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Goodmorning 肯定句 否定句 句型第一讲 否定句疑问句 句型分类 陈述句 肯定句 否定句 疑问句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 一 肯定句变否定句 1 Iamastudent Iamnotastudent 2 Theyareblue Theyaren tblue 3 HeisKangkang Heisn tKangkang 1 句子中有be等助动词时 在助动词后加not 2 谓语是动词原形 在动词前加don t 1 Ihaveabook Idon thaveabook 2 TheylikeChinese Theydon tlikeChinese 3 WecomefromChina Wedon tcomefromChina 3 谓语动词是第三人称单数 在动词前加doesn t 动词用原形 1 Shehasasmallmouth Shedoesn thaveasmallmouth 2 MarialikesChina Mariadoesn tlikeChina 3 JanecomesfromtheU S A Janedoesn tcomefromtheU S A 练习 将下列句子变成否定句 1 Iamateacher Iateacher 2 Wearestudents Westudents 3 Janeisagirl Janeagirl 4 TheylikeEnglish TheylikeChinese5 IcomefromChina IcomefromChina 6 HelikesChinese HelikeChinese 7 MariacomesfromCuba MariacomefromCuba 8 WeknowMaria WeknowMaria am not aren t isn t don t don t doesn t doesn t don t 二 肯定句变一般疑问句 1 1 Iamastudent Areyouastudent 2 Theyareblue Aretheyblue 3 HeisKangkang IsheKangkang 句子中有be 把be提到句首 2 谓语是动词原形 在句首加do 1 Ihaveabook Doyouhaveabook 2 TheylikeChinese DotheylikeChinese 3 WecomefromChina DoyoucomefromChina 3 谓语动词是第三人称单数 在句首加Does 动词用原形 1 Shehasasmallmouth Doesshehaveasmallmouth 2 MarialikesChina DoesMarialikeChina 3 JanecomesfromtheU S A DoesJanecomefromtheU S A 4 SheknowsMaria DoessheknowMaria 练习 将下列句子变成一般疑问句 1 Iamateacher ateacher 2 Theyarestudents Students 3 Janeisagirl agirl 4 TheylikeEnglish theylikeEnglish 5 IcomefromChina youcomefromChina 6 HelikesChinese heChinese 7 MariacomesfromCuba MariafromCuba 8 WespeakChinese youChinese Are you Are they Is Jane Do Do Does like Does come Do speak 三 一般疑问句做肯定 否定回答 AreyouMaria 肯定回答 Yes 主 助 系 否定回答 No 主 助 系 not 肯定回答 Yes Iam 否定回答 No I mnot 2 问句和答语的助动词保持一致 1 Areyouastudent 肯 Yes Iam 否 No I mnot 2 IsheKangkang 肯 Yes heis 否 No heisn t 3 DotheylikeChinese 肯 Yes theydo 否 No theydon t 4 Doesshehaveasmallmouth 肯 Yes shedoes 否 No shedoesn t 3 问句和答语中的主语保持一致 必须用主格 1 IsJanefromtheU S A 2 DoesKangkangcomefromChina 3 DoJaneandMarialikeChina 4 Isthisaruler 肯 Yes sheis 否 No sheisn t 肯 Yes hedoes 否 No hedoesn t 肯 Yes theydo 否 No theydon t 肯 Yes itis 否 No itisn t 5 Isthatadesk 6 Arethesebooks 7 Arethosepencils 8 Aretheseerasers 9 Isthatanorange 肯 Yes itis 否 No itisn t 肯 Yes theyare 否 No theyaren t 肯 Yes theyare 否 No theyaren t 肯 Yes theyare 否 No theyaren t 肯 Yes itis 否 No itisn t 练习 给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答 1 Areyouastudent Yes No 2 DotheylikeEnglish Yes No 3 IsJaneagirl Yes No 4 DoesMarialikeChina Yes No I am I m they not they do don t she is she isn t she does she doesn t he 5 IsKangkangastudent Yes No 6 Isthatagirl Yes No 7 Arethosetelephones Yes No 8 DoesTomknowJane Yes No 9 DotheycomefromtheU S A Yes No 10 Isthisanegg Yes No is he isn t it is it isn t they are they aren t he does he doesn t they do they don t it is it isn t 四 对划线部分提问 将划线部分去掉 分析句意 1 MynameisNancy yourname 2 IamfromChina areyoufrom 3 Iamfine areyou 4 Miss WangisourEnglishteacher isyourEnglishteacher 5 Lucyistenyearsold areyou 6 HeisinClassOneGradeTwo ishein What s Where How Who How old What class 7 Mytelephonenumberis5805000 yourtelephonenumber 8 Theyarecars arethese 9 Thisismycap capisthis 10 MyfavoritemoviestarisBruceLee isyourfavoritemoviestar 11 Itisyellow isit 12 Sheistall Whatdoesshe What is What Whose Who What color look like 五 同义句转换 1 PleasegiveJanethebook PleasethebookJane 2 Couldyoupleasetellmeyourname Couldyoupleaseyournameme 3 Hehasshorthair isshort 4 Ihaveabignose isbig 5 Youhaveawidemouth iswide give to tell to His hair My nose Your mouth 6 MyEnglishteacherisold MyEnglishteacherisnot 7 Bettyisnotshort Bettyis 8 Thisismybook Thisis 9 Thisjacketisnotnew Thisjacketis 10 Myrulerisnotlong Myruleris 11 Shelookslikehermom Sheandhermomlook 12 TheycomefromChina TheyChina young tall mine old short the same are from 六 单复数转换 1 将下列句子变成复数 Itisabox boxes Thisisaruler rulers Thatisaneraser erasers Heisastudent students Thisisabus Thatisapen They are These are Those are They are These are buses Those are pens 2 将下列句子变成单数 1 Theyarepencils apencil 2 Theseareerasers aneraser 3 Theyareboys aboy 4 Theyaregirls agirl 5 Thosearebooks abook 6 Thesearedesks adesk 7 Theseareboxes a 8 Thosearecars a It is This is He is She is That is This is This is box That is car 句型转换专项练习 一 将下列句子改为复数形式 1 Thereisaknifeinthebox There inthebox 2 She sawomandoctor They re 3 Ourteacheroftentellsusastory Our often us 4 Thesheepisoverthere The overthere 5 Pleasepassmeapieceofbread Pleasepassmesome of are some knives women doctors teachers tell stories sheep are pieces bread 二 下列句子改为否定句 1 Hedoessomereadingeveryday He readingeveryday 2 Ihavetowashthedishes I washthedishes 3 Tellhimthenews himthenews 4 Shehasbrothersandsisters Shehas brothers sisters 5 Ithinksheisright I she right 二 下列句子改为否定句 1 Hedoessomereadingeveryday He readingeveryday 2 Ihavetowashthedishes I washthedishes 3 Tellhimthenews himthenews 4 Shehasbrothersandsisters Shehas brothers sisters 5 Ithinksheisright I she right doesn t do any don t have to Don t tell no or don t think is 三 下列句子改为一般疑问句 1 Thereissomefruitjuiceintheglass fruitjuiceintheglass 2 Hehastostayhere he tostaythere 3 Wedoeyeexerciseseveryday you eyeexerciseseveryday 4 Shehassomethingtoeat she toeat 5 Iamgoodatsinginganddancing yougoodatsinging dancing 三 下列句子改为一般疑问句 1 Thereissomefruitjuiceintheglass fruitjuiceintheglass 2 Hehastostayhere he tostaythere 3 Wedoeyeexerciseseveryday you eyeexerciseseveryday 4 Shehassomethingtoeat she toeat 5 Iamgoodatsinginganddancing yougoodatsinging dancing Is there any Does have Do do Does have anything Are and 四 对划线部分提问 1 Mymothergoestoworkbybike yourmother towork 2 ThatisamapofFrance mapisthat 3 Thebagofriceistenkilos thebagofrice 4 IthinkChinesefoodisverynice doyou Chinesefood 5 Thestudentsliketheirteacherverymuch dothestudents theirteacher 四 对划线部分提问 1 Mymothergoestoworkbybike yourmother towork 2 ThatisamapofFrance mapisthat 3 Thebagofriceistenkilos thebagofrice 4 IthinkChinesefoodisverynice doyou Chinesefood 5 Thestudentsliketheirteacherverymuch dothestudents theirteacher How does go What How heavy is What think of How like 6 Hishouseisverybig hishouse 7 Therearesixkitesinthesky inthesky 8 HelivesinRoom306 he in 9 Shelooksworriedbecauseshecan tfindherdog she worried 10 Ittakeshimhalfanhourtowritethee mail it himtowritethee mail 6 Hishouseisverybig hishouse 7 Therearesixkitesinthesky inthesky 8 HelivesinRoom306 he in 9 Shelooksworriedbecauseshecan tfindherdog she worried 10 Ittakeshimhalfanhourtowritethee mail it himtowritethee mail What is like What s Which room does live Why does look How long does take 11 Classesbeginateight classes 12 Iwanttobuythreekilosofmeat doyouwanttobuy 13 Hisuncleisabusinessman hisuncle 14 TheorangedressisKate s isKate s 15 It sSundaytoday isittoday 11 Classesbeginateight classes 12 Iwanttobuythreekilosofmeat doyouwanttobuy 13 Hisuncleisabusinessman hisuncle 14 TheorangedressisKate s isKate s 15 It sSundaytoday isittoday What time do begin How much meat What does do Which dress What day 16 Thecatsarerunningupthetree arethecats 17 Jim splaneisbroken Jim splane 18 Hewouldlikefivecakes wouldhelike 19 TheyplayfootballeveryFriday theyplayfootball 20 ThemaninbrownisTom sfather isTom sfather 16 Thecatsarerunningupthetree arethecats 17 Jim splaneisbroken Jim splane 18 Hewouldlikefivecakes wouldhelike 19 TheyplayfootballeveryFriday theyplayfootball 20 ThemaninbrownisTom sfather isTom sfather Where running What s wrong with How many cakes When do Which man Goodbye Thankyou Grammar ThePassiveVoice 被动语态 Howtodescribethepictures Theriverwasseriouslypolluted Sometreeshavebeencutdown 语态是动词的一种形式 表示主语和动词之间的关系 英语动词有两种语态 主动语态和被动语态 主动语态动词的主语是动作的执行者 而被动语态动词的主语是动作的承受者 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式 一般说来 只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态 英语语态 被动语态的构成 worked opened closed seen taught asked work close open ask see teach e g 由助动词be 及物动词的过去分词 V ed 构成 助动词be有人称 数和时态的变化 被动语态在不同时态的不同形式 被动语态的基本构成 be p p 一般现在时 do does is am aredone 一般过去时 did was weredone 一般将来时 willdo willbedone 现在进行时 is am aredoing is am arebeingdone 过去进行时 was weredoing was werebeingdone 现在完成时 have hasdone have hasbeendone 带情态动词 can must maydo can must maybedone 主动语态 S 主语 P 谓语 O 宾语 被动语态 S 主语 P 被动结构 byO 宾语 一般现在时 is am are p p 一般过去时 was were p p 一般将来时 willbe p p 详见上页 主动语态变为被动语态 Practise 2 Makesentences acomputer use everyday Acomputerisusedeveryday thebridge build lastyear Thebridgewasbuiltlastyear thesebigbuildings build nextyear Thesebigbuildingswillbebuiltnextyear thethief catch thepolicemen yesterday Thethiefwascaughtbythepolicemenyesterday Ex1 把下列的句子改为被动语态 ManypeoplevisitShenzheneveryyear Shenzhen manypeopleeveryyear isvisitedby 2 Theybuiltsomehousesinthevillage Somehouses by inthevillage werebuiltthem 3 Wewilltellyoueverythingaboutittomorrow You everythingaboutittomorrow willbetold 4 Thestudentscanusethecomputer Thecomputer bythestudents canbeused 5 Hehassoldoutallthebooks Allthebooks byhim havebeensoldout 6 Theworkerisrepairingacarnow Acar bytheworkernow isbeingrepaired 7 TheytookthesephotosontheGreatWall Thesephotos ontheGreatWall weretaken 8 Thegirlshavesentsomeflowerstothesinger Someflowers tothesinger havebeensent 9 Youmustfinishyourworkbeforeyougotobed Yourwork beforeyougotobed mustbefinished Thefishhasbeeneatenbythecat Thefishwillbeeatenbythecat thetree cut Thetreeisbeingcutbytheman shenzhenairport use foralongtime Shenzhenairporthasbeenusedforalongtime TheWorldTradeCentre smashdown 撞毁 TheWorldTradeCentrewassmasheddown thiskindofcar canmake inthisfactory Thiskindofcarcanbemadeinthisfactory Payattention Shegavemesomemoney Iwasgivensomemoneybyher Somemoneywasgiventomebyher Hewillshowmesomephotos Iwillbeshownsomephotosbyhim Somephotoswillbeshowntomebyhim Payattention Hismothermakeshimplaythepiano Heismadetoplaythepianobyhismother Wesawthemgoout Theywereseentogooutbyus Thebossmadetheworkersworkallday Theworkersweremadetoworkalldaybytheboss 1 Thesenewcars make in1994 2 LiMing ask tovisitHK nextmonth 3 Anewcomposition write now 4 Ahole dig atthattime 5 Anewhotel build whenIgotthere 6 Heboughtmeabook Abook mebyhim 7 TheycallhimBob He Bobbythem weremade willbeasked isbeingwritten wasbeingdug hadbeenbuilt wasboughtfor iscalled Theydon tusetheroom Theroom bythem 2 DidTomuseit it byTom 3 Whomadeit Who it by 4 Wheredidyoufindthem Where they byyou isn tused Wasused wasmade werefound Fillintheblankswiththeproperformofthewordsgiveninthebrackets Thebridge build lastyear TheOlympicGames hold everyfouryears Theproblem discuss atthemeetingnow Hisnewbook publish nextmonth Theclassroom notclean yet wasbuilt areheld isbeingdiscussed willbepublished hasnotbeencleaned Readtext 1 6 Themachine repair atthistimeyesterday 7 Shesaidthereport type byLiMeifortwoweeks 8 MissLisaidthebook give tothestudentsthenextmorning 9 BytheendofnexttermtwothousandEnglishwords learn 10 Hesaidtheproject finish by2010 wasbeingrepaired hadbeentyped wouldbegiven willhavebeenlearned wouldhavebeenfinished


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