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.节目单序 彩虹映云岭 光耀六十载Prelude: A Rainbow Shining on Yunling MountainsRainbow reflected Yunnan for 6030 years执行导演:布克巴尔斯 编导:杨海燕、赵照、尹鹏飞ChoreographersExecutive Director:Booker balls Leading Dancerproducerdirectors:Yang haiyan Zhao zhao Yin pengfei1. 舞蹈鼓舞盛世 领舞:布克巴尔斯 Drum Dance in Flourishing Agefor celebrating the flourishing age Dance showerleading dancer: Booker balls第一篇章 共同的家园 神圣的使命The fist chapter: Common Homeland, protecting common homeland is our sacred mission执行导演:黄大广、杨琼 编导:尹鹏飞 Executive directors: Huang daguang Yang qiong ChoreographersProducer director: Yin pengfei2. 舞蹈 云水滇山喜不尽 Dance: Endless Love with the Water and Mountains in Yunnanthe rivers and mountains of Yunnan bringing us endless happiness3. 歌曲爱做梦的高原 表演:新稻子组合(CCTV全国青年歌手大奖赛组合“银奖”) Song: A Plateau Loving to Dreamplateau where living people love to dream Performer: New Rice Vocal Groupnewly born paddy singing Silver Medal winner at CCTV National Youth Singing Contestgroup(won “silver award” among singing groups of the CCTV Chinese National TV talent young singers competition)4. 歌曲害羞羞 表演:李怀秀、李怀福(CCTV全国青年歌手大奖赛组合 “金奖”) Song: Feeling Shyshy Performers: Li huaixiu Li huaifu( Golden Medal winner at CCTV National Youth Singing Contestwon “golden award” the CCTV Chinese National TV talent young singers competition )第二篇章 春雨无声 桃李满园 The second chapter: Spring rains moisten things silently students can be seen everywhere执行导演:常娉婷 编导:成杰、曾熙媛、李璟慧Executive directors: Chang pinting Producer director: Cheng jie Zeng xiyuan Li jinghui5. 舞蹈春雨 Dance: spring rain6. 杂技杂技集锦 表演:云南省杂技团有限公司(曾荣获西班牙国际马戏节杂技比赛“最佳青年演员奖”,“文华奖”) Acrobatic: A collection of acrobatics Performer: acrobaticstroupe limited company of Yunnan province(once won”the best young actor” and “wen hua” awards of Spanish international circus festival acrobatics competition)7. 诗朗诵豪情岁月辉煌路作者:杨德鋆 朗诵:钱程,王益洲,洪军,张齐,张晶Poetry recitation: Years of Passion and Road of Gloryfull of ambitious and enthusiasm striding on the path lead to prosperousWriter: Yang dejun Wang yizhou Hong jun Zhang qi Zhang jing第三篇章 团结进步 和谐发展The third chapter Progress in Solidarity, Development in HarmonyUnity and Making progress harmonious development执行导演:黄大广、熊永茹 编导:梁毅、成杰、陈旺丽、尹鹏飞、杨叶兰、李俊涛、岩根三Executive director: Huang daguang xiong yongru Producer and directors: Liang yi Cheng jie Chen wangli Yin pengfei Yang yelan Li juntao Yan gensan8. 民族歌舞百花齐放Folk dance: all flowers bloom together 9. 歌舞云南美 演唱:马薇(著名女高音歌唱家、国家一级演员)Song and dance: beautiful Yunnan Singer: Ma wei( famous soprano /national first class singer)renown a treble singer and topmost actress)第四篇章 青春激扬 梦想花开The fourth chapter: Youth of Passion, Fulfillment of DreamsYouth boosting and all dreams come true执行导演:冯晓丹、徐龙祥 编导:赵照、朱裕枫、许亚萍、郭旭锦、薛明革、凌路丹Executive directors: Feng xiaodan Xu longxiang Producer and directors: Zhao zhao Zhu yufeng Xu yaping Guo xujin Xue mingge Lin ludan10. 舞蹈与时间赛跑 Dance: racing against time11. 歌曲联唱激扬青春 A medley of songs: Bringing out the Best of Youthyouth boosting放飞梦想 演唱:徐龙祥 Flying with DreamsFly your dreams singer: Xu longxiang年轻人的心声 演唱:方贤君、陆艺颖、王珏 Wishes of the YouthAspiration of youngsters Singers: Fang xianjun Lu yiying Wang yu老师你好演唱:董娴 Hello, my Teachers!Hello teacher Singer: Dong xian青春纪念册演唱:赵建飞,周宏涛,陶大立 Album of the YouthSouvenir album of youth Singers: Zhao jianfei Zhou hongkang Tao dali五月的鲜花演唱:全体声乐演员 Flowers in May May flowers Singer: vocal music performers尾声 任重道远 再创辉煌Ending : Heavy Responsibility, Greater Achievementsrecreating brilliant achievements while shouldering heavy responsibilities 校歌梦想开花的地方 作词:卢云生 作曲:刘显波 演唱:全体演员UniversitySchool anthem: place where dreams come true Lyricist: Lu yunsheng Composer: Liu xianboSingers: all actors 节目单的文体类型应当考虑到大标题的精短对称性,这点完成得并不好。而又一些标题理解不够到位,有些增译和误译的出现。另外翻译时要更注意细节,要表达更为精准一些。而有一些简介语言要更为简洁明了,一目了然。精选word范本!


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