2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Helping people around the world一、阅读理解。The American travel website pany TripAdvisor publishes a list of the worlds best beaches every year.Today,we are going to explore some of this years top 10 beaches in the world.1Baia do Sancho,BrazilIt is named as this years best beach in the world.Its water is calm and clear.Its sand is fine and soft.But getting to Baia do Sancho is not so easy.It is on Fernando de Noronha,a volcanic island more than 300 kilometers off Brazils coast.Travelers must take a plane or boat from major cities in northern Brazil to get there.And no more than 420 visitors can be on the island at one time.2Grace Bay,Turks and CaicosWhile Baia do Sancho is difficult to get to,TripAdvisors secondranked beach could not be much easier for tourists to reach.This beach has impossibly clean and clear waters and pure white sand.Its calm waters make it extremely safe for swimming,snorkeling,or simply floating.Once on land,many visitors enjoy walkingbarefootfor several kilometers on the soft,warm sand.3Eagle Beach,ArubaTo get to the thirdbest beach,we head south to the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba.Like Grace Bay,Eagle Beach has clear,calm waters and soft white sand.It offers visitors a chance to try different water sports,including tubing and jet skiing.Eagle Beach may be best known,however,for its dramatic sunsets.On clear nights,the sky turns red,orange,and purple.4Playa Paraiso,CubaThe fourthbest beach is Playa Paraiso,an island off Cubas southern coast.It has a fun,laidback restaurant for those who wish to eat and drink.There is little else on the beach.And that is exactly what visitors like about it.People e here for the sugarlike sand and calm waters filled with colorful wildlife.1Which of the following is true about Baia do Sancho?AIt receives thousands of visitors each time.BIt can only be visited by plane.CIt is near the Brazils coast.DIt is hard to reach.2Where can visitors go if they want to enjoy the beauty of the sinking sun?ABaia do Sancho,Brazil.BGrace Bay,Turks and Caicos.CEagle Beach,Aruba.DPlaya Paraiso,Cuba.3What can visitors mainly do on Playa Paraiso,Cuba?AGo boating.BHave a relaxing dinner.CAdmire colorful sand.DTry different water sports.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。美国一家旅游网站介绍了四个年度世界排名前四的海滩。【难句分析】People e here for the sugarlike sand and calm waters filled with colorful wildlife.分析:这是一个复杂的简单句。过去分词短语filled with colorful wildlife作waters的后置定语。译文:人们为了像砂糖一样的沙子和充满丰富多彩的野生动植物的平静的水域而来到这里。1D考查细节理解。根据题干关键词“Baia do Sancho”及第二段中的“But getting to Baia do Sancho is not so easy. Travelers must take a plane or boat from major cities in northern Brazil to get there”可知,Baia do Sancho比较难到达,所以选D。2C考查细节理解。根据第六段中的“Eagle Beach may be best known,however, for its dramatic sunsets”可知,Eagle Beach有令人印象深刻的日落,与题干的“enjoy the beauty of the sinking sun”所表达的意思相一致,所以选C。3B考查细节理解。根据第七段句子“It has a fun,laidback restaurant for those who wish to eat and drink”可知,在Playa Paraiso能够享用令人放松的晚餐,所以选B。二、单项选择。1.It is urgent that immediate measures _ should be taken to stop the situation.A. are taken B. would be taken C. be taken D. should take【答案】C【解析】It is urgent that.(should) do.; “措施被采取”用被动语态。句意:很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展.2.If we do not receive payment by the end of this month, we will have no alternative but to take legal action.A. do nothing but to take B. have no alternative but takeC. have no choice but to take D. have nothing to do but to take【答案】B【解析】have no alternative but to do=have no choice but to do sth.“ 除外别无选择” ,符合题意。句意:如果在本月底我们仍未收到货款,我们别无选择,只能采取法律行动。3._ the instant message servicerWeChat, we can keep in touch with our friends for everyday munication.A. In need of B. By means of C. In place of D. On behalf of【答案】B【解析】by means of “借助于”,符合句意。in need of 需要;in place of 代替,取代;on behalf of 代表。句意:借助于即时消息服务商微信,我们可以和朋友们保持联系,进行日常交流。4.China has made a _ to do all she can to help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.A. devotion B. mitment C. allowance D. bination【答案】B【解析】make a mitment 作出承诺;devotion 忠心,献身;allowance 津贴,补助;bination 联合。句意:中国作出承诺竭尽全力帮助亚洲受海啸袭击的地区。5.The _ hills around remind the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.A. blank B. bare C. vacant D. empty【答案】B【解析】blank 空白的;bare 赤裸的,光秃的;vacant 空着的,未被占用的;empty 空的;没人居住的。句意:周围光秃的山提醒村民们保护环境的重要性。6.Sam began to do his homework without numerous _ or a major search through his crowded backpack.A. occasions B. reminders C. rules D. suggestions【答案】B【解析】occasion 时机,机会;reminder 暗示,提醒;rule 规则;suggestion 建议。句意:不需要多提醒,也不用在塞满东西的背包找半天作业本,萨姆就开始做起了作业。7.For a temporary or long storage of the product, please make _ to the storage section indications.A. difference B. conclusion C. reference D. decision【答案】B【解析】make (a) reference to 参阅,谈到。句意:对于产品的临时储存和长期储存,请参阅储存说明。8.To improve spoken English, Lucy _ at least one hour each day to recite English texts.A. sets off B. sets aside C. sets down D. sets out【答案】B【解析】sets off 送行;sets aside 留出;sets down 写下;sets out 开始。句意:为了提高英语口语,露西每天留出一小时的时间来背诵英语课文。9.With the night falling, the crowd gathering around the accident scene began to _.A. break up B. break down C. break out D. break away【答案】A【解析】句意:随着夜幕降临,聚集在事故现场的人群开始散去。break up 散(会),解散,(人群)散开,破碎;break down 出毛病,失灵,分解,感情失控;break out 爆发;break away 逃脱。10._ tell me your answer now. Give it some thought and then let me know.A. There used to B. That need not to C. There happened to D. There is no need to【答案】A【解析】There is no need to do 没有必要做某事。句意:现在没必要就给我答复。思考一下,然后告诉我。11.Today acupuncture, the art of “magic needles”, has bee popular round the world, _ have othertraditional Chinese medicines.A. so B. as C. that D. which【答案】B【解析】as 表示像一样,引导定语从句。as 在从句中作主语,指代前面所说的内容。句意:今天针灸已经在世界上受到广泛的欢迎,像其它中国传统医学一样。12.Susan made _ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.A. that B. this C. it D. her【答案】C【解析】本句中的 it 是一个形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的宾语从句 that she wished to make a new life for herself.句意:苏珊向我说清楚了她希望有自己的新生活。英语中能够作为形式宾语的只有 it。故C 正确。13.She would be much healthier now _ with that much pressure from work when young.A. had she not burdened herself B. were she not burdenedC. should she not burden herself D. were she not to be burdened【答案】A【解析】根据 when young 可知,从句是对过去事实的假设,由 now 可知主句是对现在事实的假设,而在if 引导的虚拟条件句中,如果从句中含有 had、were 或者 should,可以将 if 省略,然后将 had、were 或者 should 提前,构成虚拟语气句的倒装。句意:如果不是她年轻时工作压力过大,她现在就会更加健康了。14.If you had listened to me, we _ at the party. Move over. Ill drive.A. are B. were C. would be D. would have been【答案】C【解析】句意:要是当初你听我的,那么我们现在就在聚会现场了。你挪过去,我来开车。if 从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,而本空表示与现在的实际情况相反的假设,说话人此时还在路上,因此用与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。15.Thank God! The accident was avoided after all.That was lucky, but ten inches nearer the two cars _?A. was destroyed B. would be destroyedC. would have been destroyed D. had been destroyed【答案】C【解析】根据 The accident was avoided after all.可知两辆车被毁了是不真实的,这里的 ten inches nearer 是遗憾的虚拟条件, 相当于: If they had been ten inches nearer, 因为是对过去的事情的虚拟, 用 would have done。句意:“谢天谢地,事故毕竟被避免了。”“那是很幸运的,但是再近 10 英寸,两辆车就被毁了。”16.I didnt see you at the concert last week. What a pity!If only I _ the time.A. afford B. afforded C. had afforded D. would afford【答案】C【解析】句意:“很遗憾!上周的音乐会上没有看到你。”“如果我抽得出时间就好了。”从第一句话看出答话者没有去听音乐会,根据答语可知,此处是对过去情况的虚拟,因此选 C。17.I could have finished my self-reflection last weekend, but the math classes and exercises _ all my spare time.A. take up B. had taken up C. took up D. had been taking up【答案】C【解析】句意:我本可以在上周末就完成反思整理工作的,但数学课和练习占据了我所有的业余时间。从句为含蓄条件句,but 构成并列句,以真实的情况表示隐含的虚拟条件。18.Without the leadership of our Party and our Government, we _ these splendid results.A. havent achieved B. wouldnt have achievedC. shouldnt achieve D. would not achieve【答案】B【解析】本题是一个使用 without 的含蓄虚拟语气句,根据句意可知是对过去情况的虚拟,所以主句用would have done 结构。句意:如果没有我们党和政府的领导,我们就不会取得这些辉煌的成就。19.What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees _ well, but I didnt water them.A. might grow B. must have grown C. would have grown D. would grow【答案】C【解析】根据 but 后的分句可知空格处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,补全原句为:If I had watered them, the trees would have grown well, but I didnt water them.句意: “我们上周种的小树怎么了?” “ (如果我浇水的话)那些树会长得很好,但是我没浇水。 ”20.The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.A. did, set B. had done, should be setC. do, be set D. had done, must be set【答案】B【解析】insist 后面跟从句,如果从句中的动作已经发生或状态已经存在,谓语动词就不能用虚拟语气,如果从句中的动作没有发生,谓语动词就用虚拟语气。句意:那个年轻人坚持说她没有做错什么事,并坚持认为他应该获得释放。21.Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, _ themselves.A. expanding B. stretching C. prolonging D. extending【答案】B【解析】expand 扩张,使膨胀,详述;stretch 伸展,张开;stretch oneself 伸懒腰,伸展身体, prolong拖延,延长;extend 延伸,扩大,伸出。句意:做完了上午的工作,职员们站在桌子后面伸懒腰。22.Chinese laws say employees may not work more than 8 hours a day but permit work hours to be _ in some cases, where employers must be sure the workers do not bee tired.A. expanded B. enlarged C. extended D. exploited【答案】C【解析】expand 扩张;enlarge 扩大,放大;extend 延长,伸展;exploit 开拓,剥削,开采。句意:中国法律规定员工每天工作时间可以不超过 8 小时,但是法律允许在某些情况下延长工作时间,在此类情况下雇主必须确保工人不会感到劳累。三、完形填空。Kobe Bryant, a super basketball star, announced that he would retire at the end of the 201516 season via a letter poem. In the letter, he _1_ the moment he started rolling his dads tube socks and shooting _2_ game-winning shots, indicating his deep love for basketball.“This season is all I have left to give,” the 37-year-old wrote, “My heart can take the pounding. My mind can _3_ the grind(苦差)but my _4_ knows its time to say goodbye.”As the only son of Joe Bryant, a former NBA player, Bryant was crazy about basketball and started _5_ in at 6, and his favorite team growing up was the Lakers. Bryant earned national _6_ during an amazing high school career and his basketball skills would have ensured _7_ to any college he chose, but he decided to go directly into the NBA. He finally made it and was _8_ out of high school in 1996 and was then traded to the Lakers, for which he has played his entire career._9_, Bryant played limited minutes, but as the season continued, he began to see some more playing time and in his second season, he began to show more of his abilities as a talented young guard. The 199899 season _10_ Bryants appearance as a premier guard in the league. _11_, even at an early stage of his career, sportswriters were paring his skills to those of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.There are always different interpretations of Bryant, making him the most _12_ figure in modern sports, a bination of hero and villain(反面人物). He received criticism for getting his _13_ in the games, pletely neglecting his teammates; he was suspended _14_ deliberately breaking rules; he was even charged by the court with sex assault. _15_, with 17 NBA All-Star selections, five NBA championships with the Lakers, two Olympic gold medals, Kobe has brought his fans _16_ memories. His best days are long _17_ him indeed, but the way he approaches the game as well as life is always glamorous.Weve always known, and _18_ are mentally prepared, that one day Kobe Bryant will not be _19_. Yet his retirement note still caught us off guard. It simply _20_ when farewell words are uttered(说出)from one of the all-time greats in basketball.语篇解读:文章主要讲述科比退役一事,并由此介绍了科比的详细情况。1.A. remembered B. recalled C. recorded D. retold【答案】B 【解析】recall意为“回忆”,符合语境,即指他回忆当年的情况。2.A. imaginary B. original C. practical D. contemporary【答案】A 【解析】imaginary想象的;original原始的,原有的;practical实际的;contemporary现代的,当代的,同一时代的。根据该空前面的“rolling his Dads tube socks and shooting”可知,他当年是用他爸爸的圆筒短袜当球打的,所以只能算是想象中的比赛。3.A. treat B. operate C. pete D. handle【答案】D【解析】handle意为“处理;应付”,符合语境,即“我”的思想上可以受得了这种苦差。4.A. coach B. soul C. body D. teammates【答案】C【解析】body与前面的mind相对应,即思想上承受得了这个苦差,但是身体上承受不了,要退役了。5.A. involving B. diving C. participating D. throwing【答案】B【解析】dive in为固定搭配,意为“开始(从事)”,符合语境,即他从6岁开始打球。6.A. confirmation B. recognition C. realization D. remendation【答案】B7.A. permission B. occupation C. admission D. submission【答案】C【解析】admission在这里意为“录取”,即凭借他篮球方面的技能,他可以被任何一所他所选择的大学录取。8.A. drafted B. removed C. substituted D. employed【答案】A【解析】draft本义为“征募”,在这里表示“被选中”,符合语境,即他被NBA选中。9.A. Previously B. Frequently C. Basically D. Initially【答案】D【解析】initially意为“开始;最初”。起初,Bryant锻炼有限的时间,后来慢慢增加练习时间。previously 先前地;frequently 频繁地,经常地;basically基本地。10.A. represented B. symbolized C. marked D. reflected【答案】C【解析】mark.as.为固定搭配,意为“把标志为”,符合语境,即19981999年是Bryant事业突飞猛进的时期。11.A. In addition B. In fact C. Therefore D. Then【答案】B【解析】根据上下文内容可知,用in fact承接。事实上,早在他的事业刚起步时,有关报道者便将他的技巧与乔丹等相提并论了。12.A. outstanding B. ridiculous C. controversial D. honourable【答案】C 【解析】outstanding杰出的;ridiculous可笑的;controversial有争议的;authentic真实的。根据后半句中的“a bination of hero and villain”可知,他是一个有争议的人物,因此选C。13.A. way B. scores C. manner D. benefit【答案】A【解析】get ones way为固定短语,意为“随心所欲”,符合语境,即批评他打球没有团队合作精神,随心所欲、单打独斗。14.A. in response to B. in terms of C. on account of D. in the absence of【答案】C【解析】on account of意为“因为”,符合语境,即他因为故意违规而被停赛。15.A. Instead B. MeanwhileC. Otherwise D. However【答案】D16.A. boring B. disappointing C. shocking D. thrilling【答案】D【解析】boring枯燥无味的;disappointing令人失望的;shocking令人震惊的;thrilling刺激的,令人激动的。根据上下文可知,D项正确,即科比总给他的粉丝激动的感觉。17.A. above B. before C. behind D. beyond【答案】C【解析】他的辉煌已成过去。18.A. more or less B. sooner or later C. now and then D. by and by【答案】A 【解析】more or less意为“或多或少地”,符合语境。我们或多或少地在思想上做好了准备。sooner or later 迟早;now and then不时地;by and by不久以后。19.A. around B. here C. there D. about【答案】A20.A. works B. hurts C. suffers D. separates【答案】B【解析】当科比说再见时,大家会感到心痛。根据句意可知,B项正确。四、七选五。Choosing the Right Path to Be a “Better” PersonLife is a constant exercise in selfimprovement.In the rush to achieve, the idea of being “better” can bee lost sometimes.You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. 1. Explore your talents.Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests.So its often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you.2 For example, people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club, but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be.Determining who you enjoy being around may help you know what youll enjoy.3 No matter how much money you make, you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate.Its important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.If youre particularly unhappy at your job, consider why.4. If you feel your job isnt meaningful, or isnt in line with your values, consider finding another job.Experience something new.Research has shown that when were in our fort zone, we arent as productive as we are when we step just beyond it.5. Because of that, we may react slowly to our own positive experiences.Its important to have new experiences and interactions with others, even when those are a little scary.Doing so can help you achieve more.ADo what you love.BHere are some tips for you.CRegister in a class youre interested in.DHuman adapt very quickly to positive events.EIts possible that some changes may change your feeling.FSimilar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.GTry not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.【解题导语】人生就是不断自我提升的过程,有时我们急于取得成功,却迷失了自我。本文就如何提升自己给出了一些建议。1B解析:上文提到你可能想知道如何用更简单的方式提升自己,下文则给出了一些建议。由此可知,设空处承上启下。B项符合语境。2F解析:本段最后一句提到,判断你喜欢跟谁在一起有助于你了解自己喜欢什么。由此可知,F项符合语境。故选F项。3A解析:本题考查标题句。根据该标题下的“Its important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.”可知,花时间做自己喜欢的事很重要。由此可知,A项(做你喜欢的事)符合语境。4E解析:上文提出如果特别不喜欢现在的工作,考虑一下原因,下文则提出考虑换一份工作。由此可知,E项(有时候作出一些改变也可以改变你的心情)符合语境。5D解析:本段的主题是体验新事物。空格后说,正因为如此,我们可能对自己的积极的经历反应迟钝。D项(人类对积极的事件适应很快)正好解释了下文的现象。故选D项。


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