
上传人:xiao****1972 文档编号:4873966 上传时间:2020-01-14 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:13.50KB
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妇女节飞机广播词女士们,先生们:欢迎您乘坐中国南方航空航班。今天我们的旅程充满了美丽的气息,因为今天是女性朋友们的节日。女人如花,独步天下,亦可踏尽繁华,也可品尝酸甜苦辣,就像此刻正在航行的飞机一样,在每个属于自己人生的轨道上飞翔。飞翔在天空之上的女人,万家灯火阑珊深处,可以点亮她的鲜艳;峥嵘岁月打拼事业里,也可以展现她的美丽笑脸。女人一生中可以选择很多角色,不管您是女儿、妈妈、还是妻子;不管您是职场中的魅力女性,还是家庭中的贤妻良母,都有您独有的美,都是盛开在世界上独一无二的花,您是社会中最亮丽的一片风景。感谢如此美妙的缘分,让我们在这个特别的节日与特别的您这样一次美丽的邂逅!今天我代表南航北京客舱部全体乘务组祝福此次航班上所有女性朋友们,纵使时光掠过,美丽依旧相随。感谢您在生活和工作中的努力与付出,祝您永远健康、快乐、幸福,愿美丽永远与您同行!谢谢!Ladies and gentlemen,Wele aboard China Southern Airlines Flight.We will have a special nice trip today, because today is a holiday for all female friends. Women are beautiful like flowers, independent, and can taste happiness and sufferings of the earthly world. Just like this flight, women are flying in each of their own life tracks.The women over the sky, their brightness would be lighted while the lights dim; during the most unmon years and months of their lives for career, they can also show their beautiful smiles. In a womans life, she can play many roles. Whether you are a daughter, or a mother, or wife; whether you are a charming office lady in the workplace, or a good wife at home, woman can create a little world for herself. Each woman has her unique beauty; they are all the unique blooming flowers in the world. You present the most charming scenery in the society.Thank you for such a wonderful fate, which makes us have a beautiful encounter with all special you in this special festival. Today, on behalf of China Southern Airlines cabin crew, please let me show our best wishes to all female friends onboard. Even though the time passed, your beauty will still remain. I hope all of you can receive our sincere blessing, thank you for your efforts and endeavor for your life and work. We wish you have life-long health, happiness, and pleasure. Wish beauty will be with you forever. Thank you very much!第 2 页 共 2 页


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