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据根首字母提示填空 1 It sbettertogivethantor 2 MillyandTomoftengoc insummer 3 Didyouhaveap vacationinsuchbeautifulcountrysidelastSunday 4 Givehimthep withmybestwishes 5 Readthed again andthenactitoutwithyourpartner eceive ycling ostcard leasant i ialog 二 单项选择 Wouldyouliketogoonaspringtripwithme A Yes ofcourse B IbetC Icouldn tD Thanksalot 2 XuXiakewasan andhetravledeverywhereintheolddays A exploreB explorerC exploringD invento 3 Itwasgettingtorain Iarrivedatthestation A asB whileC whenD assoonas 4 Wehadfun intheforestlastweekend A campingB campedC campD tocamp 5 Didyou apresentfromyourfriendsonyourbirthday A giveB sendC receivesD receive三 根据所给句子 写出相应的答语 1 WhynotrideourbicyclestoexploreYong an 2 Couldyougocampingwithme 3 Shouldtheytakehimtothecinema 4 Shallwetakehimthere SectionB重要短语和词汇 1 tellsb aboutsth 告诉某人关于某事 2 atthefootof在山脚下 在下端 在底部3 inthenorthwestof 在 西北部 3 spread散布 传播4 mark标志 表明 记号5 thebeginningof 的开端 6 onbothsidesof 在 两边7 survey动词 调查 测量 仔细全面审查 8 makesure弄清楚 查明 9 makesure 宾语从句10 bytheway顺便问一下 11 twoandahalfhours两个半小时另一种表达是 twohoursandahalf I 单项选择1 Fujianis thesouthofChina andTaiwanis thesouthofFujian A in toB to inC to toD in on2 Therearemanytreeson sideoftheroad A EveryB eachC bothD all3 isitfromourschooltoLupuBridge Abouthalfanhours busride A HowlongB HowoftenC HowfarD Howmuch4 Ittookher tocookthedeliciousfood A ThreeandahalfhourB threeandahalfhoursC ahalfandthreehourD threehourandahalf 1 填写介词和方位词 Beijingis then ofChina Henanis thes ofBeijing Japanis thee ofChina Shandongis thes ofHenan 2 翻译句子 We llletyouknowassoonashecomesback Whenhegottothestation hisfriendswerewaitingforhimthere Youcangostraightuntilyoureachtheend Afterhehadsupper hewentoutforawalk HewasdoinghishomeworkwhileIwaslisteningtotheMP3 Hetalkedasheate 1 翻译句子 1 Fredtalkshappily Theteachercomesin 当Fred谈得起劲时 老师进来了 当老师进来时 Fred谈得正起劲 2 HereadsEnglish Mumcooksmeal 当他正在读英语时 妈妈正在做菜 当妈妈正在做菜时 他在读英语 2 根据课文内容填空1 Michael 到达 theMingTombs 2 Heraisedhishead someonecalledhim 3 Hewas frightened hecouldn tknowwhattodo 4 Theparkinglot withtourbuses cars taxisandbicycles 总结时间状语从句和习惯用语 比一比 看谁最聪明 单项选择 1 Whendidyourfathercomebacklastweek Hedidn tcomeback hefinishedallthework A untilB whileC ifD when 2 Yourpictureiswonderful Iworkedfor8hours Ifinishedit A WhenB beforeC whileD after 3 IdecidetobuyabookaboutChinesehistoryforourforeignteacher heisinterestedinChineseculture A whenB becauseC untilD assoonas 4 I msorrythatJohnisout Pleaseaskhimtomeassoonashe A returnedB returnsC willreturn AtweekendKangkang sfamilyusually camping A goB goesC goingD togo 6 Therearemanytreeson sideoftheroad A eachB bothC allD every 7 Hello I dliketospeaktoJake A Yes I mJakeB ThisisJakespeaking C Howareyou D I mhere 8 Bingbingislookingforwardto thesummerholiday A haveB havingC tohaveD has 9 Kangkangwas excited sayaword A too toB so thatC such hatD that 10 perfectholidaytheGreenshadinChina A WhatB HowC WhataD Howa


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