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例5 A BothLucyandLilyhavebeentoHangzhou B LucyhasbeentoHangzhou Lily 典型例题解析 例1 WhereisMissGao Lily Shetotheteacher s 黄冈2002 A hasbeenB hasgoneC wentD wouldgo 例3 HeboughtaT shirt Ithim20dollars 上海市徐江区 2002 A costB spent C tookD paid 例2 youthefilmyet Yes IitlastSaturday 南通2002 A Will see saw B Did see saw C Have see haveseen D Have seen saw 例4 WecanuseMSNtotalkwitheachotherontheInternet 因特网 Really Willyoupleaseshowmeit 黄冈 2002 A whattouse B howtouse C howcanIuse D wherecanIuse B D A B sohas 词汇 A 根据所给首字母及中文提示完成句子 1 Readingcangiveuslotsofk 2 Thewomanisal sheworksinourschoollibrary 3 Haveyouseenmylostbooka 4 There resome 不同 betweenAmericanEnglishandBritishEnglish 5 We llhavea 两个月 holiday 课时训练 nowledge ibrarian nywhere differences Two month B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Footballisoneof popular sportsintheworld 2 Neitheryounoryourbrotherhaslearnt surf fromme 3 TheGreatWallisthe proud ofChina 4 Sheis worry abouttheexam 5 The break basketismine 课时训练 themostpopular surfing pride worried broken C 句型转换 1 LucyisbeautifulandLilyisbeautiful too 改为同义句 Lucy Lilyarebeautiful 2 Hehasalreadyfinishedthebook 改为否定句 He finishedthebook 3 CanyoutellmehowIcangettothepostoffice 改为同义句 Canyoutellme gettothepostoffice 4 TheyhaveneverbeentoGuiling 改为反意疑问句 TheyhaveneverbeentoGuiling 5 Thebookcostme50yuan 改为同义句 I 50yuan thebook 课时训练 Bothand paid spentfor on hasn tyet howto havethey 1 Ihavemybook butIcan tit A lookedfor find B lookedfor found C found look for D lookedfor findout 2 Haveyouseenthemountain A agoB before C lastyearD in2002 3 Thenumberofthestudents56 A isB are C hasD have 4 IplayfoothallIfinishmyhomework A won tthenB shall until C won t untilD will since5 youyourbrotherwillgotoseethefilm Oneofyoumustlookafteryourmother A Neither norB both and C notonly butalsoD either or 课时训练 A B A C D 6 Howmuchdidyoupaytheticketsthefilm A for forB to for C for toD on for 7 WhenareyouBeijing Tomorrow IwanttovisittheGreatWallassoonaspossible A arrivingB leaving C leavingforD coming 8 Motherusstorieswhenwewereyoung A wasusedtotell B isusedtotelling C usedtotell D usedtotelling 9 Doyouhaveanybooksanimals A inB on C atD of 10 HowlongcanIthebook Twoweeks A borrowB lend C keepD get 课时训练 A C C B C 11 Oh sorry Ican trememberyouanywherebefore A seeB tosee C toknowD seeing 12 I musedtobooksinbed A readB reading C seeD seeing 13 NeitherthestudentsnortheteacherDalian A hasbeentoB havebeento C hasgonetoD havegoneto 14 Chinaisfamousitsteaandchina A ofB for C withD in 15 Jimisschoolboy Helikesplayingfootball A a11 year oldB 11yearsold C an11 year oldD an years old 课时训练 D B A B C 例1 Areyougoingtovisitthefarmtomorrow Yes Butifit we llstayatschool 金华市 2002 A rainB rained C rainsD willrain 典型例题解析 例3 IthinkEnglishisFrench Idon tagreewithyou 福州 2002 A lesspopularthan B themostpopular C sopopularas D asmorepopularas 例2 DavidhasChinafor5years 厦门 2002 A beentoB cometo C arrivedinD beenin 例4 ayeardoesyourschoolhavesportsmeeting Twiceayear 济南 2002 A HowoftenB Howsoon C HowlongD Howmanytimes C D A A 典型例题解析 例5 Guess howmuchdoesitcost Ithinkitcosts15and20dollars 广州 2002 A fromB between C amongD with 例7 Don tforgot turn offthelightwhenyouleavetheroom 宜宾 2002 例6 Thereisintoday snewspaper A newanythingB newsomething C anythingnewD somethingnew 例8 Canyoufinish draw ahorsein10minutes 厦门 2002 B D drawing toturn 词汇 A 根据所给首字母及中文提示完成句子 1 Don tp wastewaterintotheriver 2 I ma hecan tcomehere 3 Suddenlyapieceofbeautifulm cametomyears 4 Il 忘记 mykeyathomethismorning 5 CouldIs toMrSongJia 课时训练 our fraid usic eft peak B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Afterclass theschoolyardisvery live 2 Today slifeis comfortable thantheolddays 3 Wemustpractise speak Englishafterclass 4 Theboylistenedtothemusicandfell sleep 5 Whatisthe expensive waytotravel Idon twanttospendtoomuchmoney 课时训练 lively morecomfortable speaking asleep leastexpensive C 句型转换 1 MymotherjoinedthePartylastyear 改为同义句 Mymother thePartysincelastyear 2 Thefilmbegantwominutesago 改为同义句 Thefilm fortwominutes 3 Hehashadthemotorbikefortwoyears Twoyears sinceheboughtthemotorbike 4 Shehasbeenatthisschoolsinceshecamehere 对画线部分提问 hasshebeenatthisschool 5 I velearnedonethousandEnglishwordssofar 对画线部分提问 Englishwordshaveyoulearnedsofar 课时训练 hasbeenin Howmany hasbeenon haspassed Howlong 1 Don tworry I llamessageinherbedroom A giveB take C sendD leave 2 Howlonghaveyoukeptthebook A LastweekB Aweekago C InaweekD Sincelastweek 3 Mikehadnothingtwoeggsforbreakfastthismorning A besideB besides C exceptD only 4 CouldIspeaktotheheadmaster A Holdon please B Thankyou C Whoareyou D I mtheheadmaster 5 Thememoryofthe tripwilllastlong A pleaseB pleased C pleasantD pleasure 课时训练 D D C A C 6 TheGreenswon tcomebackJanuary A afterB when C untilD still 7 Hesaidhe Shenzhennextweek A willgoB wouldgo C wasgoD went 8 We llhavea holidayaftertheexam A twomonthB two month C twomonth sD two months 9 The hestudies the hewillbe A hard betterB harder good C harder betterD hardest best 10 LinTaodoeswell English A atB in C onD of 课时训练 C B B C B 11 Weshouldmakeacontribution ourcountrybeautiful A tomakingB tomake C ofmakingD formaking 12 Ididn twatchthefootballgameyesterday A Whatapity B I mglad C That srightD I msorry 13 Thestudentsareallbusy theexams A gettingreadyforB gettingreadyto C togetreadyforD togetreadyto 14 Mikewantstoknowifyou asportsmeetingtomorrow Yes Butifit wewon thaveit A have willrainB willhave willrain C willhave rainsD have rains 15 Heasked A Wherewereyoufrom B Whatistheleastcomfortablewaytotravel C ifSusanpassedtheexam D Whatyouaredoing 课时训练 A A A C C 例1 What swrongwithTom He sgotabadheadache Andthedoctoraskedhim inbedforseveraldays 嘉兴市 2002 A tostayB nottostay C staysD notstays 典型例题解析 例3 TaiwanisapartofChina Itisthesoutheastofourcountry 济南市 2002 A toB onC inD at 例2 Youmustbeverytired Whynotarest 厦门2000 A tostoptohaveB tostophaving C stoptohaveD stophaving B C C 典型例题解析 例4 Howmuchisthatjacket 改为同义句 临沂市 2003 Howmuch thatjacket 例6 据说比尔 盖茨是世界上最富有的人 BillGatesistherichestmanintheworld 南京市 2003 例4 You dbettertophoneJennyandsaysorrytoherABCD 改错 南京市 2003 例7 Sheseemstobeworriednow 改为同义句 thatshe worriednow 南京市 2002 Itseemsis Itissaid doescost B phone 词汇 A 根据所给首字母或中文提示及句意完成句子 1 HainanIslandisthes largestislandofChina 2 Chengduistheplacetobe w it ssummerorwinter 3 Itisknownthattheearthisc withwater 4 What sh 发生 They vehadanaccident 5 Ourschoollifeis 多彩的 课时训练 econd hether overed appened colourful B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Weareall interesting inEnglish 2 Hefelloffthebike buthedidn thurt bad 3 Cousteauwantedtobean explore 4 Weshouldtakepartin protect ourenvironment 5 You dbetter book aticketfirst 课时训练 interested badly explorer protecting book C 句型转换 1 What shappenedtohim 改为同义句 him 2 CanyoutellmehowIcanusethiselectricnotebook 改为同义句 Canyoutellme usethiselectricnotebook 3 Idon thavetimerightnow Idon thavetim 4 WhattimedoestheplaneleaveBeijing Doyouknow 合并为一句 Doyouknow theplane Beijing 5 You dbetterlieinbed 改为否定句 You dbetter inbed 课时训练 What swrongwith howto atthemoment whattimeleaves notlie 1 TheYangtzeRiveris riveintheworld A thethirdlongB thethreelongers C athirdlongestD thethirdlongest 2 Guilingisabeautifulcity Youcangothereinthefuture A sometimeB sometime C sometimesD sometimes 3 I vebeenthebeachfordiving So A doIB Ihave C IdoD haveI 4 TheTVshowletmanypeoplesee underthesea A whatwaslifelike B howwaslifelike C whatdidlifelike D whatlifewaslike 5 MissGaoaskedus thesportsmeeting A joinB takepartin C tojoinD totakepartin 课时训练 D A D D D 6 Don tallowthem intothegarden A togoB go C goingD went 7 Howlonghasthefilm Forabouttenminutes A begunB started C goneonD beenon 8 IhavelearnedEnglish threeyears A aslongerasB asmanyas C aslongasD solongas 9 Let shelpeachother YoucanteachmeEnglishandIcanteachyouChinese OK A That sright B Itdoesn tmatter C That sagreatidea D That sanidea 10 Idon tknowwhenthemeeting I llletyouknowwhenit A starts willstart B willstartstarts C tostart willstart D starts starts 课时训练 A D C C B 11 Iwanttoknow shecancomeornot A ifB whether C weatherD when 12 Theteacherisgivingusalesson You dbettertoher A listenB tolisten C tohearD hear 13 Hewasamazed thebeautifulfish A atB about C withD for 14 Pleasetellmewhichgatewehaveto A gotoB go C throughD goingto 15 Ithink difficulttogetatickettheshow A that ofB it for C itofD thatfor 课时训练 B A A A B 例1 Canyoushowme ane mail 福州市 2003 A sendB howtosend C whattosendD tosend 典型例题解析 例3 Doyouknow At8 00a m 大连市 2003 A whototalkwith B whentohaveameeting C whattodonext D wheretogoswimming 例2 Didyouseethefootballmatchlastnight Yes Ihaveneverseen excitingmatchbefore 福州市 2003 A suchaB soa C suchanD soan B C B 典型例题解析 例4 Theyoungmanbrokehisarmistheaccidentandhadto himjob 河南省 2003 A sendupB putup C giveupD getup 例6 当李先生听到这个好消息时 兴奋得说不出话来 MrLiwas excited sayanythingwhenheheardthispieceofgoodnews 北京市2003 例5 Hewalked fastforuscatchupwith 天津市 2003 A so thatB such that C enough toD too to 例7 Pass theknifeplease Mypencilisbroken 北京市 2003 A IB me C myD mine C D B tooto 词汇 A 根据所给中文或首字母提示完成句子 1 Whichofthecarswouldyoumostliketoo 2 ThomasEdisonwasagreatAmericani 3 Heworksa awaiterintherestaurant 4 Theydothisjustforf 娱乐 5 W themoneytheybuiltapubliclibrary 课时训练 wn nventor s un ith B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Hebecame interesting inmaths2 Theydidn tworkso careful astheycould 3 Askthemspeak quiet myfatherissleeping 4 Theyspenttheday play witheachother 5 The thank mothercouldn thelpcrying 课时训练 interested carefully quietly playing thankful C 句型转换 1 Idon tknowhowtodecoratetheChristmastree 改为同义句 Idon tknowhow decoratetheChristmastree 2 Shewassoexcitedthatshecouldn tsayaword 改为同义句 Shewas sayaword 3 Theboxisfullofbooks 改为同义句 Theboxis books 4 Sheisourteacherandsheisalsoourfriend 改为同义句 Sheisourteacher Sheisourfriend 5 Whenhewasfive hewenttoLondon 改为同义句 five hewenttoLondon 课时训练 Icould Attheageof tooexcitedto filledwith aswell 1 MissYangisagoodteacher She ofherstudents A isalwaysthinkingB isoftenthinkingC alwaysthinkD thinksalways 2 Whyareyouso inthisbook Idon tthinkitisvery A interested interested B interesting interestingC interesting interested D interested interesting 3 Youmaylistentotheradio butplease Mysisterisstudying A turnitonB turnitupC turnitdownD turnitoff 4 Willyou seehimnextMonday A beabletoB ableto C canD canbeableto 5 Theyarereadingthebook RedStarOverChina A calledB tocall C tonamedD name 课时训练 A D C A A 6 Hehasbeenhere A fortwoo clock B twohoursagoC sincetwoo clock D sincetwohours 7 Whathesaid atlast A cametrueB cameup C realisedD cameon 8 Mydaughteris alittlegirl Shecanlookafterherself A notanymore B notanylongerC nomore D nolonger 9 Thereare peopleintheroomthathecan tsitdown A suchmanyB somanyC suchmuchD somuch 10 IthinkEnglishis sciencesubject A moreusefulas B asusefulasC sousefulas D asmoreusefulas 课时训练 C A D B B


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