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Unit5FeelingHappy Topic3Manythingscanaffectourfeelings SectionB 福建省漳州市南靖县实验中学周宽宏 Howtoreassureyourfriend Don tworry 别担心 Don tbeafraid 别害怕 Bebrave 勇敢点 Calmdown 镇静 Takeiteasy 别紧张 Wecanhelpyou 我们会帮你 You llgetwellsoon 你很快就会好的 Workalone Listentotheconversationbetweenadentistandherpatient Numbertheexpressionsyouhear Takeiteasy Don tbeafraid It llbeallright Relax Don tworry I mafraidof I mworriedabout Calmdown 7 2 5 8 4 3 1 6 听力材料 Man I mworriedaboutmytooth Ithurtsbadly Dentist Don tbeafraid Openyourmouth please Man Er no No Sorry er Idon tlikethat I mafraidof Dentist Don tworry It llbeallright Ihavetofillthatbadtooth Man No pleasedon t Dentist Calmdown Now let sgoonthen Man Stop I msorry butIreallycan t I msoafraid I dbettergo Dentist Takeiteasy Relax Itonlytakesafewminutes Fiveminutesatmost We llfinishit Now closeyoureyes HowisMichaelfeelingnow 2 HowcanKangkang JaneandMariagiveMichaelasurprise Listenandanswer Heisfeelingmuchbetter TheycanputonashortplaytogiveMichaelasurprise 1 Illnessusuallymakesussad worriedandfrightened 疾病通常会使我们难过 焦虑和恐惧 2 Thatwillmakehimorhergetwellsoon 那会使他或她很快康复 3 Solet sgiveMichaelasurprise 那么就让我们给迈克尔一个惊喜吧 4 Let sprepareforit 咱们去准备吧 Listen followandunderline make 宾语 n 意为 使 让某人 某物成为 eg Wemadehimourmonitor 我们选他为我们的班长 make 宾语 adj 意为 使某人 某物变得 eg Theexcitingnewsmadeusexcited make 宾语 dosth 不带to的不定式 意为 使某人做某事 注 否定形式make 宾语 notdosth eg Imakefacesandmakemyclassmateslaugh 我做鬼脸使我的同学们都笑了 1 Theymadehim headmasterafterJaneleft A aB theC 2 Balanceddietmakesus A healthB healthyC healthily 3 Heoftenmakesus A tolaughB laughingC laugh C B C 1 let 宾语 dosth 不带to的不定式 意为 让某人做某事 eg Lethimgo 让他去 注 否定形式not let 宾语 dosth 2 let 宾语 adv 副词 eg Lethimout 让他出去 3 let 宾语 prep 介词 eg Wholetyouintothebuilding 谁让你进到楼里的 1 Herfatherdoesn tlethim computergames A toplayB playC playing 2 Motherletme tocamp A goB togoC nottogo B A Workalone Lookatthepicturesandmakesentencesaftertheexamples Part3 Example Thebossmakestheworkersworkfor14hoursaday ThedoctorletsMichaelrestforafewdays 1 Thefunnymanmakesthegirllaugh 2 Theteachersmakehimheadmaster 3 Themotherdoesn tletthechildwatchTV 4 Themanmakesthehorserunfaster 5 Thespeechmakesthemexcited Thegoodnewsmakeshimexcited 6 Thegirlletstheteacherknowabouthersadness Readandfillintheblanks Weusuallyfeel and Whenweareill Manythingscan ourfeelings Forexample ifwecan tgetalong withourclassmates wemayfeel and Ifwearealwaysinabad itwillbebadforourhealth Whensomeoneisill heorsheshouldtryto atlife Thatwill himorher wellsoon Wemaybecome ifweareinagoodmood sad worried frightened affect well upset unhappy mood smile make get healthier Importantsentences 1 Illnessusuallymakesussad worriedandfrightened 疾病通常会使我们感到难过 焦虑和恐惧 2 Forexample ifwecan tgetalongwellwithourschoolmates wemayfeelupsetandunhappy 例如 如果我们不能和同学相处好 我们可能感到烦恼和不高兴 3 Ifwearealwaysinabadmood itwillbebadforourhealth 如果我们的心情总是如此糟糕 这样的状态会有害于我们的健康 4 Ifweareusuallyinagoodmood wemaybecomehealthier 如果我们通常有一个好心情 我们就可能变得更健康 5 Whensomeoneisill heorsheshouldtrytosmileatlife 当某人生病时 他或她应尽量笑对人生 6 Wecanputonashortplay justasweoftendoattheEnglishcorner 我们可以演一部短剧 就像我们经常在英语角里做的那样 Project Whatdoyouthinkcanaffectyourfeelings Discussingroupsandwriteapassageafterclass FinishPart4 Summary 1 Learnsomenewwordsandphrases getalongwith puton boss passport2 Reviewdescribingpersonalfeelings Heisfeelingbetter Illnessusuallymakesussad worriedandfrightened 3 Goonlearningtheusagesof make object adj v n and let object v Weshoulddosomethingtomakehimhappyagain Thatwillmakehimorhergetwellsoon ThedoctorletMichaelrestforafewdays Yourclassmatesmakeyoumonitor 4 Goonlearningtoexpressemotions Homework 1 背诵课文P19 1a2 完成同步练习册P12 SectionB3 预习SectionC Good bye


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