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.云南高考口语题型总结与分析曲靖市第二中学 杨绍斌一 题型 本次口语考试主要以情景题为主,每份试题分为三大部分,第一部分为自我介绍;第二部分共八道题,1-5题要求学生根据情景和电脑屏幕左下方闪动的词组对电脑提问(相当于对这些词组提问),电脑回答,6-8题为拓展题,要求考生根据自己的知识和经验回答电脑提出的三个问题,问题基本与第二部分所用情景内容相关;第三大部分共8题,均为电脑提问、考生作答的题型,1-5题根据本部分所提供的情景内容作答,6-8题为与本部分所用情景相关的拓展题,考生需用自己已有知识和经验作答。现将本次口语考试情景题类型总结如下(所总结的每个情景只作为一份试题第二、第三部分中的一部分):1.商店购物(考生提问):商店名称,地点,商品材料,商品号码(尺寸),商品产地。 What is the name of the shop? Where is the shop? / Where is the shop located situated? What are the goods made of? What are the sizes of the goods? Where do the goods come from? / Where are the goods produced? 拓展题:(6)How often do you go shopping? Twice / 3 times a week / It depends. Sometimes I go shopping more often because (7)Who do you often go shopping with? I often go shopping with my mother, because she can help me pay for the things I like. (8)Whats the differences between supermarket and department store? I think there are more goods for us to choose from in a supermarket. And the goods there are cheaper than those of a department store. 2.演讲(考生回答): 题目,演讲者,时间,地点,参加者 (1)Whats the lecture about? Its about (2)Who is the speaker? He / she is (3)When will it be held? It will be held on + 具体某天/at + 具体时间点或周末/ in + 月份 (4)Where will it be held? in / at 【It will be held in / at 】 (5)Who can attend the lecture? can go there. 拓展题:(6)Have you ever attended a lecture? What was it about? Yes. It was about 2 years ago. It was a lecture given by a top leader of a company and it was about how to succeed. (7)What kind of lecture would you like to attend? Why? Id like to attend some lectures about the bitter experience of some successful people, because I can get inspired from their experience. (8)Today more and more Chinese people celebrate western festival, what do you think of it? As a Chinese, I think we should be open to foreign cultures. Celebrating foreign festivals can further our understanding of both the countries from which these festival come from and our own country. But we must remember that we should not forget our own festivals, for if we let them disappear, there will be a cultural gap, which foreign cultures may fill. 3.朋友简介(考生提问):姓,年龄,国籍,爱好,父母职业 Is a male or a female? / What is the gender of ? How old is ? What is s nationality? / Where does come from? / Where is s home country? What is s likes and dislikes? What do s parents do? What are s parents? / What are s parents occupation? 拓展题:(6)Have you had a foreign teacher? Where does he come from? Yes. He is from America / he comes from (7)Do you like traveling? Why or Why not? Of course. When I travel, I can see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. I can also meet new friends, try new kinds of food. Sometimes I just travel for a change, for I sometimes feel bored staying at home. (8)What do you think are the difficulties when living in a foreign country? Communication, I think, would be the major problem, for there exists cultural shock. Even if I may understand the language there, I may not understand the way of thinking. And the climate there may also cause trouble. To get used to the climate may take some time. 4.中山公园(考生回答): 地点,公园名称,开放时间,门票,特色(1)Whats the name of the park? Zhong Shan Park(2)Where is the park? It is located on / in / at (3)What are the opening hours? It opens at and the opening hours last for hours. (4)How much is the ticket for the park? It costs Yuan. (5)What are special about the park? 拓展题:(6)Who do you often go to parks with? I often go to parks with my sister because we are both students. We usually devote much of our spare time to homework. So we need to have a rest. And the air in parks is fresh and (7)What do people usually do in parks? People in parks usually have a walk while they are chatting with each other. Some people visit parks because of their children who usually like playing in parks because there are some recreation facilities which are of some interest to them.(8)Describe a park you have been to. I have been to many parks. But the park I often go to is the one near our school. There lie many lakes in which fish are swimming. People there often bring with them some food to feed the fish. And a statue of a dragon is put at the centre of the park. As you know in China dragons are considered to be a kind of animal which can bring people good luck. So adults usually take their children there. 5.生日聚会(考生回答):谁的生日聚会,时间,地点,参加聚会的人,活动方式 It is a party for When is the party given/ held? Where is the party given / held ? Who will go to the party? / Who will be present at the party? / Who will attend the party? How will the party be organized? / How will the party be celebrated? 拓展题:(6)Do you buy any gift when you attend a party? What kind of gifts do you buy to attend a party? Of course. A gift is necessary when we attend a party. It is a sign of respect. As to what kind of gift I bring, it depends. Because the likes and dislikes of the person I buy gifts for should be taken into consideration. (7)Do you like parties? Why? Its hard to say. Sometimes I feel lonely and want to get to some places which are noisy, especially when I hear loneliness sing. Sometimes I want to just stay alone reading some books which may make me have a sense of fulfillment. (8)How do you celebrate an important day? The way I celebrate an important day is linked to the reason why it is important, for example, Teachers Day is important because I get a sea of knowledge from my dear teachers. I may buy a bunch of flowers for them to show my gratitude. 6.暑假培训班(考生提问): 老师姓名,班级人数,开课时间,课程安排,活动内容 What is the name of the teacher? / May I know the name of the teacher? How many people will be there in the class? When does the class begin? How will the course be arranged? What will be included in the course? / What will be taught in the course? 拓展题:(6)What would you like to do in summer? Summer is a wonderful season. There are many things that I can do in summer. I can go into mountains in the countryside to collect mushrooms. Many fruit are in season. I can go to pick all kinds of fruits and you know they are delicious. (7)Do you think it is necessary to take an English class to learn English? It depends on the degree to which you want to learn English well. If you want to learn English well enough to be able to do translation, then a lot of English classes should be attended. However, if you learn English for daily communication, I think English classes are not a must. Of course by attending English classes, you can lean formal English and you can also make rapid progress. (8)What advantages to have an native English teacher? Having an native English teacher is, without any doubt, of great advantage. 7.川菜馆(考生回答):名称,地点,营业时间,本月优惠,推荐菜品(1)Whats the name of the restaurant?(2)Where is the restaurant? (3)What are the business hours?(4)Is any special offered this month?(5)What dishes would you like to suggest? fried rice 炒饭/spring roll 春卷/ beef stick 牛肉串 / sliced pork with pepper 青椒肉片 / double sauted pork 回锅肉/ Ma Po Dow Fu / toast / coffee 拓展题:(6)What are your favorite dishes? 【同上】 (7)Do you like eat outside or cook at home? Sometimes I eat outside because I have no time for cooking. And during holidays and at weekends I cook at home.(8)What places do you dislike going to? The last place Id like to go to is cinema. 8.旅店(考生提问):名称,价格,地点,特色,其他服务 What is the name of the hotel? What is the price / rate of the room? Where can I find the hotel? What is special about the hotel? / What is the feature of the hotel? Are there any other kinds of services? 拓展题: (6)How often do you travel? Usually twice a year. (7)What are necessary things when you are prepare for travel? I take some necessities, such as teeth brush, towel, some clothes for getting changed, some cash and, most important, my ID card. (8)Where would you like to stay when travelling, a city hotel or a country area, why? An country area is better, because I can go for a walk along the country road, taking in some fresh air and admiring the beautiful scenery. 9.本城新建公园(考生提问):位置,往返交通,游览项目,园内何处就餐,门票 Where is the location of the park? / Where is the park located? How can I get to the park? What can we (people) see in the park? Can we have dinner in the park? Where? How much is the entrance ticket? / What is the price of the entrance ticket? 拓展题: (6)What do you usually do in a park? (7)Who do you like going to parks with, you family or your parents, why? (8)Do you think it is reasonable for a park to charge for entrance? I think it is ridiculous to charge for entrance. Because the money used to build parks is usually paid by the public in the form of taxes, so the park built with the money, with no doubt, should be open to the public in return in order to benefit them. 10.欢迎新外教(考生回答):教授姓名,在美国任教学校,主要研究兴趣,出版著作,在中国会呆多久 (1)Whats the name of the professor? His name is (2)Which university did he teach in America? He teaches in (3)What are his main research interests? His mainly does research into (4)What book has he written? The books he has written include (5)How long will he stay in China? He will stay in China for 拓展题: (6)What do students usually learn in an art class? They usually learn to enjoy the beauty of some works of art 艺术作品,and some theories about how to create beauty in the form of art. The final goal, I think, is to learn to be able to create beauty on their own independently. (7)Do you prefer Chinese teachers or foreign teachers to teach your English,why? It varies depends. When it comes to lessons about grammar, I think Chinese teachers are better, because they can help me better understand the rules by explaining in Chinese. However, native speakers can help us learn better oral English and pick up more accurate pronunciations. (8)What do you think a perfect job should be like? I think a good job is one where one can display ones abilities. That is to say, a job that is suitable for one to do is certainly a good job.11.研究生新宿舍申请(考生回答):一间宿舍住几人,餐厅的位置,宿舍楼位置,每月住宿费,咨询电话或邮箱 (1)How many people share a room? (2)Where can I have meals? (3)Where is the new building? (4)How much shall I pay every month? (5)How can I get more information?拓展题: (6)Whom do you live with now? How do you like it? I now live with my classmates, sharing the same dorm. We get along well and are ready to help each other. So, l like living with them. (7)What are the advantages and disadvantages of living by oneself? Living alone has both advantages and disadvantages. We can always do something according to our own will. But when we need help and feel lonely, living by ourselves is not so good. (8)What do you think of the food in your school or work place? Wonderful! They taste good and there are a variety if them for us to choose from. 12.假期计划(考生提问):假期天数,目的地,活动安排,参与人员,何处住宿 How long will our holiday last? Where shall we spend our holiday? What will are we going to do during the holiday? Who will spend the holiday with us? / Who will take part in the holiday? Where will we live during the holiday? 拓展题: (6)What different things have you done to enjoy the holidays? The thing that comes first during a holiday is relaxing myself. And besides that I also want to learn something new in the process. I can experience different cultures and learn the lifestyle of different placers. Making new friends also occupy an important position in my travel. (7)What kind of museums interested you most? Why? Museums about history interest me most because history can cause us to stop, look and listen. And more importantly, things about the past, if correctly understood, can tell us what to do and what not to do. (8)Do you like spending your holidays with your friends or family, why? I like to spend my holidays with both my friends and family, because I value them beyond all things, and I want to share all my sorrow and happiness with them. 13.校外房屋出租(考生提问):房屋类型、月租金、离学校多远、公交线路、何时入住 What is the room / house look like? What is the rent on the house / room each month? How far is it from the house to the school? / What is the distance to the room house? 拓展题: (6)If you could choose, where or with whom would you like to live? l would like to live in Shangri-La with my friends, which is said to be a place like the paradise. (7)Do you think it is a good idea for students to live outside the campus? Why or why not? I dont think it a good idea to live outside the campus. Students are still young and lack experience; therefore they may easily be taken in. (8)Nowadays, more and more people prefer to living countryside, whats your opinions about it?The quiet life of the country always appeal to many people. The reasons, as they put it, are that people there are friendly: the atmosphere is clean, and it is close to nature. The most important thing is that the pace of living there is gentle.14.西方油画讲座(考生回答):主题、演讲者、讲座时间、地点、参与人拓展题: (6)What are you good at doing? I am good at (7)What school activities are best welcomed by students? The majority of the students prefer to be involved in activities like parties, football games because they need to plan and organize them, which can help display their abilities. (8)What would you like to learn in your free time? Why? I usually dance to light music in my free time, because in that way I can relax myself. 15.夜校(考生提问):学员类型、上课时间、课程种类、学费、上课地点 Who usually take the course? When is the lesson given? What are included in the course? How much should I pay in order to take the course? / What is the charge if I want to take the course? / How much do they charge for taking the course? / What is the tuition? 拓展题: (6)What would you like to do to make the elderly people in your family happy? So we should often meet them and talk with them. I usually have dinner together with them, during which I chat about a lot of things that happen to me. When I stay far from them, I just make phone calls and make them feel cared. (7)What do you think of the elderly people going to school? Older peoples going to universities is a response to the policy of taking people as the most important 【以人为本】where lifelong learning is advocated. It is also a sign of older peoples being aware of the progress of society. In schools, older people can communicate with each other and update their knowledge, which will make it possible for them to further contribute to society. (8)Do you think the society takes good care of old people? Yes, I think so. More and more homes for the aged have been built around the country, which means that much attentions has been attached to the business of taking good care of old people. But we can still notice some old people living miserable lives. So there is a lot left that should be done to improve the lives of the old. 16.音乐会(考生回答):演奏会名称、演奏者、演奏内容、时间、入场费拓展题:(6)When do you feel like listening to music? I feel like listening to music when I feel tired or sad. Music can help me feel fresh and forget the sorrows. (7)What kind of music do you like? Why do you like it? I like country music because I can understand most of the words. And I think its the most beautiful music you can find. Some country music is about the friendliness between people. It can also remind me of the life in the open air which is full of sunshine, flowers, birds singing and laughing. That is the life I experienced when I was still a child. (8)What do you think of children learning to play music at early ages? Unlike words printed in books which need thinking about before you can understand, music has immediate influence on a persons soul. They can feel the beauty by using their “heart” but a child can not read a novel before he can understand several thousand words. So beautiful music can help shape a persons soul and help them form better personalities. 二考生注意事项:1.认真听题,避免答非所问;2.注意情景开始前的简介与提示;3.学生对电脑提问部分,注意频幕左下方闪亮词提示(作答方式几乎等同于对划线部分提问);4.避免重复和口头语;5.大胆开口,不怕出错,在流利的基础上追求语句的准确度;6.及时答题,不拖时;7.避免他人干涉;8.自我介绍简单明了,不宜占用过多时间;9.回答电脑提问时注意问题类型:非一般疑问句的答语前尽量克服“yes”答语;10.不能及时说出完整答语时,抓紧时间说出回答问题的关键词;11.避免说出自己的学校及老师。精选word范本!

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