高中英语:Unit 4 Earthquakes单元综合评估测试(新人教必修1)

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必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes单元综合评估测试(100分,45分钟)I.单项选择 (15分) 1. _ of the money belongs to my parents. A. Two fifth B. Two five C. Second fifths D. Two fifths2. _ is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mines_ the late 19th century.A. What; from B. That; back C. Which; to D. It; in 3. He is very nervous. I noticed his hand _.A. to shake B. shake C. shakingD. shaked3. This is the best book _ Ive ever bought. A. that B. who C. with which D. which 4. Ten years ago, my mother taught English in the school _ Im visiting. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose6. The button in the kitchen is out of order._.A. Im really sorry to hear that. B. No problem. Itll be OK.C. Anything else I can do? D. Why not get Mr. Kidder to have a look7. We dont need to do extra work this evening. The days work was almost _ now.A. at the end B. at an end C. at one end D. at our end8. It is said that there are millions of camels in India and _ of them is growing.A. the number B. a great number C. a lot D. a good many9. On my way to school, I realized that I had _ my school bag at home.A. left B. forgotten C. lost D. missed10. One minute she burst into _ and the next burst out _. We just couldnt catch her mood at any moment.A. crying, laughter B. tears, laughing C. tears, laughter D. crying, laughing11. .“After World War II, many of the cities across western European countries _,” our guide said.A. lied in ruin B. lay in ruins C. lay in ruin D. lying in ruins12. I had not listened to my mothers advice on taking an umbrella. Later that afternoon, I was nearly _ the rain.A. taken by B. trapped in C. caught in D. beaten by13. Not far from the club, there was a garden, _ owner was seated in it playing cards with his children every afternoon.A. its B. whose C. which D. of which14. Tell us about the people and the places _ are different from ours.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. whom15. _ out for food. Some work in the tunnels as guards and workers.A. Not all the ants go B. All the ants not goC. Both the ants dont go D. All the ants go II完形填空(20分)China is one of the countries with the most serious earthquake disasters. 16 earthquake that had a magnitude of 7.8 17 in Tangshan located in northeast Hebei on July 28, 1976. It was heard 18 in Beijing, one hundred kilometers 19 westwards. A huge crack of 8 kilometres long and thirty metres wide 20 thousands of buildings, roads and canals, 21 an industry urban 22 population of one million a wasteland in seconds. The deaths and the injured totally 23 400,000. It was the most destructive earthquake in the world during the 20th century.Before the shake, nature had 24 many seismic signs; in the neighbouring countryside, the well water kept on rising and falling with deep crack walls, 25 a smelly gas. Domestic animals 26 too nervous to eat 27 rats, snakes, etc, hurriedly _28_. In the city strange events occurred, too. The water pipes in perfectly good condition burst without 29 . All 30 , the warnings from nature, failed to 31 the one million peoples understanding, who did everything 32 . Thats why such heavy loss beyond imagination was caused.The city seemed to be at the end. However, aid came from every corner of the country. Army troops were 33 to the citys rescue. Teams of rescue workers were quickly organized. Slowly the city started to 34 to normal. Now the people of Tangshan have turned their once destroyed homeland into a brand new Tangshan like a bright pearl 35 the Bohai Bay. They pay much attention to the prevention of geologic disasters while developing industry and agriculture.16. A. An B. A C. TheD. /17. A. was happened B. broke out C. was hitD. struck18.A. justB. only C. everD. even19. A. awayB. far awayC. offD. far20. A. broke throughB. swept across C. tore openD. cut across21. A. leadingB. putting C. destroyingD. leaving22. A. with a B. with the C. withD. having23. A. arrivedB. came to C. roseD. got24. A. sent outB. sent off C. sent forD. sent up25.A. giving downB. giving up C. giving offD. giving in26.A. cameB. grew C. turnedD. went27.A. whileB. when C. asD. since28.A. jumpedB. came C. movedD. ran29.A. appearanceB. excuse C. explanationD. cause30.A. theseB. thoseC. thisD. that31.A. reachB. makeC. haveD. lead32.A. usuallyB. commonly C. as usualD. like that33.A. gathered upB. called in C. called onD. sent in34.A. returnB. come C. leaveD. bring35.A. to B. offC. on D. alongIII. 阅读理解(20分)AHints on SafetyNearly everyone is attracted to water, whether it is in the sea, canals, rivers or the village pond. Beautiful as it is, water should be regarded with respect, as it can be dangerous. Around 300 children up to the age of ten die each year from drowning. It should be every parents duty to ensure that both he and the child can swim and that as the child gets older, he has some knowledge of life-saving and artificial respiration(人工呼吸).The basic rules of water safety are:Dont leave small children playing alone in waterNever swim an hour before or an hour after a main mealIf its a danger area, find out before you start swimming where the life-guard is or where a lifebelt is available(可提供的)As children get older, try to teach them to remain calm in an emergency(紧急情况)Look out for warning things to see whether youre in a danger area(see under this)Be especially careful of inland stretches of water pools, reservoirs (水库) and dykes(沟) where there are often fewer people about than at the seaside.You SHOULD KNOWTHE NATIONAL CODE FOR BATHERS-the code deals only with warnings that indicate (标志) “Unsafe to Bathe”.1. Colour: red, UNSAFE TO BATHE-do not enter the water.2. Colour: red board, white lettering, UNSAFE TO BATHE AT ALL TIMES. Life-saving equipment is also painted red for easy identification(识别).3. Colour: red and yellow. PATROLLED(巡逻) BATHING AREAS. Bathing areas with life-saving facilities(设施) provided by patrols of lifeguards.4. Colour: black and white check. SURFING (冲浪) AREA. Area set aside for surf board (冲浪板) riding.5. Colour: white and blue. The divers flag means DIVERS DOWN. Boat users keep well clear of this area.36. What does the writer of this article feel about water? A. Everyone is attracted to the water in the village pond. B. It is attractive but dangerous. C. It is beautiful and respected by everybody. D. The sea, the canals, the rivers affect the weather. 37. We can infer from the text that“Hints on Safety”used as the title means .A. Useful advice B. Expert opinionsC. Public comments D.Indirect suggestions38. What does the writer say about the danger to children?A. Around 30 ten-year old die every year.B. Ten children each year die from drowning.C. There are about 300 children, aged ten or under, who are drowned every year.D. The 300 children who are drowned every year are usually more than ten years old.39. What does the writer think that parents should make sure their children know?A. How to be able to save his or her own life.B. How to get older through knowledge of artificial respiration.C. How to swim and breathe under water.D. How to swim and how to save other peoples lives if they get into trouble in the water.40. What does this sign “Colour: black and white check” mean?A. Do not use a surfboard here.B. Lifeguards patrol this area.C. This area is not for ordinary swimming.D. Unsafe to bathe at all times. BEarthquakes are something that people fear. There are some places that have few or no earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly(有规律地). Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite mountainous.The most talked about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 700 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska.Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755, one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 2,000 people died.In 1923, a very strong earthquake hit Tokyo, the Yokohama area of Japan. A hundred and forty thousand people died. Most of them died in fires which followed the earthquake.One of the worst earthquakes ever was in China in 1976. It killed a large number of people. The worst earthquake ever recorded was also in China, in which 400,000 people were killed or injured. This earthquake happened in 1556.Earthquakes worry people a lot. The reason is that we often do not know when they are coming. People can not prepare for it.41. Earthquakes happen _. A. in all the places in the world B. only in the countries that have a lot of mountains C. regularly in most places in the world D. only in a few places along the mountains42. How many people died in the earthquake which happened in Portugal in 1755? _.A. 500 B. 140,000 C. 400,000 D. 2,00043. When and where was the worst earthquake ever recorded? _. A. 1964; Alaska B. 1556; China C. 1923; Japan D. 1976; China44. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. The stronger the earthquake is, the more people are killed. B. Earthquakes can cause fires. C. People still dont know how to tell when an earthquake will come. D. Earthquakes often come unexpectedly(出乎意料地).45. What may be talked about in the paragraph followed? A. How do earthquakes worry people? B. What will people do to prepare for earthquakes? C. How can we save people when earthquakes happen? D. How do earthquakes happen?IV单词填空(10分)46 . They s_ hands with each other as if they hadnt seen each other for long.47. Luckily, the little girl was r_ by the kind-hearted man.48. Hearing the funny story, the children b_ into laughter49. The temple was in r_ after the war.50. The government is trying to provide s_ for the homeless people.51. A great many houses were d_ in the earthquake and many people became homeless.52. It is an area where natural d_(灾难)often happen.53. Im glad to get together to offer our _(祝贺) on our homelands success in competition. 54. He worked late into the night, p_ a long speech for the president.55. We were s_ at the news of his death.V. 单句改错(15分)56. Xiao Ming hasnt come yet. What has happened of him?_57. He is such a good student that all his teachers think little of him._58. Im proud in being a Chinese._59. I, who is your friend, will surely help you with your English._60. A smelly gas came out from the cracks of the well._61. She left me stood there without saying goodbye and went away._62. Tom is burying in thoughts of the past._63. There have had many great changes in my hometown since I left._64. The problem is too difficult for us to solve it. _65. The boss told the workers that he would have their wages risen._VI句子翻译(20分)66. 不要太靠近那堵墙墙上有裂缝很危险。(crack)_67. 这场大火毁坏了这个建筑的23。(destroy)_68. 1976年7月28日清晨3点42分唐山市发生了强烈的地震。(shake/ strike/ hit)_69. 营救队员去救幸存者。(rescue)_70. 正在修建的操场将有80米长。 (that/ which)_71. 不幸的是全城的人都被活埋了。(be buried)_72. 地震过后,全城到处是残垣断壁。(in ruins)_73. 他们在一棵大树下避雨。(shelter)_74. 你认为地震前会发生什么?(happen)_75. 学校对他的发明评价很高。(think highly of)_单元综合评估测试:I 1-10 DDCAA DBAAB 11-15BCBAA II. 16-25 ABDAD, DABAC, 26-30 DACDC, 31-35ACBAC III 36-45.BACDC CDBAB IV 46. shook 47. rescued 48 burst 49. ruins 50. shelters 51. destroyed 52. disasters 53. congratulations 54. preparing 55 shockedV 56 of to 57. little well/ highly 58. in of 59. is am 60. from of 61. stood standing 62. burying buried 63. had been 64. it去掉 65. risen raisedVI. 66. Dont get too close to that wall - there are dangerous cracks in it.67. The big fire destroyed two thirds of the building.68. At 3:42 on the morning of July28, 1976, a terrible earthquake happened in/ took place in / hit/ struck/ shook the city of Tangshan. /At 3:42 on the morning of July28, 1976, the city of Tangshan,Hebei, was shaken/ hit/ struck by a terrible earthquake.69. The rescue workers came to the survivors rescue.70. The playground (that/which is) being built will be 80 metres long.71. Unfortunately, all the people in the city were buried alive72. An earthquake left the whole city / town in ruins.73. They took shelter from the rain under a big tree.74. What do you think will happen before an earthquake?75. His invention was highly thought of by the school. 12


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