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English on Application of Numerical Control Technology,数控技术应用专业英语,素材均来自国外企业数控技术工程资料和高校参考资料,1,全方位紧密结合数控技术应用知识和技能,2,按照企业典型工作任务流程和学习认知过程编排,3,学习数控技术常规专业知识及数控新技术发展,4,重点放在阅读理解、专业词汇积累和书面翻译上,5,辅以强调听、说能力学习以加强对课文的记忆和理解,6,熟悉专业文章、工程资料和操作手册的英文表达,1,积累专业词汇,阅读和应用原文资料的能力,2,3,拓宽数控技术方面涉外知识,4,补充模具设计与制造技术、机电一体化技术、智能制造,5,为对外技术、业务交流打下专业外语基础,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,Text,Text 1 Historical Development of NC Numerical control of machine tools was first developed between 1947 and 1952 following World War II at the Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT).,The development of numerical control owes much to the United States Air Force, which recognized the need to develop more efficient manufacturing methods for producing very accurately sized and intricately shaped parts for modern aircraft, principally space vehicles. Most of the machining involved milling operations, so the Air Force sponsored a research project at MIT to develop a prototype NC milling machine. This prototype was produced by retrofitting a conventional tracer mill with numerical control servomechanisms for the three axes of the machine. In March 1952, the MIT Labs held the first demonstration of the NC machine. Also, certain industry users, especially airframe builders worked to devise numerical control machines to satisfy their own particular production needs.,The Air Force continued its encouragement of NC development by sponsoring additional research at MIT to produce a curve. It led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. This is a special programming language for NC that used statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions. The instructional programs were written on punched paper. But the new problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape that was likely to be broken or torn during a machining process. It was later replaced by magnetic plastic tape as shown in Fig. 1-1. The plastic tape carried the instructions as a series of magnetic dots and was much stronger than the paper tape.,However, it still left two other problems. It was difficult or impossible to change the instructions entered on the tape. To make even the most minor adjustments in a program of instructions, it was necessary to interrupt machining operations and make a new tape. It was still necessary to run the tape through the reader, as many times as there were parts to be produced. Fortunately, computer technology became a reality and soon solved the problems of NC associated with punched paper and plastic tape in 1970s.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,New words and phrases,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART1,PART2,Notes,1. owe to 归功于 principally 副词,主要地 例句:The development of numerical control owes much to the United States Air Force, which recognized the need to develop more efficient manufacturing methods for producing very accurately sized and intricately shaped parts for modern aircraft, principally space vehicles. (数控的发展得益于美国空军,他们意识到必须开发更加有效的制造方法为现代飞机,主要为航天飞行器生产尺寸精确而形状复杂的零件。) 例句:He owes his success more to luck than to ability. 例句:The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas. (他将他的胜利更多地归功于运气而不是能力。) (这种方言流行于农村。)2. lead to 导致 例句:It led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. 它导致了1959年自动编程刀具语言(APT)的发展。 例句:This mistake led to great confusion.(这个错误导致严重的混乱。),Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Translation,Vocabulary,PART3,3. be likely to 可能的例句:But the new problem was the fragility of the punched paper tape that was likely to be broken or tore during a machining process.(但是新问题是穿孔纸带脆弱,它很容易在加工过程中被撕破或者磨损。) 例句:It isnt likely to rain.(天不象要下雨。) 4. a series of 一系列 例句:The plastic tape carried the instructions as a series of magnetic dots and was much stronger than the paper tape.(塑料磁带通过一系列磁点来携带指令,并且比纸带要结实的多。) 例句:There is a whole series of accidents on this stretch of road recently. (在这条路上发生了一连串事故。) 5. associated with 过去分词短语 “与相关的” 例句:Fortunately, computer technology became a reality and soon solved the problems of NC associated with punched paper and plastic tape in 1970s. (幸运的是,在70年代,计算机技术成为了现实并很快地解决了与数控技术相关的穿孔纸带和磁带的问题。)例句:I wouldnt want to be associated with McKeys project. (我不想涉入米奇的项目。),Notes,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART4,Exercises,I. Write True or False beside the following statements about the text. 1. It is reported that numerical control of machine tools was first developed several years after the World War II in the United States. 2. In early 1952, the MIT Labs held the first demonstration of the NC machine. 3. It was the United States Air Force that led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. 4. The instructional programs were firstly written on magnetic plastic tape, then on the punched paper tape. 5. The Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) developed the prototype NC milling machine with the help of the United States Air Force.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART5,Exercises,II. Please answer the following questions in Chinese according to the text:请介绍数控技术产生的背景和产生的原因。塑料磁带作为指令程序载体存在的问题是什么?APT是一种什么语言,它是如何工作的? III. Fill in the missing words orally according to the text. 1. This prototype was produced by retrofitting a conventional tracer mill with _ for the three axes of the machine. 2. It was _ to change the instructions entered on the tape. 3. The instructional programs were firstly written on _. 4. _ worked to devise numerical control machines to satisfy their own particular production needs. 5. The plastic tape carried the instructions as _ and was much stronger than the paper tape.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART6,Exercises,IV. Translate the following passage into Chinese. It led to the development in 1959 of the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) language. This is a special programming language for NC that used statements similar to English language to define the part geometry, describe the cutting tool configuration, and specify the necessary motions.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART7,Translation,第1课 数控的发展史机床数控技术是在二战后的1947至1952年间由美国麻省理工学院首次开发出来的。数控的发展得益于美国空军,他们意识到必须为现代飞机尤其是航天飞行器的生产,研发更高效的制造技术以加工尺寸精度更高、形状更复杂的零件。由于大部分的加工都涉及到铣削加工,因而美国空军赞助麻省理工学院建立研究项目来开发数控铣床样机。这个样机通过对传统的靠模铣床的三坐标轴添加数控伺服机构而改进得到。1952年3月,麻省理工学院在实验室举办了第一次数控机床展示会。同时,一些工业界用户,特别是飞机制造商也致力于研发数控机床来满足他们自己特定的生产需求。美国空军鼓励麻省理工学院继续立项开展曲面加工研究,并提供赞助。它导致了1959年自动编程工具语言(APT)的发展。这是一种数控编程的专用语言,它使用与英语非常接近的语句来定义零件的几何尺寸,描述刀具配置,指定必需的运动。指令程序写在穿孔纸带上,但穿孔纸带很容易在加工过程中被撕破或者磨损。穿孔纸带后来被磁性塑料磁带取代。塑料磁带通过一系列的磁点来携带指令,并且比纸带要结实得多。然而,塑料磁带仍然留下两个问题:要改变已经输入到磁带上的指令非常困难或者不可能。即使为了对程序中的指令作极微小的调整,也必须中断加工过程,重新制作一盘新磁带;每加工一个零件,仍然需要再读取一次磁带来获得指令。幸运的是,在70年代实现了计算机技术,并很快地解决了与数控技术相关的穿孔纸带和磁带问题。,第一单元 数控技术基本概念,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART1,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,Text 2 Control System,A machine unit equipped with a computerized numerical control system is commonly known as a CNC machine. The machine tool is like the body of a CNC machine system, and the control unit is its brain, its nerve center. All the machine speeds, feeds, axes motions and hundreds of other tasks are programmed by a CNC programmer and controlled by a computer that is major part of the CNC unit. To make a program for a CNC machine tool means to make a program for the control system. It is the control unit that determines the format of the program, its structure and its syntax.,In order to fully understand the CNC programming process, it is important to understand the intricacies of how to machine a part, what tools to select, what speeds and feeds to use, how to setup the job and many other features. It is equally important to know how the computer, the CNC unit, actually works without the need to be an expert in electronics or a computer scientist. The machine manufacturers add their own operation panel, with all the switches and button needed to operate the CNC machine and all its features. A typical operation panel is illustrated in the figure below:,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,Text 2 Control System,Even a brief look at any control unit reveals that there are two basic components one is the operation panel, full of rotary switches, toggle switches and push buttons. The other component is the display screen with keyboard or a keypad. Depending on the type of the CNC machine, the following table covers the most typical and common features found on the modern operation panel. There are some small differences for the operation of a machining center and a lathe, but both operation panels are similar. As with any general reference book, it is always a good idea to double check with the manufacturer specifications and recommendations. It is common that many machines used in the shop have some special features.,Although some features may not be listed, virtually all of those in the table are somewhat related to the CNC program. Many control systems have unique features of their own. The program supplied to the machine should be flexible, not rigid it should be “user friendly”. The screen display is the window to the computer. Any active program can be viewed, including the status of the control, current tool position, various offsets, parameters, even a graphic representation of the Tool Path. On all CNC units, individual monochrome or color screens can be selected to have the desired display at any time, using the input keys (keyboard pads and soft keys). Setting for international languages is also possible.,The keyboard pads and soft keys are used to input instructions to the control. Existing programs can be modified or deleted, and new programs can be added. Using the keyboard input, not only the machine axes motion can be controlled, but the spindle speed and feedrate as well. Changing the internal parameters and evaluating various diagnostics are more specific means of control, often restricted to service people. Keyboard and screen are used to set the program origin and to hook up to external devices, such as a connection with another computer. There are many other options. Every keyboard allows the use of letters, digits and symbols for data entry. Not every keyboard allows the use of all the alphabet letters or all available symbols. Some control panel keys have a description of an operation, rather than a letter, digit or symbol, for example, the Offset key.,PART2,New words and phrases,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART3,Notes,1.It is the control unit that determines the format of the program, its structure and its syntax. 强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was + 被强调部分 that/who + 句子的其余部分,It在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用that外,还可换用who(强调宾语指人时也可用whom)。被强调的部分可以是主语,宾语和状语,但不能是谓语。 例句:It was in the park that I met my friend.试比较:I met my friend in the park.例句:It is at 8 oclock that the train will arrive.试比较:The train will arrive at 8 oclock.例句:It is a new book that his brother wants to buy.试比较:His brother wants to buy a new book.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART4,2.as with 正如.一样,就来说 例句:As with all new ideas it met with resistance. 和所有的新观念一样,它受到了抵制。3.restrict 限制 例句:The speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。,Exercises,I. Write True or False beside the following statements about the text. 1._ All the tasks are programmed by a CNC programmer and controlled by the CNC unit. 2. Only an expert in electronics or a computer scientist could understand the CNC programming process. 3. Rotary switches, toggle switches and push buttons can be found in an operation panel. 4. All programs can be viewed on the screen no matter whether they are active or not. 5. Every keyboard allows the use of all the alphabet letters or all available symbols.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART5,Exercises,II. Read the text again and fill in the blanks in the following sentences. 1.The control unit _ the format of the program, its structure and its _. 2.There are two basic components in a control unit: _, and _. 3.The program supplied to the machine should be _, not and _. 4.The _, the spindle speed and _ can be controlled when using the _. 5._ and _ are used to set the program origin and to _ to external devices. III.Please answer the following questions in Chinese according to the text. 数控机床和普通机床的区别是什么? 控制器一般都由哪几个部分构成? 简单描述控制面板上的按键和功能。 通过显示器可以观察到哪些数据?,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART6,Exercises,IV. Translate the following passage into Chinese. The screen display is the window to the computer. Any active program can be viewed, including the status of the control, current tool position, various offsets, parameters, even a graphic representation of the Tool Path. On all CNC units, individual monochrome or color screens can be selected to have the desired display at any time, using the input keys (keyboard pads and soft keys). Setting for international languages is also possible.,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART7,Translation,第2课 控制系统当加工单元配备了计算机数控系统通常被称为数控机床。计算机数控系统类似于身体系统,控制单元就是其大脑神经中枢。通过计算机数控系统的主控单元,程序员可编程控制机床所有的速度、进给、轴运动和数以百计的其他任务。对数控机床的编程就是对控制系统编程,就是用控制单元确定程序的格式、结构和语法。 为了充分了解数控编程过程,掌握机械加工的各项复杂环节是十分重要的,例如,如何加工零部件,如何选择刀具、速度和进给以及如何设置工作和许多其他功能。同样重要的是要知道计算机数控装置是如何运作的,而了解这些并不需要你成为一个电子或计算机科学的专家。机床制造商在自家操作面板上会添加操作开关和按钮来控制数控机床并发挥其特有功能。一个典型的操作面板如下图所示:即使是简单一看,都能发现任何一个控制单元都包含两个基本组件:一个是带有旋转开关、钮子开关和按钮的操作面板;另一个是带有键盘的显示屏。 根据数控机床的不同类型,下表包含了现代操作面板上最典型和常用的功能键。虽然加工中心和车床在操作上有一些小差异,但操作面板是相似的。正如参考书中所说那样,操作前最好仔细阅读制造商的说明书和建议,因为通常许多在工厂里使用的机床都会有很多特殊功能。,第一单元 数控技术基本概念,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART8,Translation,第2课 控制系统专项 描述 专项 描述 换向开关 主动力和控制单元的动力和控制开关 换刀 开关允许手动换刀 循环启动 启动执行程序或手动数据输入指令 参考位置 开关和指示灯与从参考位置(原点)设置机床相关 紧急停车 停止机床所有任务并且关闭通向控制装置的电源 手轮模式 手动脉冲发生器(MPG)用于选轴和操作增量开关 暂停 暂时停止所有轴的运动 尾座开关 尾座和/或尾座套筒可手动调整尾座位置 单程序段 每次运行一个单程序段 分度盘开关 手动设置机床工作台分度 选择停机 暂时停止程序的执行(M01所需的程序) 手动数据输入模式 手动数据输入模式 执行单节跳跃 程序中用正斜杠(/)表示忽略前段程序 自动模式 可自动操作 试运行 在高速下测试程序(不安装工件) 记忆模式 允许从计算机数控装置的存储器调用程序执行 主轴调整 通常在50 - 120%的范围内调整主轴转速编程 穿孔带模式 允许从外部设备,如台式电脑或穿孔纸带调用程序执行 进给率调整 通常在0 - 200%的范围内调整进给率编程 编辑模式 允许更改保存在计算机数控存储器中的程序 卡盘夹紧 显示卡盘夹紧的当前状态(外/内夹紧) 手动模式 允许设置手动操作 冷却液开关 冷却液控制开关 开/关/自动 寸动模式 选择设置寸动模式 齿轮选择 显示当前齿轮工作范围选择的状态 快速模式 选择设置快速模式 主轴旋转 表明主轴旋转方向(顺时针或逆时针方向) 内存访问 开关设为允许编辑程序 主轴定位 主轴手动定位 出错显示灯 红灯显示出现错误,第一单元 数控技术基本概念,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART9,Translation,第2课 控制系统尽管某些功能可能没有罗列出来,但是表格里所描述的所有功能或多或少都是与数控程序相关的。许多控制系统有自己的独特功能。数控机床的编程应该是灵活而非僵化的,是“便于用户使用的”。 屏幕是计算机显示的窗口,可以用来查看当前的程序、控制的状态、当前刀具位置、各种补偿、参数以及刀轨图。在所有数控单元中,操作员可以通过输入键(键盘垫和软键)来选择单色或彩色屏幕,同时也可设置不同的语言。 指令是通过键盘和软键来输入数控系统的。现有的程序可以被修改或删除,也可以添加新程序。使用键盘输入,不仅可以控制运动轴,也可控制主轴转速和进给速度。修改内部参数和诊断评估往往局限于维修人员。键盘和屏幕用于设置程序起点并连接到外部设备,如与另一台计算机连接。还有很多其他的选择。每个键盘允许使用字母、数字和符号来输入数据。但并不是每个键盘都允许使用所有可用的字母或符号。一些控制面板按键有操作功能的描述,而不是一个字母、数字或符号,例如,补偿按键。,第一单元 数控技术基本概念,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART10,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,Text 3 CNC Principle,The advent and full development of personal computers (PC) allowed for the development of computer numerical control (CNC). In CNC, a microcomputer controller is used to control one or more NC machines, rather than punched paper tape or magnetic plastic tape that is fed through a tape reader. The NC program is entered into the microcomputer, which, in turn, executes the program. This allows operators to develop NC programs on diskettes and load them into the microcomputer controller via a disk drive or to download programs directly from a host computer.,One advantage of CNC that will be more and more dominant as years go by and technology continues to develop is that it will allow the database created during the design and drafting of a part to be used in formulating the NC program to make the part. CNC is sometimes referred to as softwired NC. Another advantage of CNC is that a library of NC programs can now be created and easily stored for reuse. In addition, master copies can be made of a specific NC program so that it can be revised to create a new NC program. A CNC system consists of three components (Fig. 3-1): 1.The control component 2.The input component 3.The output component,PART1,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,Text 3 CNC Principle,The input component allows the system to receive input from an operator as well as feedback from machines interfaced as part of the system. The control component provides the same types of services that a CPU provides in any computer controlled system. These services include memory for storage of NC programs, arithmetic and logic decisions, and communication between the input and output components. The output component carries instructions from the control component to the actual machines that will perform the work. These machines are in a closed-loop system and feed back to the controller so that their operation can be continually monitored.,As with any computer-controlled system, a CNC system may have two types of memory: random access memory (RAM) and read only memory (ROM). NC programs are generally stored in RAM so they can be accessed easily and edited at any time. Only static programs such as the system operating program and programs used for diagnostic purposes are stored on ROM.In a typical CNC setting, an operator enters an NC program at an operator station. This program is fed into the memory section of the controller and stored until needed. When needed, the program is called up.,PART2,PART3,New words and phrases,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART4,Notes,1.rather than 是 而不是 例句:In CNC, a microcomputer controller is used to control one or more NC machines, rather than punched paper tape or magnetic plastic tape that is fed through a tape reader. 微机控制器用于控制一台或多台数控机床,而不是通过阅读器读取穿孔纸带或磁带。 例句:I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk.我想你可将它称演讲而不是交谈。2. in turn 依次,一个接一个地 例句:The NC program is entered into the microcomputer, which, in turn, executes the program. 数控程序输入到微机,接下来,微机执行程序。例句:He asked each of us in turn to describe how alcohol had affected our lives. 他要我们依次讲述饮酒对我们生活的影响。,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART5,3. load into 装载 到 上 via prep. 通过,经过 例句:This allows operators to develop NC programs on diskettes and load them into the microcomputer controller via a disk drive or to download programs directly from a host computer. 这就允许操作员在磁盘上开发数控程序,然后通过磁盘驱动器将程序装载到微机控制器或者直接从一个主机上下载程序。 例句:Can you load the CD into the player, please? 请你把CD防入播放器,好吗? 例句:We flew to Athens via Paris. 我们途径巴黎飞往雅典。,Notes,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART6,4 as well as 以及,并 例句:The input component allows the system to receive input from an operator as well as feedback from machines interfaced as part of the system. 输入部分允许系统从操作员那里接受输入,也可以从作为系统一部分的接口设备接受。 例句:The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis, as well as providing them with financial support. 这个组织鼓励其成员定期聚会并给予他们经济上支持。 5 such as 例如,比如 例句:Only static programs such as the system operating program and programs used for diagnostic purposes are stored on ROM. 只有诸如系统操作程序和诊断程序一类的静态程序才储存在只读存储起中。 例句:The local community is still reliant on traditional industries such as farming and mining. 当地社会仍依赖传统行业,如农业和采矿业。,Notes,Text,New word,Notes,Exercises,Vocabulary,Translation,PART7,6. call up 调用(程序),打电话,提醒(人),召集 例句:When needed, the program is called up.当需要时,调用该程序。 例句: Robert wants you to call him up. He left his number.罗伯特想叫你打电话给他。他已留下他的电话号码。 例句: That song always calls up my first date。那首歌使想起我的第一次约会。 例句:The government called up troops in the crisis. 政府在危机时召集军队。,


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