all of the space tourist flights so far. Several other companies have also started investing millions of dollars to offer trips into space for people who can afford the high price. Garriott is the sixth private citizen to travel into space. On October 12, his dream of following his fathers footsteps came true as he took off aboard an Russian rocket. Garriott is the first American to follow his father into space. The Austin, Texas resident paid$30 million for the holiday in orbit(轨道). But Garriotts dream vacation was not all play.He also carried out experiments, including taking pictures of the Earths surface. In 1973, Garriotts father took extensive photographs of Earth during his 60-day stay on the U.S. Skylab.Space Station.Garriott plans to compare his photos with those his father took to see how Earths environment has changed in the past 35 years.1. How did Richard Garriott feel after returning from space? A .Tired B. Excited C. Disappointed D. Satisfied. 2. What do we know about Richard Garriott according to the passage? A. He followed his fathers step into space.B. He was tired and didnt want to go any more.C. He stayed in space for more than one month. D. He is the first private citizen to travel into space. 3. He took pictures of the Earths surface as his father did 35 years ago, he wanted to find out_.A . Whether they chose different scenes to take photos.B. Whether they chose same scenes to take photosC. Whether the moon surface has changed in the past 35 years.D. Whether the earth environment has changed in the past 35 years. 4. We can infer from the passage that_.A. Space travelling is becoming well received.B. Richard Garriott went into space with his father.C. Richard Garriotts father went into space 30 years ago.D. Traveling into space costs a lot of money.第2课时:Reading基础练习:重点词汇:1. devote; devotion 2. peace; peaceful; peacefully 3.law; lawyer; lawful 4. youth; young 5. violence; violent 6. equal; equally; equality 7.self; selfishly; selfless; selflessly8. hope; hopeful; hopefully 阅读课文: 一:判断正误1-5. F F F T F 6-7. F T二:根据课文内容填空:1. two; the school fees; the bus fare2. passbook to live; losing; leaving3. turned to; ANC Youth League4. blow up; buildings5. black lawyer; poor black people; legal problems 6. equal rights; 7. vote; their leaders 8. the jobs; the poorest parts 9. rights 10. violence with violence三:翻译并背诵下列句子:1. 我第一次见纳尔逊.曼德拉的时候,是我一生中非常艰难的时期。2. 那个时候要想在约翰内斯堡居住,一个人需要一本南非共和国有色人种的身份证。3. 过去的30年来所出现的大量的法律剥夺我们的权利, 阻挡我们的进步.4. 我们被置于这样一个 境地:要么被迫接受低人一等的现实要么跟政府作斗争。:将下列短语译成英文:1. lose heart 2. in trouble 3. be active in4. out of work 5. be sentenced to 6. be equal to 7. answer violence with violence8. as a matter of fact 9. blow up10. be willing to do something: 阅读理解1-4. BADD6

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